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What is the absolute ultimate thing you get judgy about?

999 replies

AtYourCervix · 14/04/2014 17:54

Toddlers eating greggs?
Fat people eating macdonalds?
P&C parking?
Fat people eating?
Disabled loos?
Fat people?

My own personal judgement is reserved for those people who hold their knife like a pen.

OP posts:
Atbeckandcall · 14/04/2014 18:19

Pregnant people smoking.
People smoking around children.
Parents that don't wash their children's hands after they have been playing at a pig farm then help themselves to the fucking picnic I'm looking at you SIL

DogAndBeardedDragon · 14/04/2014 18:19

People that don't take there animals to Vets when they clearly need to have treatment

SauvignonBlanche · 14/04/2014 18:20

People who judge others.Wink

SystemIDUnknown · 14/04/2014 18:20

Lots that people have already posted.

Also, people that have 'kids food' at home. They do themselves a stir fry or steak or any sort of 'normal' food...then bung nuggets and chips in the oven whilst proclaiming 'but they just won't eat this'.

No fucking wonder when you're bringing them up on shite.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 14/04/2014 18:21

Drink driving has to be the worst, just no excuse for that. Or any other avoidable behaviour likely to endanger life.

FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:21

System, I absolutely hate that too! Why are kids menus so foul? if an adult wouldn't eat it, why should a child?

usualsuspectt · 14/04/2014 18:22

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poppetpuppet · 14/04/2014 18:23

Middle lane drivers!
Dog owners who don't clean up the shit!
And I am quite ashamed to say ....... Some peoples shopping trolleys can really get me going!! You know the ones, devoid of any fresh produce (or even frozen veg) but piled high with litres of fizzy drinks, booze, crisps, frozen chips and turkey twizzlers! When it's obviously not a party but just the weekly shop!!

BrokenToeOuch · 14/04/2014 18:23

People who don't vote
Food shopping with your whole family
Anyone wearing Uggs (fake or real)
Grown ups in onesies

Charlieboo30 · 14/04/2014 18:24

People who don't indicate and who get so close to my boot, they might as well get in.

Leggings as a substitute for trousers. It's really not a good look on anyone. They need to be worn UNDERNEATH something.

People who 'smoke' but really stand, holding their cigarette whilst on the phone and letting me breathe all the crap in.

usualsuspectt · 14/04/2014 18:25

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HorizontalRunningOnly · 14/04/2014 18:26

Smoking in cars with children in especially when said child is in the front passenger seat!

CheckpointCharlie · 14/04/2014 18:26

People swearing at their kids.
scary Dogs off leads in very public places eg not a park.
And YY alpaca all that SHIT really grips my goat. Angry

FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:28

An old lady not only looked in my trolley the other day, she had a rummage round and started asking me what cheese was best Grin she was weird but nice.

ImAThrillseekerHoney · 14/04/2014 18:28

Anyone who uses or advocates "homeopathic vaccines"

CorusKate · 14/04/2014 18:29

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AlpacaYourThings · 14/04/2014 18:30

Also, this bollocks.

What is the absolute ultimate thing you get judgy about?
ShabbyChic8 · 14/04/2014 18:31

Overhearing parents say 'if you do that one more time I will ...(carry out some form of sanction)' child does it one more time, parent either repeats same threat again or does nothing. I get really judgy about how they're teaching their child nothing except to keep pushing and they'll get away with it. My sister is the worst

EatDessertFirst · 14/04/2014 18:32

Incorrect grammar and spelling in texts, emails, Facebook messages etc. It wouldn't take any longer to write or type words correctly. It just makes people look sloppy.

Also, mums doing the school run that have clearly had time to do their hair/make up and then don't change out of their PJ bottoms. Our school struggles with its reputation in our town and 'trashy' looking parents don't help.

Other people smoking when pregnant really grinds my gears.

FourForksAche · 14/04/2014 18:32

coruscate, what are you supposed to do with a kit kat? Confused

FastWindow · 14/04/2014 18:33

I form a very poor opinion of anyone who spits on the ground in public. I do a face like they've just crapped on my lounge floor. And I hope they see me.

Swallow, can't you? Are you six months old??

CorusKate · 14/04/2014 18:35

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EvansOvalPiesYumYum · 14/04/2014 18:35

I would think - run your finger along the natural dual line, to split the foil, then gently nibble the individual finger.

Clearly, this would work with the chunky variety Smile

MistressDeeCee · 14/04/2014 18:36

My neighbours who work all day & their dog barks all day in the house

Grown women wearing leggings with knickers showing thru

Mums/dads walking along totally engrossed in phone convo & completely ignoring accompanying child who could teeter into road for all they care. They're obviously talking to NASA about a major mission

People who won't respect personal space ie breathing down my neck in supermarket queue

'Decibel' people who always have to be heard wherever they go. Including mums who talk loudly to their DC in public, mobile phone bellowers, the foghorn person in office/bar/shops etc. Silly attention seeking

Overweight people who talk constantly about food & still stuff their faces, then should you dare to place a mere morsel of food in your mouth, want to comment about what you're eating

Naff working class snobbery such as a work colleague this morning 'I just dont know how people can think of going into poundshops Id feel too ashamed & anyway I only buy brand names as Im all about quality Hmm. Then started listing stuff 'I only buy Kelloggs' etc & looked decidedly huffy when I just strolled away. Maybe to watch paint dry.

Probably loads more, think I have moany cow syndrome coming onGrin

tilliebob · 14/04/2014 18:36

Smoking around children. Especially smoking in cars with kids in them.

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