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To think if I broke his toes, it's his own fault for being a twat?

113 replies

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 10:38

Had a couple of men from a religious group at my door trying to recruit (?) people.

I politely informed them I wasn't interested and closed the door, well tried to close the door. The idiot at my door had put his foot in to try and jam it. My door is really really heavy and it does need closed with force, this man started making noises about his toe being broken Hmm

AIBU to not really care? He shouldn't have put his damn foot inside my house in the first place, and quite frankly if you do this when someone is closing their door you have nobody to blame but yourself!! It is intimidation techniques to try and force you to listen to their spiel which quite frankly I'm not interested in, in the slightest. I may have told them this

OP posts:
amberzak · 03/02/2014 12:36

hi used to do ladies hair that was in the force and she said tht if they put there foot in your propety they cant do anything if they hurt or bite as it trespes you did not invite them in so tuff luck and have they not anything better to do
good on you

giraffesCantMakeResolutions · 02/02/2014 11:54
YoniMatopoeia · 02/02/2014 11:09

My grandfather was a die hard atheist. He had copies if the Koran, bible, etc in his house, along with books about the bible. He would always invite any religious callers in and proceed to talk about sections if their text in detail.

Not many came back.

HomeHelpMeGawd · 02/02/2014 09:56

I believe the standard responses to "I'm a Jehovah's Witness" is "Tell him I hope he wins his case"

MeepMeepVrooooom · 02/02/2014 09:44

Who are all these people that launch nappies out of windows? I have never heard or seen this before Shock good timing though Grin

OP posts:
YouSayWhaaat · 02/02/2014 05:58

You arrive uninvited to my house and stick your foot through my door when I've asked you to leave? You had better not be wanting it back.

Layana · 02/02/2014 00:04

I was a witness. This was ongoing attempts to indoctrinate. Worked though. Even the new owners of the house (friends moved locally) aren't harassed. Just in case they're, you know, "evil" too for buying the house. ...

I've known someone accidentally time a nappy-chuck out the window just as a salesman rang the ball. He got hit with the "package. "

She the threw it out the wrong window. Their bin is usually open under a particular windrow (at the side of house) to accept the parcels (yes. I do find this odd). She was in a hurry and just kind of forgot what room she was in. Still. He never returned. She just heard his scream and saw someone legging it.

Intimidating animal for draping.

Floppityflop · 01/02/2014 14:28

I have had a religious recruiter put his foot on the door threshold. I'm afraid I also pushed him out with the door much the same as I would do with any other intruder.

undecidedanduncertain · 01/02/2014 08:33

Yanbu. I think his behaviour was intimidating. If he'd come to my door, he'd have got the same. I am almost blind and wouldn't have seen his foot encroaching over the threshold.

Pollymagoo · 01/02/2014 08:29

My sister was once asked by th god bothered ' have you found Jesus' and she replied ' why have you lost him ! '

cantcookshouldntcook · 01/02/2014 08:08

Glad he wont sue op, or you may have had to foot the bill

This thread was great reading.

pamish · 01/02/2014 00:08

I once had a friend* who is a witch, black variety. When the JWs found us (in a remote Wiltshire hamlet), he asked them to come back later, and got ready for them. Invited them in to his room, with a pentagram on the floor, upside down crosses, black candles, and (live) black+ white chickens. He then appeared in his cloak. "So, gentlemen, what was it you wanted to discuss?" They fled. I believe this is an unique achievement.

*More of an acquaintance than a true friend.

TiggyOBE · 31/01/2014 23:39

He was trying to gain entry to your house without your permission. Goodness know what he might have had in mind. You were defending yourself from an intruder with unknown motives. You should have set a leopard on him.

littledrummergirl · 31/01/2014 23:04

Didnt ask him that. Only if he was available to workGrin

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:54

biscuit eater it has been suggested to me he is a "wannabe riverdancer* he'd get in my house if he was. I have wooden floors and noisy downstairs neighbours Grin

OP posts:
MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:52

littledrummer did you ask him what he thought Christmas actually was?

I don't think they were JW I'm sure the said something like light children or children of the life Confused cult

OP posts:
biscuiteater · 31/01/2014 22:49

You can just ask JW's to take you off their list if you don't want them to knock. Not sure if other religious groups operate from an address list but worth asking. Sounds like he was quite aggressive though, maybe he will learn to keep his feet under control in future.

littledrummergirl · 31/01/2014 22:48

I used to work with a jw. Christmas brought an interesting debate with him say ing they dont celebrate christmas, they spend the time with family having a nice meal and only gave small gifts to the children so they didnt fell left outHmm I told him thats what we did too.Smile

RightInTheKisser · 31/01/2014 22:31

I would be toetally on your side OP.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:29

I don't know what you mean Tiger it's like a heavy scarf Grin

But your name has just inspired me to invest in a tiger... Now they definitely wouldn't come back if I had a tiger....

OP posts:
Tigerstripes · 31/01/2014 22:26

Image of OP draping a rottweiler round her neck made me laugh. Grin

MrsKranky · 31/01/2014 22:22

If you haven't got time for that, she said if you pretend to be Catholic it scares them off.

I was brought up catholic (although no longer practicing, more of an atheist these days), I always tell them we're happy with the God we have thank you. Then when they ask how we know God I say we're Roman Catholic, and they say 'oh good, well thanks for your time' and scarper.

Unless DP gets there first, who is an ardent atheist. They tend not to come back for some time after that experience. I even feel a bit sorry for them!!


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SelectAUserName · 31/01/2014 22:19

Eyethangyew Grin

saintmerryweather · 31/01/2014 22:18

You might have trouble draping a rottweiler round your neck (might also render it useless!) Id go with the snake if I were you

MeepMeepVrooooom · 31/01/2014 22:15

Grin select If I had a trophy it would be yours.

(makes me think trophy emoticon for another thread, come over)

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