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AIBU to think this was worst dinner guest ever

226 replies

AlleyAlleyO · 03/10/2013 16:42

DP's friend C came round last night for dinner, with his new girlfriend, F. We have only met her briefly, in the pub.

We invited them over last night, I did a slow-cooked pork and apple thing, with blackberry tart and whipped cream for dessert.

Initially I'd done the whole 'we're having this for dinner, hope that's OK' and C had gone 'ooh lovely', no objections from F.

When I served dinner, she just sort of looked at her plate and said 'actually, I'm a bit fussy. I'll have a bit of the sauce though, and a slice of bread to dip in'.

Cue apologies from me, are you sure that's all you'll eat etc. She maintained it was fine, she'd just have a bit of bread. I was pissed off, but whatever.

I brought her the bread and continued my own dinner. Two minutes later, F asks if there is any butter as she now doesn't want to dip the bread in sauce, she just wants bread and butter.

I go and get her the butter. She eats bread and butter.

Long story short (C looking embarrassed, DP shocked, me fuming) when dessert comes out, she seems pleased and asks what kind of tart it is. i say blackberry. She says she's sorry, but she doesn't eat anything picked from the wild.

I ask her does can I get her anything else, she ends up eating mini jammie dodgers from the biscuit barrel. They leave soon after.

I am still not over the shock and have told DP she's never coming round for dinner again- or if she does, I'm not counting her in Grin

OP posts:
DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 03/10/2013 20:53

32! You'd think she'd know better.

notthefirstagainstthewall · 03/10/2013 20:54

You should have broken down in hysterical tears, huge sobs of "why WHY does no one like my food" etc etc.
She'd never come back...

TheCrumpetQueen · 03/10/2013 21:03

Awesome pork belly recipe here crackling to die for.

ShakeAndVac · 03/10/2013 21:07

That pork and apple dinner sounds gorgeous, and so does the blackberry tart, I'd have scoffed the lot! Smile
From what you've said she definitely sounds to me like she has issues with food.
Especially the bit where she was going to dunk the bread in sauce and then 'couldn't' and just wanted butter. Confused

ZingWantsCake · 03/10/2013 21:20


I figured it out! She must be a fruitarian, like one of Hugh Grant's dates in Notting Hill!

Will : " these carrots"
Keziah : "Have been murdered, yes"
Will: "Murdered? Poor carrots. How beastly! "

Grin Grin

MrsKoala · 03/10/2013 21:25

These are Shock

I have a similar story to the pastry one. I did a buffet dinner for about 10 people, 4 (all one family) are veggies. I did Lamb mousaka for the meaties and veg lasagne for the veggies. The veggies ran to the table first when i brought out the food and whilst i went back into the kitchen for the salad, helped themselves. When i brought the salad out the mousaka dish was just a baking tray of mince and the lasagna was untouched. I looked round and the veggies plates were piled high with the topping they had scraped off the mousaka. I asked what they were doing. They said they didn't fancy lasagna but love mousaka and not to worry they didn't mind only having the topping. I said but i fried the aubergine and spuds in the meat pan and made them the lasagne specially. Not to worry they said, they didn't mind. They were acting like my annoyance was really worry for them, and not because they had massacred a dish i spent hours preparing. They were thick as pig shit and genuinely thought my obvious anger was concern for them. Confused

x2boys · 03/10/2013 21:29

very rude the first time I took dh home to meet my parents he had had a big tea and not told me my mum and dad had pushed the boat out made a big meal lots of wine there big on wine lol, dh sat and ate the lot did nt say anything and did nt tell me for months I was proud of him for that one poor man was stuffed to the gills but smiled and nodded politely throughout wine probably helped!

MrsKoala · 03/10/2013 21:30

I think tho i would have had to question her. My incredulity would have been overwhelming. Did you not laugh and question the sublime 'from the wild' comment? Did you not ask what she does eat then? And then point out laughingly it is ALL from the wild?

My sister got really cross with me because i told her children (9) that the macdonalds they were eating was not special vegetarian burgers that they made specially for them which just looked and tasted like the meat burgers. Grin How the fuck was i supposed to know the elaborate lie!?

QuintessentialShadows · 03/10/2013 21:36

Maybe it was the wrong gender pig for her?

I cant remember now whether it is the female or the male pig that has a smell that to some people is absolutely revolting.

I have to remember to ask my sister, because if I order the wrong gender, or the butcher cant tell, then we risk a Christmas dinner where my sister is gagging (and not eating) and I feel terrible! We have slow backed pork with crackling for Christmas dinner in Norway. Served with home made sour kraut, and dried apricots and prunes that has been lightly steamed, red cabbage with apple pieces, and cranberry sauce... Ommm nom nom...

bundaberg · 03/10/2013 21:41

i'd wager she has some kind of OCD perhaps? not wanting things from the wild that are "dirty" perhaps?
or some kind of eating disorder.

but then you'd think her partner would know that by now and would not have accepted, or would have given you a heads up???

joannesroom · 03/10/2013 21:48


You presumably ended up with a portion of delicious pork and apple, which you can freeze for a future emergency, some yummy pud to pop in the fridge for those peckish moments, and a great story about the most annoying dinner guest EVER, which you can dine out on indefinitely!

microserf · 03/10/2013 21:53

Wow! I don't like pork, and I really don't like meat cooked with fruit. However, if you serve me something at your house, I will eat it without a word of complaint. How very very rude. I would also vote eating disorder.

I once went to a great aunts. I forgot to meant I was vegetarian and she had spent ages making a chicken pasta bake. I said I was vegetarian, and her face just fell. So, then I mentioned " except for chicken" and ate the lot. I don't regret making her happy as she was a sweetheart and it was my own damn fault not for telling her before I went and she went to all that trouble.

Was delicious too...

Floggingmolly · 03/10/2013 22:01

Where do you think Sainsbury's get the berries from?? Confused
They don't appear fully formed in the plastic punnets, you know.

Mynameismina · 03/10/2013 22:12

Sorry, but I am going to disagree slightly. When I invite people over to eat, I want them to enjoy the experience, and whilst I dislike the fussy (I can only eat one shape of pasta type) I would not want anyone forcing down food that they dislike to be polite.

I was brought up to eat everything that was put in front of me, regardless of appetite or preference and although I eat most things I feel that way of eating is in the past.

I usually do a selection of dishes, all help yourself so that guests can eat what they want.

My two hates are eggs and bananas . Tbh if op had served me omelette followed by banana surprise I would have been on the bread and butter too. Anything else I would have eaten out of politeness.

WandaDoff · 03/10/2013 22:19
YouTheCat · 03/10/2013 22:23

That would be fair enough but OP said she had told them what she was serving up when she invited them. She could have said then really.

NotGoodNotBad · 03/10/2013 22:25

A rude guest story from me...

Friend had been invited for dinner. When I served up the food I'd spent ages choosing and preparing, he said, "Actually, I'm not really hungry. I stopped at a gallery opening on the way over and there was free food..." Hmm

5madthings · 03/10/2013 22:31

Omg how rude!

My sil is a bit like this and it drives me mental, she is incredibly fussy about what she will eat, unless its chocolate or biscuits... And she will sit and push the food around in the plate and make faces and do a hideous cough that sounds like she is going to puke. Every time she visits she has a new 'allergy' she is allergic to cheese....but pizza is OK Hmm drives me fucking mental, I used to make an effort to cook something she said she liked but as she continued to fuss even over things she said she liked I have stopped bothering and make whatever.

Last time we had beef bornigion (sp) and she spent ages 'chewing' bits of beef and then took them out of her mouth into the side if her plate Envy it had been cooked in the slow cooker for eight hours and melted in your mouth ffs.

My two year old has better manners!

Drives me mental but DPs mum and other relatives insist on pandering to it, else she will cry/be sick...

Calabria · 03/10/2013 22:35

ExP used to brew beer. To celebrate the latest batch of beer he invited a good friend over to sample it and made a meat pie to go with it. His friend arrived at the designated time with his teenage son in tow.

The teenager announced that he didn't like meat pie or beer. I'm afraid I very rudely told him that he hadn't been invited and that he didn't have to have any. Blush

TheBigJessie · 03/10/2013 22:35

I've encountered a few people who have a thing about "wild food". What it basically comes down to, in my opinion, is a belief that only intentionally grown food is definitely not poisonous and that if pesticides are used, insects never touched it, and it was washed industrially and properly before it went into the packets.

Or to put it another way:

Given a choice between eating the new neighbour's mushroom pie which he says feature mushrooms he picked last night, and a mushroom pie made with a collection of mushrooms from Sainsbury's (in a packet marked "country living"), loads of people would pick the latter!

Yes, it's easy to distinguish edible and poisonous fruit, but you only know that if you, erm, know that.

If you've grown up thinking that wild berries and mushrooms are terribly difficult and scary, you go round being a nit about blackberries. Seriously, loads of people assume they're poisonous.

ColouringInQueen · 03/10/2013 22:43

That menu sounds lovely Grin please point us in the direction of your recipes!

ClockWatchingLady · 03/10/2013 22:53

YANBU. Must have been pretty disappointing after making such a nice meal.

(But.... I have to say I agree with people saying it sounds like some kind of eating disorder (with anxiety/obsessive/problem with novelty element?). Did she seem to have other anxiety problems?).


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DumSpiroSpero · 03/10/2013 23:10

We had a guest for dinner a while back who kicked off the evening by asking me if I'd managed to lose any weight since we'd last got together, regaled me with a week by week account of her own weight loss via a well known slimming club and proceeded to pick all the tempura batter off the king prawns (starter so there were only five each).

She then lit up at the table between courses and after dinner had a pop at me for missing a move in the game we were playing.

In spite of the batter removal she managed to eat pudding, put a sizeable dent in the cheeseboard and wash it down with at least one bottle of wine Shock !

Normally get on OK but...grrr...

Worst meal I ever sat through was the one my first boyfriend cooked when I went round to meet his parents - liver casserole, boiled potatoes and peas. I ate the lot even though I couldn't stand any of it. Thankfully his mum's puddings more than made up for it Smile .

5Foot5 · 03/10/2013 23:15

Oh the pork and apple-y thing sounds lovely. Did it have some sort of stock or other liquid to cook it in?

And I love, love love blackberries!

Sinful1 · 04/10/2013 00:32

in regards to the berries, not a transplant patient is she?

i used to know one and she had to be very careful about eating certain because she was so vulnerable to infection. i.e 3 second rule was a no no :p

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