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To ask you not to buy angora products? (Warning - graphic link)

85 replies

Resideria · 20/11/2013 20:37

Was thinking of buying angora socks for my mum for Christmas before I read about the unspeakable practices behind angora fur production. I had no idea! Apparently 90% of all angora is produced in China, link is here:

OP posts:
SilverApples · 21/11/2013 13:28

'If the alternative to animal products is man made items from petro chemicals, what about all the marine animals harmed in their production? Is a fluffy animal's life worth more than fish?'

It's not the life, it's the pain and terror and cruelty involved. Confused

SoftSheen · 21/11/2013 13:35

worldgonecrazy How are marine animals harmed during production of petrochemicals? Are you thinking of the destruction of the marine floor caused by oil drilling?

ouryve · 21/11/2013 13:44

Petrochemicals are a finite resource, anyhow. That's why fracking is such a global concern, at the moment. All the easy to get at oil deposits are almost depleted.

Even the cotton industry is far from spotless. Conditions for workers are horrendous.

It's probably safe to say, in any industry, where manufacturers want lots of it and want it as cheaply as possibly, there's going to be an ethical or environmental cost.

lookatmybutt · 21/11/2013 13:59

Softsheen, for starters oil spills cause harm to sea life due to accidents during transportation and production. Also, transportation costs in terms of carbon footprint. Also, also non-renewable and polluting to the environment overall.

Have you been living under a rock or something?

worldgonecrazy · 21/11/2013 14:07

here and here

It's probably safe to say, in any industry, where manufacturers want lots of it and want it as cheaply as possibly, there's going to be an ethical or environmental cost.


I wonder how many people know the true human cost of their cotton and gold? If we looked into any natural material we would find that animals or people are suffering because of our desire to own things. The best we can hope for is that consumers educate themselves about alternatives and lobby the companies that we spend our money with to act in an ethical manner.

steeking · 21/11/2013 15:51

Instead of boycotting all these products we should be writing to the companies concerned to ask them where they source their down or angora , and ask them what checks they do to ensure animal welfare is upheld

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 23/11/2013 10:03

DM Warning
there's an article on this very subject in the Mail Online.

I'm a hard faced old bat IRL (I've been vegetarian for 33 years so I've seen plenty of those leaflets that do the rounds)

But this?

Turned My Stomach Sad Angry

tiredoutgran · 23/11/2013 10:43

I can't watch but, as has already been mentioned, feathers for feather and down items are collected in the same way. As a huge fan of all things goose (live pet ones) I was horrified to see how this is done and the images have never left me. To see a beautiful bird crying as it scrambled away from the people who had just stripped it bare was heart breaking. I believe this was in China too. I think they have a very different view of animals to us. I will certainly never buy angora product again.

KittensoftPuppydog · 23/11/2013 10:58

Thanks for letting me know. Won't buy it now.

Pointeshoes · 23/11/2013 20:18

Having recently got two beautiful bunnies I Couldn't watch it. But I'm disgusted , so is my DH. Won't be buying. Makes me so upset and angry when animals are hurt like this. It's sick.
Didn't know about the down either so thank you for the info.

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