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About Mother's Day!

55 replies

ilovemydoggy · 30/03/2014 16:07

I have just seen a post on Facebook about someone moaning that they didn't get breakfast in bed and only got a card and bunch of flowers! I'm sure there's more on here and people will be upset about what I am saying. But don't these people know that they are lucky enough to be celebrating Mother's Day and the best present they was even given was their children. There is plenty of childless women out there today who wishes that they had someone to call them mummy! Rant over.

OP posts:
Fleta · 30/03/2014 17:11

Mothering Sunday is a day of conflict for me.

I'm very grateful to have my mother still and be the mother of a wonderful child. However I had a bad m/c around this date a few years ago which caused infertility.

For a long, long time I felt an utter failure as both a woman and a parent and I like that - whether by school/whatever I get just a token to remind me I'm not - does that make sense?

ilovemydoggy · 30/03/2014 17:18

I don't expect people not to celebrate. But some friends and people on here are very happy with a card and bunch if flowers and chocolate and are saying how they are happy with just that and wouldn't want anything else. But it's the people who are complaining about not getting huge presents and bot being treated like a princess for a day. People should just be happy with what they have and before complaining they should think of others.

OP posts:
GiveItALashJack · 30/03/2014 17:23

Flowers Does it get any better andsmile?

andsmile · 30/03/2014 17:25

You know the answer to that until you see that line....I have never cried so much for being happy and relieved. Paranoid wreck all through pg. I can still cry watching DD play.

andsmile · 30/03/2014 17:25

Sorry Thanks too.

JohnFarleysRuskin · 30/03/2014 17:29

Agree with Morris.

Obviously someone who is throwing a strop about not being a princess is an idiot but for many, Mother's Day does shine a light on how unappreciated/taken for granted they are. And just because their children are (blessedly) healthy, they still have a right to those feelings.

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 30/03/2014 17:33

I had some lovely school-made cards and a clay model thrust upon me this morning. They were so excited and so pleased to give them to me, along with lots of kisses and cuddles. My youngest was literally jumping up and down with excitement as she gave me her present. They could have given me anything, it was just their sheer pleasure at giving something to mummy that made me smile.

They've been shouted at since and been little buggers, naturally, they can't be expected to hold that angelic stance all day. Grin

Loving the name op.

blizy · 30/03/2014 17:39

I agree ilovemydoggy I'm just back from visiting my dad and SM (my mum died giving birth to me), I know she will be moaning that I had "only" bought her a candle and some wine. I hate Mother's Day, always have, but even more so now that my own dd was stillborn (3yrs ago) and now facing IVF in a hope to conceive again.

MorrisZapp · 30/03/2014 17:43

I haven't seen anybody throwing a strop because all they got was home made cards and or presents.

Caitlin17 · 30/03/2014 17:47

I don't understand the need for one's worth as a mother to be validated on this random day.

1944girl · 30/03/2014 17:52

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

phantomnamechanger · 30/03/2014 17:55

YANBU - count your blessings is my motto. I have 3 children and one who we did not get to bring home from hospital. I always tell DH he's not to buy flowers for mothers day or valentines as the prices are just stupid. I got a book and a candle and a card. Lovely. DD2 is cooking dinner largely on her own.

One lady locally has lost her husband in a tragic accident this week. she has 3 children who are coming to terms with the fact they will never see daddy again. It made the national news - he was doing a sponsored bike ride and his fundraising page has now topped £80K I believe due to people being moved by this story. I hope this brings the family some comfort in future years. At the moment it must be unbelievably bloody awful for them. I have thought of them a lot today.

phantomnamechanger · 30/03/2014 17:57

Thanks for blizy Sad

best of luck with the IVF sweetheart

ajandjjmum · 30/03/2014 17:59

Feel for your nieces Worral - my Dad died 11 years ago on Mother's Day, and this is the first on that date since. Does feel like there are two anniversaries of his death each year.

DioneTheDiabolist · 30/03/2014 18:02


JugglingFromHereToThere · 30/03/2014 18:02

Some people do have a ridiculous lack of perspective I agree OP.

Mother's day is properly difficult for many people due to bereavement or not being able to be mothers themselves.

Those that don't like the flowers they've been given or haven't had a card this year or whatever else should look at things as they really are, not through the commercialised lens of mother's day hype.

Slackgardener · 30/03/2014 18:06

Some people are upset that today was not recognised by their family and they wish to express how they feel on a parenting forum, I think that's pretty normal - how many threads like this one are we going to have today?

You'll always find someone worse off than you but that doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid. Moaning about moaning - is becoming a bit tiresome.

phantomnamechanger · 30/03/2014 18:06

care to elaborate Dione? Have you not seen enough sad stories on this thread to realise the OP has a point about the selfish, entitled, ungrateful attitude some people have?

GiveItALashJack · 30/03/2014 18:10

People might be upset Slack but I think peoples stories of loss and loneliness should give them perspective. Its one fricking day.
If you are not being recognised or respected as a mother every other day, then you should be addressing that. A bunch of flowers isnt going to fix that.

Mama1980 · 30/03/2014 18:12

I'm so sorry this day is so painful for so many. Thanks
My two birth children were born at 26 and 24 weeks- I promise I know just how lucky I am.

Slackgardener · 30/03/2014 18:21

But people always have sad stories, this is not about competitive misery. If you're kids are driving you mad, it's ok to you can say that, even if other people have lost their dcs or couldn't have any - it's just a ridiculous thing to say - you have a right to be disappointed.

bishbashboosh · 30/03/2014 18:29

Couldn't agree more op
And Facebook is disgusting , brag book, fake book, I refuse to be part of that one x


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JugglingFromHereToThere · 30/03/2014 18:40

Personally Slack I feel that on this moaning about moaning is entirely valid.

Moaning about moaning about moaning now that would be going too far Wink

DioneTheDiabolist · 30/03/2014 18:43

I am bored of people moaning about other people moaning about their Mothers Day. The OP could have messages or poked or written on a wall or whatever you do on FB to get her point across. Instead she came on here to start another moan.

Chain Moaning is annoying.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 30/03/2014 18:56

Thanks Mama Thanks
It's hard for me this year because of a recent family bereavement - much too young as well Sad

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