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to hide the Molton Brown while the builders are here and put out the cheap soap?

99 replies

TriggersBroom · 12/04/2014 00:23

Having the loft converted and thought the builders were using the upstairs bathroom. But it seems they are also using the downstairs loo (well someone is leaving the seat up!) and using my Molton Brown soap.

Will they be upset if I substitute a lesser brand? WWYD?

OP posts:
GreenPetal94 · 12/04/2014 10:37

I'd change the soap. But I wouldn't post about it on mumsnet :-)

TriggersBroom · 12/04/2014 10:46

"I'd change the soap. But I wouldn't post about it on mumsnet :-)"

It was the Wine rainbow. Blush

OP posts:
lionheart · 12/04/2014 10:50

I would change it too OP (actually I would have changed it before). Smile

aermingers · 12/04/2014 10:52

Is Molton Brown expensive soap? I live up north and you only ever see it in the discount pound shops etc.

RobinSparkles · 12/04/2014 10:59

"Is Molton Brown expensive soap? I live up north and you only ever see it in the discount pound shops etc."

It's £16 a bottle according to the website. If I were you I'd stock up at the pound shop and sell some on eBay. You might make a fortune!

lionheart · 12/04/2014 11:00

You should look at this old soap thread. It will cheer you up.

Preciousbane · 12/04/2014 11:02

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torcat · 12/04/2014 11:03

Oh OP you are funny and YANBU. I wouldn't bother to ask about it on here though. Based on my experience of builders, you would be lucky if they are actually washing their hands! I doubt whether they are using that much of it! The last time we had builders, I bought them normal milk instead of them drinking all my organic milk, and this they did use as they had a tea break an hour.....same sort of thing.

limitedperiodonly · 12/04/2014 11:13

I love L'Occitane's shea butter range. It smells wonderful and it feels lovely when you wash with it - remember, I'm the cheapskate who's happy to use Sainsbury's Basics.

My mum bought me a big dispenser of L'Occitane and it didn't dry my hands at all. If I'm out I never use liquid soap because even some of the poshest brands make my hands feel like dead leaves.

Maybe those posh restaurants do what I did when my shea butter soap ran out and decant cheap stuff into the nice bottle. Mine is a mixture of miniatures filched from hotel rooms. It does the job but I can tell the difference and I imagine even builders would spot it Wink

Toospotty · 12/04/2014 11:37
OnIlkleyMoorBahTwat · 12/04/2014 12:09

They do a hand wash in aldi that looks just like Molton brown and costs a pound a bottle. It's a shame they don't do a matching hand cream. I'm sure that MB smells 'nicer' I bet it's not sixteen times nicer.

Unless your builders are particularly refined, or MB fans, I'm sure they won't notice. But then again I once worked on a demolition site where all the big machinery operators (all stereotypical hairy arsed manual workers) went off and got manicures and hand massages. Grin

badidea · 12/04/2014 12:10

Am I the only one that has never heard of molton brown??? Is that better than Pears?

rootypig · 12/04/2014 12:11

Molton Brown is really not that nice

WalletInspector · 12/04/2014 12:14

My DH has a building company and it's mainly because of him that I can afford MB but he wouldn't know the difference or particularly care. He reads The Sun, I'm not sure how we got together to be honest. Grin

I would just replace it with something else if you don't want them using it. I doubt they would notice or mind.

limitedperiodonly · 12/04/2014 12:21

I like the smell of Cuticura medicated. My mum would buy it whenever anyone was ill so it makes me feel cosseted.

A cold, usually, but she probably would have sworn it it could cure lung cancer.

FourForksAche · 12/04/2014 12:26

oooh I love the smell of pears soap, and wrights coal tar, gorgeous.

Sazzle41 · 12/04/2014 13:05

Being builders they prob earn more than you do and buy posher soap than you! Any way i hate the smell of Molton Brown stuff it all smells like plants just dug up .. all earthy. My builders wife has incredibly expensive taste, i have seen her car/house etc!! I drink cheap tea and coffee at work but at weekends i use my machine and have posh coffee, maybe they do the same ... you sound narrow minded tbh. Its just soap!!

Peachypossum · 12/04/2014 13:15

I'm with Sazzle, they probably think your MB is rather cheap and naff, builders clearly earn more than you think. Lots of them have really good taste and appreciate the finer things in life even though they wear 'dirty' clothes to work.

Why do people assume builders are some form of lower class?

EatShitDerek · 12/04/2014 13:16

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NellysKnickers · 12/04/2014 14:02

Im married to a builder, I can honestly say they wont give a shit. Molten Brown isn't that great anyway.

OOAOML · 12/04/2014 14:16

Are they using loads of it? If they finish the bottle you could just replace it with Bayliss and Harding/Carex/Asda own brand?

I get how you feel though - my Clarins bath stuff is mine, I would be most unimpressed if DH or the children used it. There are limits to family sharing.

squoosh · 12/04/2014 14:24

Seriously doubt that Molton Brown soap is being sold in Poundland. Hide your fancy soap, I would. The builders will neither care nor notice.

You're letting them use your toilet. Bravo, that's to be commended in MN world!


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gottasmile · 12/04/2014 14:34

I just thought because they're men, they wouldn't care which handsoap they use.....

EatShitDerek · 12/04/2014 14:35

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RobinSparkles · 12/04/2014 14:51

EatShitDerek, that Strawberry laces hand soap is gorgeous. I love the cola bottles one too! Not keen on the Jaffa Cakes one - it's nice but smells a bit sickly after a while.

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