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To think if I broke his toes, it's his own fault for being a twat?

113 replies

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 10:38

Had a couple of men from a religious group at my door trying to recruit (?) people.

I politely informed them I wasn't interested and closed the door, well tried to close the door. The idiot at my door had put his foot in to try and jam it. My door is really really heavy and it does need closed with force, this man started making noises about his toe being broken Hmm

AIBU to not really care? He shouldn't have put his damn foot inside my house in the first place, and quite frankly if you do this when someone is closing their door you have nobody to blame but yourself!! It is intimidation techniques to try and force you to listen to their spiel which quite frankly I'm not interested in, in the slightest. I may have told them this

OP posts:
Gileswithachainsaw · 31/01/2014 17:37

fed f**kin love it!! :o

SeptemberFlowers · 31/01/2014 17:48

Hissy LOL Grin

Mysteries · 31/01/2014 18:00

When a person from a religious sect rang my doorbell (and made the mistake of not waiting for her colleague to catch her up), she tried to convince me we're living in miserable times. I told her there's always joy bubbling up in my heart cos Jesus is Lord and he loves everyone. She asked me to prove that he's Lord. I said, 'Lord Jesus Christ, you love this woman; come to her right now,' and she ran backwards to the pavement.I'd never seen anyone run backwards before. I'm just wondering now if it would be illegal to sprinkle holy water on religious group members who come and try to tell you you're living in miserable times. I've got a little holy water stoup on the wall by the front door... Btw, u were definitely acting in self-defence when you shut the door. He won't put his foot in anyone's door again.

PleaseJustLeaveYourBrotherAlon · 31/01/2014 18:02

This suggests that he had put his foot in the door before you slammed it?If so, YABU if you have indeed broken his toe because of your deliberate and careless action (and to call him a 'twat' is even worse).

Pendeen are you fucking kidding me? So he isn't a twat for attempting to enter a house where he has been told he isn't welcome Hmm You don't put any part of your body in someone else's home....or you risk that part getting slammed in the door.


OP, yanbu, and he's lucky he didn't come round mine because attempting to enter my house will get you more than a stubbed toe.

ColdTeaAgain · 31/01/2014 18:06

You were definitely not BU meep, serves him right!

fedupofcatalogues that's bloody brilliant!

Mysteries · 31/01/2014 18:06

No, he isn't

evansthebread · 31/01/2014 20:11

Maybe he had Witnesses Grin

kelper · 31/01/2014 20:16

We used to answer the door with a six foot iguana draped over one of us....
That makes em run!

Gileswithachainsaw · 31/01/2014 20:26

I answered door with a dripping wet and muddy toddler :o

They "could see I was busy" :o

picked her up and brought her in on purpose

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 20:38

So my options, by an amphibian or have a permanently soaking wet and muddy toddler. I think the latter would be the easiest option, she sometimes seems to spend weeks at a time like this Grin

OP posts:
Kundry · 31/01/2014 20:46

Our RE teacher used to pretend to be interested so they came in. They were then trapped in her house for hours while she debated the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew with them Grin

If you haven't got time for that, she said if you pretend to be Catholic it scares them off.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 21:01

Our RE teacher used to pretend to be interested so they came in. They were then trapped in her house for hours while she debated the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew with them

Grin my RE teacher just used to throw things at the class... Maybe he did the same with the people who came to the door? A plan is forming (need an evil emoticon)

OP posts:
SelectAUserName · 31/01/2014 22:06

He intended to come back, but he got cold feet. It seems odd that he'd spend so much time in one neighbourhood, when he's got the whole world at his feet.

Just as well he hasn't seen this thread, it would make his toes curl.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:15

Grin select If I had a trophy it would be yours.

(makes me think trophy emoticon for another thread, come over)

OP posts:
saintmerryweather · 31/01/2014 22:18

You might have trouble draping a rottweiler round your neck (might also render it useless!) Id go with the snake if I were you

SelectAUserName · 31/01/2014 22:19

Eyethangyew Grin

MrsKranky · 31/01/2014 22:22

If you haven't got time for that, she said if you pretend to be Catholic it scares them off.

I was brought up catholic (although no longer practicing, more of an atheist these days), I always tell them we're happy with the God we have thank you. Then when they ask how we know God I say we're Roman Catholic, and they say 'oh good, well thanks for your time' and scarper.

Unless DP gets there first, who is an ardent atheist. They tend not to come back for some time after that experience. I even feel a bit sorry for them!!

Tigerstripes · 31/01/2014 22:26

Image of OP draping a rottweiler round her neck made me laugh. Grin

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:29

I don't know what you mean Tiger it's like a heavy scarf Grin

But your name has just inspired me to invest in a tiger... Now they definitely wouldn't come back if I had a tiger....

OP posts:
RightInTheKisser · 31/01/2014 22:31

I would be toetally on your side OP.

littledrummergirl · 31/01/2014 22:48

I used to work with a jw. Christmas brought an interesting debate with him say ing they dont celebrate christmas, they spend the time with family having a nice meal and only gave small gifts to the children so they didnt fell left outHmm I told him thats what we did too.Smile

biscuiteater · 31/01/2014 22:49

You can just ask JW's to take you off their list if you don't want them to knock. Not sure if other religious groups operate from an address list but worth asking. Sounds like he was quite aggressive though, maybe he will learn to keep his feet under control in future.


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MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:52

littledrummer did you ask him what he thought Christmas actually was?

I don't think they were JW I'm sure the said something like light children or children of the life Confused cult

OP posts:
MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:54

biscuit eater it has been suggested to me he is a "wannabe riverdancer* he'd get in my house if he was. I have wooden floors and noisy downstairs neighbours Grin

OP posts:
littledrummergirl · 31/01/2014 23:04

Didnt ask him that. Only if he was available to workGrin

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