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To ask for your numbers...

102 replies

MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 20:04

Thread inspired by another. I was quite shocked by some of the pretty judgemental posts regarding someone's sexual partner number...

What's your number?
Would you admit it if asked?
Are you ashamed of your sexually history?

I can't say I kept a tally but I would say between 35-40 and I would admit it depending on company and alcohol consumption.

For example I wouldn't admit it to my folks but probably would during a daft game of truth or dare down the pub with mate.

100% unashamed.

Share if you dare ladies Wink

OP posts:
WilsonFrickett · 02/03/2014 20:21

I honestly can't remember. I think more than 70 but less than 100? I used to have an awful lot of (safe) sex.

I wouldn't tell many people in RL because it's none of their beeswax - and because I know they would judge (the other thread, which I am on, has only confirmed that for me). DH has never asked. Wouldnt have told anyway - am happy to discuss my sexual health with him of course, but not my sexual activities.

Some RL friends whom I used to flat share with have a pretty good idea - they were there for most of it.

I am supremely unbothered about it, but I don't care to be judged and I do believe it's no-ones business but mine.

MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 20:21

Billy The mystery poster Grin

OP posts:
TodaysAGoodDay · 02/03/2014 20:25
  1. 7 - number 2 was a virgin

- number 3 was the worst shag I've ever had
- number 7 was amazing
I ended up marrying number 3, WTF was I even thinking?

  1. I'd admit it to everyone I know who asks.

  1. No shame. Some regrets, but no shame.
Alisvolatpropiis · 02/03/2014 20:27

Single figures. Won't get any higher either.

I'm not prudish or particularly reserved, I just rarely fancied the right people at the right time. They didn't like me when I liked them, liked me when I was with someone else etc etc.

gordyslovesheep · 02/03/2014 20:27
  1. triple figures
  2. yes
  3. Not in the slightest it was great fun Grin
DarlingGrace · 02/03/2014 20:30

But you are getting arsey though... your Op says "confess" ...

1, 10, 100, 1000 if numbers dont matter why are there so many theads today needing to know ?

NoodleOodle · 02/03/2014 20:31

1 Triple figures (lost count)
2 Yes
3 No

waltermittymissus · 02/03/2014 20:32

Billy Grin

Bet your dp thinks it's your best quality!

MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 20:35

I didn't realise there were other threads. I didn't actually look.

I don't get how confess is arsey. I appreciate confess probably wasn't the best word given the definition but I think most people on this thread realise it was just a play on words given the other thread.

Shall I revoke the word confess in favour of divulge? Is that better?

OP posts:
MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 20:36

And I think all the other threads would have been triggered by the thread I read.

If you don't like it, you don't have to post y'know.

OP posts:
ADishBestEatenCold · 02/03/2014 20:53

Can you be more specific here, MeepMeep?

Do you mean the number of sexual partner where the sex included penetrative sex? Or do we include those that didn't include penetrative sex? And what about the clothes on, furtive rub (I believe sometimes referred to by teenagers as 'dry humping'), do we include that?

Or would a breakdown of figures be best?

BillyBanter · 02/03/2014 20:58

What about if you've just had a good old rummage? Like old ladies at a jumble sale.

Jolleigh · 02/03/2014 21:00

Should my number only consist of PIV sex? Or do I count the women too?

Either way, I know I'm well into double digits. I don't particularly think there's any shame involved in that nowadays.

TwittyMcTwitterson · 02/03/2014 21:00

This raises, for me, the much bigger issue of double standards and the issue of living in a modern era where sex out of marriage happens and does not mean the female is a raging slag.

I don't care how many people someone has slept with. I think no different to them. If DP said he'd slept with 100 I'd get checked before using no protection and possibly during my insecure moments worry about performance

I was never bothered before DP but I do wish I'd only slept with him or less previously but probably if I hadn't, I'd wish I had. Grass is greener and all that.

BirthdayMuppet · 02/03/2014 21:00


But who gives a fuck (ha!) about someone elses sexual history? It's their behaviour towards me now that I judge, not their dalliances with a past random.

chocolatecaramel · 02/03/2014 21:01

I don't know!

Troglodad · 02/03/2014 21:03

It's private, DW can know if she really wants to, although don't most of us sort of prefer not to pry if we suspect DP has lived the life of a screen door in Kansas?

gobbledegook1 · 02/03/2014 21:04

5 if you include my current DP. Would admit it if asked, no shame.

Pigsmummy · 02/03/2014 21:04


MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 21:05

Include whatever you like. It's not specific really.

OP posts:
ADishBestEatenCold · 02/03/2014 21:09

"Include whatever you like. It's not specific really."

I think Pigsmummy might have included sexy dreams! Grin

HadABadDay2014 · 02/03/2014 21:10



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MeepMeepVrooom · 02/03/2014 21:11

I think pigsmummy included the folk she's made eye contact with for the last month Grin

OP posts:
Eggsiseggs · 02/03/2014 21:13

About 10, not including DP.
My friends, who have met Mr Right almost a decade after me, have had a GREAT time - do I have lived vicariously through them!

People seem determined to get snippy - I think the OP is just curious, given the strong reactions the other thread generated.

I have shared this with DP (unbothered, both of us) and would share it with anyone with whom I would be discussing intimate things like this - close friends, strangers on the internet...Wink

I wouldn't tell my work colleagues, for example, as I wouldn't have conversations as intimate as this anyway!

Well, unless we were all REALLY pissed, and then we do the polite thing and pretend we don't remember.

JeanSeberg · 02/03/2014 21:14


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