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Finding out name of new niece on FB

55 replies

Flissity83 · 04/06/2014 22:16

SIL had a baby girl on Friday. They couldn't decide on a name for a few days. We haven't kept asking for a name as we remember only too well how manic it is with a newborn so didn't want to harass them but I have tonight learnt on FB what the name is. AIBU for being a bit miffed about this?

OP posts:
lljkk · 06/06/2014 11:08


YoureBeingASillyBilly · 06/06/2014 11:16


Their baby's birth/name isnt actually about you.

YoureBeingASillyBilly · 06/06/2014 11:19

I'm just imagining all these new parents having to think of all the different ways they need to let all the different people in their lives know all the different pieces of information in all the different ways all the different people deem appropriate and not insulting before being able to share their news the way they want to. Hmm

Ioethe · 06/06/2014 13:43

I'm sure they have more to worry about right now than whether they have delivered the news to you in the correct way. Get over yourself.

scrivette · 06/06/2014 17:30

I would be a bit annoyed too, mind you, I found out that I was having a niece/nephew via Facebook and the sex of the baby after the scan via Facebook.

However, it's probably just because they are so busy and excited, so try not to let it bother you too much.

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