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To declare my new neighbour a prude.

76 replies

Fontofnowt · 18/03/2014 12:58

Because she doesn't put undies on the wash line?
Even though I'm secretly glad she doesn't her being much younger/slimmer than me and she doesn't (I imagine) wear big grufters (or safety pants as my DP calls them) like me.

OP posts:
TheVictorian · 13/04/2014 00:43

I once saw a bright green pair of women's knickers blowing in the wind.

YourMaNoBraBackOfMyCar · 09/04/2014 23:17

When I saw that my neighbour hung her knickers out despite them having a slightly bleached crotch it compelled me to hang out my own bleachy crotched kecks without the fear of being judged. That's right folks, my fanny is capable of stripping the dye from coloured knickers. I am not ashamed! :o

allalongthewatchtower · 09/04/2014 22:26

Safety pants Grin

SabrinaMulhollandJjones · 09/04/2014 22:24

I must be a prudey-pants too - I rarely hang my knickers out, and my garden isn't even overlooked unless someone climbs up the fence, which isn't impossible of course

I do sometimes walk about the house naked though, when the dc aren't around.

WanderingAway · 09/04/2014 22:17

I dont hang underwear(bras, kickers or socks) outside because it is easier just to throw them onto the radiator.

I am in no way a prude. I would walk about naked all the time if i could.Grin

TheVictorian · 09/04/2014 18:59

It would be quite interesting if one persons washing line had various bondage type outfits drying.

keepcalm111 · 09/04/2014 18:49

I don't hand mine or DHs undies on the line to dry,I shove them on a heated towel rail in a bathroom that isn't used much.Neither of my 2 next door neighbours do either (and I can't see further along than that!)But neither my DM or DMILs neighbours hand out their unmentionables either!!I don't think it is the done thing in these parts!

Legologgo · 09/04/2014 18:40

You lot. Prude central

Panga63 · 09/04/2014 18:40

Once got told off my DMIL when hanging out our washing when staying at her house in case elderly spinster neighbours saw my rather functional and not fancy underwear. DH reckons she didn't peg out undies because there was a well known washing line knicker nicker in the town...

Tessdurbevilliespoon · 09/04/2014 18:22

Are they from the UK? I have friends who are Swiss (German speaking part) and they don't do this, because people complained once back home and they got out of the habit

Ploppy16 · 09/04/2014 18:00

I don't out of habit because of where I used to live. It was a shared garden with a row of lines across the back and there was a phase of the annoying little brat further down pinching any undies off the lines and hiding them. The shitstorm that came down on his head after him and his little friends were caught playing with a couple of bras and some clothes had to be seen to be believed. I can't bring myself to put them out even though we moved 2 years ago!

Pipbin · 09/04/2014 17:23

Ages ago I hung all my washing out and got home to find my lovely elderly male neighbour had got it all in for me when it started to rain. It happened again with the next weeks washing. And then the next week, but then I realised that it hadn't rained that day!

rabbitlady · 09/04/2014 15:39

underwear does not belong on a washing line. your neighbour is discreet, polite, well-trained by her mother and tasteful, not a prude.

the only time i put underwear on a washing line was when i really wanted to annoy my neighbour, who had made a ridiculous complaint about washing lines. i was young, slim and pretty and my underwear consisted of matching sets of lacy bras, proper french knickers (not the boxer-like things they call french knickers today) and suspender belts. she had nothing like them.

and when i had a baby, and all that went by the board, 'my' nappies were out first in the morning. even if it meant going out at 1am. oh, those were the days!

ApprenticeViper · 09/04/2014 15:34

YABU - bet she doesn't wear any Grin

I don't put socks and underwear on the washing line, but if it's warm enough to dry stuff outside I will put the maiden out in the back yard with socks and undies on it, with towels, jeans, etc. pegged on the line. Life's too short to be pegging out socks and pants.

sarahquilt · 09/04/2014 14:47

It's weird to be looking at her washing!

MissHobart · 09/04/2014 14:04

I don't hang mine on the line but not out of embarrassment, I put small stuff on the airer so if it rains it's easier to pick up and bring in than it would be to un peg lots of stuff from the line.

So YABU to assume she is a prude! Grin

TheVictorian · 09/04/2014 14:01

It certainly adds to peoples sauciness, if they have saucy underwear on their lines.

Fontofnowt · 19/03/2014 12:35

Looks like the majority of mnetters (and all of the hot tub aficionados the Canadians) are prudey prude pants Bunbakes I wonder how many are secret non underwear wearing harlots too.

OP posts:
Bunbaker · 18/03/2014 19:45

A lot of prudes on mumsnet then. If the weather is fine everything goes on the line. I have a rotary dryer so all the underwear and socks go on the inside and large items like sheets on the outside, so you wouldn't see the underwear anyway.

I would still hang everything on the line if it was a straight line though. I can't get worked up about someone else seeing my underwear.

MIL won't hang out her underwear either - silly woman. If I hang her washing out for her I will hang everything out though (evil grin)

scooterland · 18/03/2014 19:32

Hilarious! Don't have a washing line , just one of those foldy things. Don't hang knickers or socks on it though, apart from the odd one. Too faffy + don't like the idea of the whole street knowing the full array of my undies.
One of my neighbours always hangs a week's worth of pants on a Saturday. All white, 5 or 6 of the same style together followed by the kids', equally white and neatly arranged. Far too well organized for me!!

Sparklingbrook · 18/03/2014 18:53

vrtra it's a 'thing' then. Grin

vrtra · 18/03/2014 18:52

erm I have Bra Day! I handwash them because they have hand sewn pockets, so they all get done at once. I live in a flat but wish I had a garden so I could spruce it up with a nice rotary airer festooned with bras Grin


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KatnipEvergreen · 18/03/2014 17:34

I don't peg out undies, socks or other small items either. Because it is far, far too much hassle to sort them all and peg them all out and much, much easier to stick them all in one tumbledrier load.

liquidstate · 18/03/2014 17:30

I don't put my undies on the washing line. Nor do I send them to the MILs to be tumble dried in the winter.

I once had very expensive underwear stolen from a line so am naturally cautious.

oldgrandmama · 18/03/2014 17:08

I don't have a washing line (my 'town garden' too tiny. But I have a sort of wire thingie that opens up with horizontal bars to hang stuff on (if you see what I mean). I do tend to hide my bras (34 EE) behind other stuff. My knickers are blameless white cotton full briefs M & S best ... or (I am going off on a tangent here) WERE M & S best, but now M & W cotton pants are a poor ghost of their once great quality. So thin, so limp, so ... aargh!

No-one would want to pinch them from my wire thingie, not even the most dedicated pervy undies sniffer.

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