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About Mother's Day!

55 replies

ilovemydoggy · 30/03/2014 16:07

I have just seen a post on Facebook about someone moaning that they didn't get breakfast in bed and only got a card and bunch of flowers! I'm sure there's more on here and people will be upset about what I am saying. But don't these people know that they are lucky enough to be celebrating Mother's Day and the best present they was even given was their children. There is plenty of childless women out there today who wishes that they had someone to call them mummy! Rant over.

OP posts:
MicrochipsAndMemories · 30/03/2014 21:53

My wife is 34 weeks pregnant. We decided in advance that we don't want to celebrate mothers day. We don't want our son to feel like he HAS to buy us both cards, flowers, or anything just because we're his mums and Clinton's says he should. Would much rather a hug or thank you on a random unprovoked day.

We don't celebrate valentines either, for the same reason.

If you don't feel appreciated the rest if the year, either as a partner or parent, a thoughtless gift one day a year wouldn't really have meaning anyway.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 31/03/2014 11:11

I feel just the same about both Valentine's day and Mother's day Microchips - both can be so much more trouble than they're worth too for all those where as my friend puts it everything isn't "hunky-dory"

Only thing is your son may go through a stage in his middle years where they're all making Mother's day cards at nursery or school. These can be really sweet and I hope you'll both enjoy them and give him a big hug Smile

BettySwollocksandaCrustyRack · 31/03/2014 11:15

Mothers Day is bitter sweet for me really.

Nice because I have a DS and he gets really excited to give me a card and pressie but sad because my mum is no longer here and it just feels like I am getting my nose rubbed in it.

I try to avoid the internet on days like that otherwise I feel crap for the next couple of days.

MicrochipsAndMemories · 31/03/2014 14:13

oh Juggling, we will love that. We just don't want to force him to take part in it which we feel we would be if right from even before he's born we buy each other mother's day gifts from him. if you see what I mean.
Gifts he's lovingly made or bought himself at any time of year will be received gratefully but we won't make him feel like we expect ANYTHING from him. We chose to have him, where is the Children's Day?

JugglingFromHereToThere · 31/03/2014 14:35

Ah, that's good Microchips Smile

I lived in Japan for a year and they do have a children's day there. It used to be boys day and the tradition was to fly a carp (fish) kite from your rooftops if you had a boy. Now it's children's day and children aged 3,5 and 7 get dressed in their finest traditional costumes for the celebrations.
To be precise I think it's boys of five and girls of three or seven.
There's also a very traditional dolls day just for the girls.

I think I've got those details right. Any Japanese readers feel free to correct me!

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