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to expect the sweets and cakes at a kids party to be put out AFTER the savoury?

89 replies

greencatseyes · 16/09/2013 14:21

Pukey pukey pukey.

Yesterday DS2 (5) came home from party and vommed up all the many cakes and sweets he'd eaten over two hours at a party. His brother narrowly kept them all in. Not sure which is worse.

AIBU to think that you don't just put our ALL the food at the very beginning of the party, together....

There was no way on earth that my children weren't going to eat all the cakes first: I would have had to physically hold them back for two hours. They did not let a morsel of savoury fare pass their lips (not counting Hula Hoops).

I'm not a party food Nazi - but I have food out after the games, and then bring out the cakes after the teeny tiny sandwiches and crisps (and token carrot sticks)


OP posts:
KurriKurri · 16/09/2013 14:42

To be fair to you OP - I wouldn't have food out for the entire party - that does seem a bit odd. I would have games and running around, then sit down and eat, blow out candles etc., then children bundled elsewhere to play a bit more away from food, then home with a piece of cake in a bag for later

BeCool · 16/09/2013 14:43

Was the party at Nobu? If so YANBU.

If not, it's a free for all at kids parties!

BTW my 5 year old once ate so much (very mice but very rich) chocolate cake at a birthday party (despite everyone telling her to stop) she was very sick the next day and vomited blood. Several hours were spent in A&E having it confirmed that it was indeed chocolate-cake-induced-bloody-vomit-itis!

I think she will remember next time.

BetsyBidwell · 16/09/2013 14:43

your kid is a pig

thats the thing

BeCool · 16/09/2013 14:44

oops Nice (not Mice cake - mice cake would be silly)

Panzee · 16/09/2013 14:45

Oh missed that the food was over the entire party. I don't encourage play after food to avoid vom risk. I plan party, food, cake, now bugger off! :o

insanityscratching · 16/09/2013 14:47

I put all the food out at once too and I don't remember going to a party where the cakes were held back tbh. If you were there I would have expected you to monitor how much your child ate tbh rather than expect me to with hold the sweet treats so YABU.

Crowler · 16/09/2013 14:47

I'm not extremely strict about snacks (although my husband is!). We have one kid who goes completely bananas when he comes to our house; his mom is incredibly strict about food. I am not kidding when I tell you at rugby yesterday she brought him radishes as a snack (?!?!?!?!).

Do you think you're perhaps creating a situation here? Does your kid ever get to eat any cakes at home?

Gubbins · 16/09/2013 14:52

When they were small I'd put out the savoury and then pass around the sweet stuff when they'd had enough of that. Nowadays (They are 7 and 9) I just stick it all out and it's their problem if they eat too much crap.

One mum did ask me to limit what her seven year old had as he'd thrown up after the last four parties, but as soon as I turned my back he necked half a bowl of frazzles. You can't police one child's intake (unless it's your own.) So if E's reading, sorry!

squeakytoy · 16/09/2013 14:53

" I tired to stop them, but there are two of them, and I really would have had to actually hold them - or leave..."

you need to get better control over your kids then if they just ignore you

MrsOakenshield · 16/09/2013 14:53

radishes??? As a snack????????? During rugby??????????????????

That's just So Weird.

greencatseyes · 16/09/2013 14:53

they get a v wide variety of snack and cake at home yes! Its hard to sail the route between food nazi and hands off parent I find though...

OP posts:
Googlella · 16/09/2013 14:54

YANBU sweet things should be brought out after savouries and mainly are at the parties my dc have been to.

Crowler · 16/09/2013 14:54

I'm a vomit-phobe and I forgot to worry about birthday parties. Now I can add this to my list. Thanks. Smile

WorraLiberty · 16/09/2013 14:55

If they eat so much that they puke up, they'll learn from it.

Like most of us did at that age.

Crowler · 16/09/2013 14:56

I know, MrsOak. She's a bit smug, too. Poor child stared at me, munching his radish as I handed mine their ginormous cinnamon swirls.

Growlithe · 16/09/2013 15:00

Worra - they will then have the same lesson in their teens with cider. Grin

WorraLiberty · 16/09/2013 15:01

So true Growlithe Grin

pigletmania · 16/09/2013 15:05

Yabvu my dd 6 would wait until the savoury was gone and cakes came out beforevtryingto eat the lot Grin

whenigrowupiwanttobeaunicorn · 16/09/2013 15:06

Radishes??? Really?
My DD13 has one friend who always used to over do it on the sweets and cakes when she came to parties/playdates/sleepovers. Her mum was a bit of a food nazi, ie no-crap-EVER!
People are often impressed when my 2 DDs say no thankyou to dessert and treats (sometimes - not always!) But they have grown up with choice and have learnt not to eat if they're not hungry, but to enjoy things like ginormous cinnamon swirls too!

Crowler · 16/09/2013 15:42

Yes, radishes.

NotCitrus · 16/09/2013 15:42

I hope this wasn't my ds's party!
Didn't have time to do sandwiches in advance thanks to toddler waking every half hour all night then clinging to me all morning, got all food onto table near the start of the party, then was running upstairs and down keeping an eye on the kids. Mostly my toddler, who scarfed most of the sandwiches...

Keeping multiple preschoolers away from biscuits within reach - please share your tips squeakytoy!

ShatnersBassoon · 16/09/2013 15:45

Parties aren't parties unless you can pick your Hula Hoops up with a Chocolate Finger.


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LadyClariceCannockMonty · 16/09/2013 15:46

" I tired to stop them, but there are two of them, and I really would have had to actually hold them - or leave..."

you need to get better control over your kids then if they just ignore you'

This exactly.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 16/09/2013 15:51

Maybe this could actually be a good thing from the point of view of someone who did not have to clean up the vomit because maybe next time they will remember having felt ill and uncomfortable/vomiting, and will stop short of stuffing themselves to the point of feeling ill.

HorryIsUpduffed · 16/09/2013 15:55

I put out savoury food first, then sweet stuff to overlap maybe ten minutes later. So they at least nibble something nutritious before diving headfirst into the party rings and Maltesers.

But it's weird to have food available throughout a children's party. No wonder there was vomit Confused

Two-hour party, of which the last half-hour is food/cake/party bags.

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