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To declare my new neighbour a prude.

76 replies

Fontofnowt · 18/03/2014 12:58

Because she doesn't put undies on the wash line?
Even though I'm secretly glad she doesn't her being much younger/slimmer than me and she doesn't (I imagine) wear big grufters (or safety pants as my DP calls them) like me.

OP posts:
BadgersRetreat · 18/03/2014 13:36

I heard on Oprah that you should tumble dry your drawers to kill bacteria.

No-one drys their washing outside here in Canada - i've never even seen a rotary washing line in the 8 yrs i've been here.

are all Canadians prudes Shock ??

Fontofnowt · 18/03/2014 13:40

Aye it looks that way Badgers.
Mind you don't canadians have raunchy hot tub parties?
Or did I just dream that.

OP posts:
Chattymummyhere · 18/03/2014 13:41

Mine don't go on the line but that's because I got fed up of then going missing.

ComposHat · 18/03/2014 13:44


ComposHat · 18/03/2014 13:46

Perhaps all her pants are rubber or pvc and merely require a brief wipe of the gusset area.

puppadompreach · 18/03/2014 13:47

We used to live next door to a mega nosy retired couple, who were by no means above making personal comments and digs, we got into the habit of drying our undies on a clothes horse! No way were Mr Nosy and his wife getting the chance to pass remarks on our Primarni pants!

AlpacaLypse · 18/03/2014 13:53

I was a victim of a knicker fetishist back in student days, the dirty little scrote cleared the line of all my pants, and my three housemate's too. So I don't hang my underfrillies out anywhere if they could possibly be filched. Maybe your neighbour has suffered the same?

Or maybe she really is a go commando hussy... Smile

BadgersRetreat · 18/03/2014 13:58

We used to have a hot tub Font ... never had a raunchy party in it though.
it's only the Brits that think hot tubs are rude

LokiDokey · 18/03/2014 14:36

I don't hang anything on the line. I don't even have a line.

My late NDN used to hang her enormous bridgets on hers though, wouldn't have been so bad if they were actually white rather than grey

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 18/03/2014 14:42

I dry all our undies inside - mainly because I CBA pegging them all out only have to get them in 10 minutes later when it starts to rain.

GoldenGytha · 18/03/2014 15:20


Me too, I never hang underwear outside since some pervert stole just about every item of it I owned, knickers, bras, the lot.

He also stole some of the neighbours underwear.

NigellasDealer · 18/03/2014 15:23

omg our next door neighbour used to hang out a line full of giant black granny pants, underarm jobbies you know the ones!

SoleSource · 18/03/2014 15:33

My HUGE undercrackers are currently drying on the radiators and the builders are here.

Sparklingbrook · 18/03/2014 15:39

Our old neighbour used to have what we called 'Bra Day'. A rotary airer with about 15 bras on. Confused Never understood it.

littleballerina · 18/03/2014 15:57

I only hang my nice ones out Wink

starfishmummy · 18/03/2014 16:01

I never put clothes on the line.
Obviously never wear any.....

Preciousbane · 18/03/2014 16:25

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AdoraBell · 18/03/2014 16:36

Do vicars not know that underwear existes?

drudgewithagrudge · 18/03/2014 16:42

My 80 years + old neighbour went up in my estimation when I saw her black satin bra trimmed with sparkly bits on her line. Good for her.

noitsachicken · 18/03/2014 16:44

I can't believe people think like this! I put everything on the line, never once thought my neighbours would look at my knickers! Maybe I am naive!

MaryWestmacott · 18/03/2014 16:45

I never considered that the neighbours might be checking out my washing!!! Shock I actually normally don't hang my underwear on the line, but htat's normally because I have limited line space, and pegging out lots of little items is a faff, I have an airer as well, pants, socks, bras, baby vests go on the airer, and the line is full of the larger items. Although today the airer is outside on the grass next to the line - so if you look closely, you can see my pants.

Your neighbour either uses the airer method or likes a bit of fresh air on her nether regions.

NoodleOodle · 18/03/2014 16:46


I wouldn't peg out smalls as it's too much hassle - a peg for each tiny item. Laziness rather than prudishness.


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HadABadDay2014 · 18/03/2014 16:47

I don't peg out any washing.

Apart from my bras everything goes into the tumble dryer.

Ericaequites · 18/03/2014 16:49

If one hangs undies outside, they go one the lines hidden by other clothes in the middle. Also, each sock should be hung with its mate. My Gram taught me well.

ShatnersBassoon · 18/03/2014 16:56

My neighbour doesn't peg out smalls either. I'm not sure what they make of my bloomers flapping in the breeze. They must be the only people in the world to think I'm wild Grin

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