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To think if I broke his toes, it's his own fault for being a twat?

113 replies

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 10:38

Had a couple of men from a religious group at my door trying to recruit (?) people.

I politely informed them I wasn't interested and closed the door, well tried to close the door. The idiot at my door had put his foot in to try and jam it. My door is really really heavy and it does need closed with force, this man started making noises about his toe being broken Hmm

AIBU to not really care? He shouldn't have put his damn foot inside my house in the first place, and quite frankly if you do this when someone is closing their door you have nobody to blame but yourself!! It is intimidation techniques to try and force you to listen to their spiel which quite frankly I'm not interested in, in the slightest. I may have told them this

OP posts:
ajandjjmum · 29/01/2014 13:15


LimburgseVlaai · 29/01/2014 13:15

This is a Health and Safety issue. His employers should have issued him with steel toecapped boots.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 13:19

I'm sure he won't be taking further action. He went to my neighbour immediately after and there was no limp as when he walked up the path after (I was watching out the window) hence the Hmm face in the original email.

Pendeen I had been standing at that side of the door so his foot couldn't have been there beforehand which means he put it in when I was already closing the door to try and stop me from being able to shut it. I think he didn't appreciate the weight of the door or the force it needs to be closed with until it made impact.

With regards to the twat comment, I apologise if you're offended although I still think he's a twat My house is my private property and as I see it nobody has a right to stop me from closing my door on them or as it appears you run the risk of literally getting a door closed on you.

OP posts:
AdoraBell · 29/01/2014 13:21

His fault entirely, but as already said that peski law thing can be a tricky.

Might have been better To say something along the línes of

"you don't want To be doing that, I have a basament full of démonos just waiting for a fool like you To try and push your ideals on me"

Or words To that effect.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 13:21

His employers? God? Grin

OP posts:
MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 13:24

I told him I was a wiccan as he left to go next door Blush I couldn't help myself.

With regards to this comment, I am accepting of all and any religions I just don't want it shoved down my throat... Or through my front door.

OP posts:
AngelaDaviesHair · 29/01/2014 13:51

I think push did come to shove didn't it?

Gileswithachainsaw · 29/01/2014 14:18


This threads hilarious

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 14:20


He should have toed the line.

OP posts:
AngelaDaviesHair · 29/01/2014 14:20

Don't worry, he hasn't got a leg to stand on.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 15:12
OP posts:
MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 15:14

Although I don't know if a pair is necessary? Do you think they would sell separately giving the circumstances? Grin

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MissBetseyTrotwood · 29/01/2014 15:17

YANBU at all. We get Jehovah's Witnesses all the time. It's an invasion of privacy imo. On the street is fair game. Going to people's houses is not.

DS answered the door once dressed as a dinosaur. Clearly, obviously a dinosaur.

The JW was all 'Oh, my, that... LIZARD is really scary!'

DS shouted at him 'I am a DINOSAUR!'

We'll be seeing you in hell with all the other non believers OP. Grin

drudgewithagrudge · 29/01/2014 15:22

Don't worry. He's a Christian so he will have to forgive you.

YouTheCat · 29/01/2014 15:28

I really hope he didn't blaspheme when his toe got caught in your door.

What an idiot though, to put his foot there. He had no right to have his foot there for whatever reason as you had not invited him in.

AngelaDaviesHair · 29/01/2014 15:31

Come on, OP. Let God get a toe hold in your life. You know you want to.

MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 15:45

I don't think there can be many more toe jokes left... Grin

OP posts:
MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 15:45

MissBetsey See you there!!

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YoureBeingASillyBilly · 29/01/2014 15:53

He tried to force entry it sounds like. I'd sure as hell do whatever i needed to to stop an agressive intruder forcing entry into my home.

AngelaDaviesHair · 29/01/2014 16:48

He put his best foot forward.

MissBetseyTrotwood · 29/01/2014 18:09

Maybe we should all try walking a mile in each other's shoes a little more often.

FrostedButts · 29/01/2014 18:38

tbf a dinosaur IS a lizard... a TERRIBLE LIZARD Grin


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MeepMeepVrooooom · 29/01/2014 19:06

I've just came home from work to find a Repentance Leaflet has been posted through my door.

Could it just possibly be? Hmm Have I just become a target for these people to enlighten me?

OP posts:
chandlery · 29/01/2014 19:16

Thankfully a jury is usually full of common sense even if CPS is not. Just been reading about the chap who broke both his burglars legs with a log the burglar was initially trying to attack him with. I'm afraid its a hazard of the job if you behave in this manner!

Good one OP

YouTheCat · 29/01/2014 19:28

Meep, go round to the local JW place of worship and post a leaflet about evolution through their letter box. See how they like it. Grin

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