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Rebekah Brooks Trial

309 replies

FrankelInFoal · 21/02/2014 20:27

I'm no fan of Rebekah Brooks but having watched the news reporting from court today I'm finding myself feeling incredibly sorry for her.

Apparently today she was questioned about her fertility issues. I mean what the hell does that have to do with phone hacking? According to the report I watched she was asked about her problems conceiving with Ross Kemp which prompted her to ask for a break in proceedings and she left the room in tears. Later she was questioned about the surrogacy that she and her current husband had gone through to get their daughter.

Seriously, how is that relevant/appropriate?! If she was a man I sincerely doubt she'd have been asked about such a private matter.

OP posts:
FriendofDorothy · 21/02/2014 20:42

I don't feel especially sorry for her but think her fertility issues have got fuck all to do with the matter in question.

LordEmsworth · 21/02/2014 20:42

Err, this is her defence - "I didn't know what was going on in my high profile, highly paid job; I failed to take my responsibilities seriously because I was having such a difficult time privately". She has at the very least, agreed to this strategy, if she didn't actually suggest it

VivaLeBeaver · 21/02/2014 20:43

She's facing a jail sentence of years. I think surrogacy or even ivf is well worth the chance it might save your arse.

TheBuggerlugs · 21/02/2014 20:44

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DarlingGrace · 21/02/2014 20:44

Rebekah screwed over the Dowlers. I hope divine justice comes her way.

FrankelInFoal · 21/02/2014 20:44

If it was indeed her own team that started asking the questions then perhaps I have less sympathy, could it not be the case that they knew the prosecution might bring it up so attempted to head it off?

My main point stands though, why is it that it's ok to drag these sorts of issues up for a woman, but never a man?

OP posts:
Pigsmummy · 21/02/2014 20:45

Her style of "reporting" has ruined lives. I have no sympathy if she is asked some personal questions in this trial given the headlines that she has authorised over the years.

LottieJenkins · 21/02/2014 20:45

I have to say I dislike her and all she stands for too.

KarenBrockman · 21/02/2014 20:45

No the brining up fertility problems was not so MN would feel sorry for her, it was so those who decide if they will or won't send her to jail will feel sorry for her.

Chanatan · 21/02/2014 20:46

For all we know,it could have been RB who insisted her barrister bought the matter up.

TheBuggerlugs · 21/02/2014 20:46

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FloraFox · 21/02/2014 20:47

She was being questioned by her own lawyer who would have rehearsed the questions and answers with her before the trial. Why would he ask her such highly personal and emotive questions which would reduce her to tears and show a vulnerability and humanity few of us suspected she had in her?

trampstamp · 21/02/2014 20:47

And what the frig is toney blair doing involved

VivaLeBeaver · 21/02/2014 20:50

She's one of the most misogynist women about so that's quite apt.

Afaik most big trials will spend quite a bit of time discussing background circumstances of the defendants. Either by the defence in an attempt to explain behaviour or to build up a picture of how nice/normal/human the defendents are. Or by the prosecution in an attempt to paint them as nasty/horrible people.

It happens in most trials and as judges allow it it must legally be considered fair and valid.

KarenBrockman · 21/02/2014 20:50

If I were one of her peers sitting in judgment of her, that stunt would not have worked at all, it would have achieved the opposite effect with me.

TheBuggerlugs · 21/02/2014 20:51

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Belchica · 21/02/2014 20:53

She got upset and asked for a break? When questioned by her own defence on a subject matter she would have agreed to before? She was and still is a manipulative scheming hack.

HyvaPaiva · 21/02/2014 20:54

I'm no fan of Rebekah Brooks but having watched the news reporting from court today I'm finding myself feeling incredibly sorry for her.

That's exactly the reaction she and her lawyers were hoping for when they decided to introduce this topic.

georgedawes · 21/02/2014 20:57

As said many times already, it was brought up by her own lawyer and not the prosecution. So not much sympathy here.

FrankelInFoal · 21/02/2014 20:59

I've held my hands up and admitted IABU based on my original understanding, based on media reports.

Is the issue of appropriate questions to ask of a woman v a man not worth debating though?

OP posts:
Notmadeofrib · 21/02/2014 21:00

Cynical move.

ihatethecold · 21/02/2014 21:03

I really wouldn't be surprised if she gets off.
Friends in high places and all that!


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Chippednailvarnish · 21/02/2014 21:03

I would love to know who is paying her legal fees.

Finola1step · 21/02/2014 21:07

Yep absolutely cynical and vile.

The fertility issues have no place in court. RB and her defence team have decided to exploit such issues for her defence.

I am not surprised. All involved are amoral shits.

VivaLeBeaver · 21/02/2014 21:08

Murdoch will be paying the fees.

I wouldn't be surprised if the surrogacy is discussed with Charlie brooks when its his turn. Just wont be reported as widely as she's the main defendent here.

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