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What is the absolute ultimate thing you get judgy about?

999 replies

AtYourCervix · 14/04/2014 17:54

Toddlers eating greggs?
Fat people eating macdonalds?
P&C parking?
Fat people eating?
Disabled loos?
Fat people?

My own personal judgement is reserved for those people who hold their knife like a pen.

OP posts:
CorusKate · 14/04/2014 18:47

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Yangsun · 14/04/2014 18:48

I'm always convinced I'm being judged whenever I go to the supermarket (about once a month!) we go to the butcher for meat, have a veg box and live near a farm where we get eggs and milk so our trolley contains alcohol, yogurt, frozen chips and other products designed to make every passing nose turn up in disdain. I was once actually asked by someone on the checkout whether I knew I should be giving my child fruit and veg, I told her I didn't believe in it for the under 5s as I didn't fancy discussing my food choices in a stranger!

FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:48

noooo! That would give me poppadom fury.

AnnieIncognito · 14/04/2014 18:48

McFox - how fat is really fat? I am trying to determine whether or not I am causing people's panties to bunch.

mymatemax · 14/04/2014 18:49

people that cant afford to feed or clothe their kids, pay the rent etc etc
but still have a house full of dogs, cats, booze, fags & expensive electrical equipment.... Priorities people!

Madeyemoodysmum · 14/04/2014 18:49

Chewing loudly especially gum

Alisvolatpropiis · 14/04/2014 18:49

No no no! Why would you tell me about those people Corus

Lilaclily · 14/04/2014 18:49

People who drive while on talking on their phones Angry

People who park dangerously right outside school because they are too lazy to walk for 5 minutes

BalloonSlayer · 14/04/2014 18:50

People who let their children get (not just a bit) hugely overweight. The children can't buy their own food; YOU buy it, YOU cook it for them, YOU should be able to make sure they aren't eating so much they can't run about and get teased at school.

(And I stress again I am not talking about children who are "a bit chunky")

Gooseysgirl · 14/04/2014 18:51

Lorries overtaking lorries uphill on a motorway in wet weather... So bloody dangerous and they do it ALL the time on the M11

FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:52

Corus, you should teach the poppadom abusers the error of their ways. Poppadom preach!

CheesyBadger · 14/04/2014 18:52

Hmmm Hmm

I judge myself. All the time.

mymatemax · 14/04/2014 18:54

adults (well and kids really) who wear clothes with cartoon characters on them... why oh why!

50KnockingonabiT · 14/04/2014 18:54

people who decide to burn their rubbish on the first nice day we've had in ages when everyone has their washing on the line.

CorusKate · 14/04/2014 18:54

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FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:55

Grin sorry

CorusKate · 14/04/2014 18:56

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FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:57

I've been waiting years to use that one.

Caitlin17 · 14/04/2014 18:57

Whoever said adults who like Winnie the Pooh is bang out of order. The closing paragraphs of The House at Pooh Corner are amongst the most poignant in the English language.

On a serious note cruelty to animals and children. If we could eradicate that I'd get over all my petty irritations.

Sexism- particularly the low-grade, every day stuff which too many women from workers in the sex trade to ladettes to women who think it's all just a laugh collude in.(or do I mean collude with?)

TBH I'm so utterly convinced of my own innate superiority I don't get annoyed or irritated by much.It's more a sense of feeling sorry for people who aren't as wonderful, clever and stylish as me.

thebody · 14/04/2014 18:59

Sorry if this has been mentioned but surely isn't it that mumsnet weirdo perennial of cats pooing in the garden and blinding children country wide?

SirChenjin · 14/04/2014 19:01

Oh God - I can't choose just one, that's utterly impossible!

manicinsomniac · 14/04/2014 19:04

Oh dear, so so many of the above.

I wish I wasn't a judger. I don't believe it's ever our place to judge anyone else, especially if you don't know them. Yet I do it all the time. Luckily, because I know it's wrong, I only ever do it internally (or on MN Wink ) so everyone I know thinks I am completely non judgemental and non shockable! If only they knew!!

The worst thing about the following list is that I do/am some of them so I am even judging myself! Blush Plus I do far worse things!

So, here goes. I judge (more reasonable ones nearer the top of the list, totally unacceptable judging nearer the bottom):

people who drink and drive
people who smoke while pregnant
people who smoke around children
people who drive while on the phone
people who drive over the speed limit (less so on motorways)
people who tailgate
people who don't indicate
people who leave their young children home alone
people who leave their pre teenage children alone at night
people who (imo) do not supervise their children properly
people who don't take regular exercise (when they could)
people who feed their children lots of processed and/or unhealthy food
people who spread rumours and gossip about others
people who lie, steal, cheat and other general thought bad things
people who share their offensive views
people who swear at their children
people who swear in their children's hearing
people who allow their children to swear
people who don't engage with their children enough
people who don't make the most of their opportunities
people who always look on the negative side of everything
people who park in spaces they aren't entitled to
people who eat takeaways
people who eat in fast food restaurants
people who talk and laugh reeeally loudly in public
people who loud parent
people who boast
people who don't dress to flatter their figure
people who are dirty or smelly (or their clothes are)
people who buy their child every new gadget going

and the absolute worst of all (and one of my biggest secrets because I know how hideous it is, especially as a) I have anorexia and am underweight and b) know how many varied and uncontrollable factors there are around weight) ... scared to even admit it ...

very fat people Blush This includes my own mother and a few good friends. They must never know this about me.

I know, I know, the issue is all mine. I project my own horror and unacceptability of fat. But there it is. I do it. But I would never show it.


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Romy75 · 14/04/2014 19:06

People who swear.

Mothers who smoke over their dcs in their pram/pushchair

Obese people with no medical reasons for being big

People who eat KFC/McDonald's/Harvester etc on a regular basis. Even more so if they have children.

People who are unclean.

People who wear tracksuits but are not on the way to/from the gym.

Women who wear fake uggs that lean to one side

Women with orange faces.

People who do not clear up their dog's mess

People who spit on the pavement

Parents who do not attend their child's school afternoon sessions ever

People who do not own books or read to their children

Families who go to Butlins

People who travel to Caribbean countries and who are blatant racists. Happy to listen to a bit of Bob Marley, eat curry goat and have a laugh with the workers but God forbid a person of colour entering into their home.

People who eat at their local curry house yet still call Asians Pakis.

catwithflowers · 14/04/2014 19:06

People who have houses with no books
People who frequently watch daytime tv
Those who live on ready meals and take away food
Having dogs and not caring for them properly
Poor grammar, spoken and written
Manners (lack of)
Anyone who throws litter on the street rather than putting it in a bin
People who don't clean up after their dogs (dog owner)

WorraLiberty · 14/04/2014 19:08

I judge hypocrites

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