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Nursery worker telling DD she's disgusting

76 replies

RiotsNotDiets · 23/09/2013 08:23

DD (2.5) is potty training,

she's doing really well and is pretty much trained at home and when we go out, she has been having accidents at nursery though.

They have asked me to put her in pull ups, but I have said I'm not happy to do so for 3 reasons
1, because she has virtually no accidents at all with me, her dad or other family members looking after her.
2, because pull ups are just nappies, which I think will be confusing for her and will be a step back.
3, when DD started there they told me that whatever we did WRT potty training to tell them and they would do the same as me.

This was fine and they have been ok with her, and she'd stopped having accidents apart from the odd one. However the other day at nursery she had two accidents (poo) and the nursery worker who had been in told her dad to bring her in pull ups next time. And was saying "so we'll see you in pull ups next week won't we mini riot?" to DD.

Since then, every time DD uses the toilet or the potty, she tells me that it's dirty and disgusting to poo. She says that the nursery worker said so.

AIBU to think that the nursery worker is out of order for telling a child that they are dirty and disgusting for having completely natural bodily functions, and for ordering us to use pull ups when I've made it clear we're not happy to do so?

Also AIBU to think that she's in the wrong profession if she can't understand that we all had to learn sometime and that dealing with accidents is inevitable when you work with toddlers?

OP posts:
pigletmania · 24/09/2013 10:55

It seemed like your dd could have been right judging by the workers reaction. I hope now things will improve for her

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