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To ask for your numbers...

102 replies

MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 20:04

Thread inspired by another. I was quite shocked by some of the pretty judgemental posts regarding someone's sexual partner number...

What's your number?
Would you admit it if asked?
Are you ashamed of your sexually history?

I can't say I kept a tally but I would say between 35-40 and I would admit it depending on company and alcohol consumption.

For example I wouldn't admit it to my folks but probably would during a daft game of truth or dare down the pub with mate.

100% unashamed.

Share if you dare ladies Wink

OP posts:
cafebistro · 02/03/2014 22:54

Around 70. I tried to remember names etc earlier because of other thread but gave up.

I would admit to very close friends but not to the general public.

Yes i'm ashamed of some of them - the circumstances etc but not necessarily the number of people ive slept with.

Tryharder · 02/03/2014 22:55

Between 75 and 100 I think. I have never actually tallied it up; not sure I could remember all of them Blush

Some I regret deeply, others not at all!

I would admit to good mates if asked and pissed. Otherwise I wouldn't answer.

DH has never asked; I think he suspects it's quite a few and doesn't really want to know and is not bothered anyway. And I have never asked him either. We were both attractive and in our 30s when we met so had bound to clock up a few between us.

itsbetterthanabox · 02/03/2014 23:38

One woman and one man (dp), done stuff with a couple of other guys but I don't know your rules! Most people only count piv as sex Hmm

Innogen · 02/03/2014 23:43

20-odd. Not ashamed in the slightest. I had a bloody good time!

FutTheShuckUp · 03/03/2014 06:35

Was trying to tot mine up last night whilst wide awake. I fell asleep. Better than counting sheep

Soditall · 03/03/2014 08:14

10 that's included 3 long term relationships.
I'd admit it to my friends and my husband(he already knows)but never to my parents or my big brother him and my Father still think all 5 of my DC were miracle conceptions. Grin
Ashamed only about the one's that turned out to be arseholes which was most of them(except for DH)just wish I'd never slept with them.

fryingpantoface · 03/03/2014 09:05

1 - my DH. As already stated on others threads, delighted about it and a)no I don't wish I'd gone with others and b) I don't think I missed out fed up answering these bloody questions IRL

this! Only my husband

OnIlkelyMoorBahtat · 03/03/2014 15:44

There's nothing to "admit" - I haven't done anything wrong.
No - in fact there were plenty more I'd have liked the opportunity to do it with!

DownstairsMixUp · 03/03/2014 15:53

Around 40. I would admit it as I don't see it as a big deal but I do regret a lot of mine, I had PND when i had most of my ONS so was only truly happy with about 15 of those. That would be my "happy" figure but meh what's done is done!

Mandy2003 · 03/03/2014 16:44

My very controlling and abusive ex always used to ask me this as an aid to getting riled up

I probably didn't help myself by saying "Just as many as you I shouldn't wonder" but it felt good never having to say a number.

LouiseSmith · 03/03/2014 16:53

I Have slept with 7 men, I'm 25. Lost my virginity when 15.

Not ashamed.

Mrswellyboot · 03/03/2014 17:40

What would be a respectable number for someone who got married at 32 and was in two long term relationships (I am joking by the way)

MeepMeepVrooom · 03/03/2014 22:15

Erm 110?Grin

OP posts:
LST · 03/03/2014 22:45
  1. 17 including DP and I have been with him since I was 19 Blush
  2. Yes
  3. Nah not really.
AlpacaLypse · 03/03/2014 22:53

About 25 I think.

Depends on who's asking.

And no, I'm not ashamed of the actual numbers, but I am ashamed of a couple of the encounters, which, in retrospect, were extremely alcohol fuelled ill-advised.

SoleSource · 03/03/2014 23:20

4.753 this morning.

plumnc · 03/03/2014 23:29


montgomerymadison · 03/03/2014 23:34

I've never got threads like this. Who cares? Or who wants to know?

I'm a complete stranger to everyone on here so who cares if I've slept with 10 or 1000 people?

That's right no-one....

Caitlin17 · 03/03/2014 23:34

I was trying to count up last night and also fell asleep. I think about 20.If it is 20 then 19 of them were between the ages of 15 to 24 between 1974 to 1984 and since then no one since OH.

RozziRaspberry · 03/03/2014 23:38


DealForTheKids · 04/03/2014 12:53

12 guys and 2 girls - I'm 24 yo.
To be honest I'm pretty open about all that sort of thing, so would share no problem
Not ashamed but would probably un-do a couple of them if I could because they were drunken, ill-advised and unenjoyable!

DP's number is far less than mine but he has never made me feel bad about it at all. I don't think I would be able to stay with someone who gave a about it, frankly.

kentishgirl · 06/03/2014 16:55

Does it have to include full sausage insertion, or does being in bed fooling around with everything but that, count?


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Meepers · 06/03/2014 17:05
DogAndBeardedDragon · 06/03/2014 17:10

Double figures, regret every single one, I was just looking for 'love' after a childhood of rejection. Now I'm in the opposite problem, I'm overweight and 'damaged' and no man even notices me let alone wants a relationship. I would love to meet someone and settle down but think I'm destined for a life with my girls (dogs)

ADishBestEatenCold · 07/03/2014 16:07

"Does it have to include full sausage insertion"

You use sausages, kentishgirl?

Any particular type? (I'm assuming not chipolatas).

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