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AIBU thinking about complaining about a Barclays staff members comments?

134 replies

manfalou · 22/08/2013 14:26

Im usually really pleased with the service I get from Barclays and my children have always been welcomed there but today I found myself wanting the punch the woman on the other side of the counter.

I only went in to deposit a cheque and withdraw cash and don't usually do chit chat but she stood up to look at my baby over the counter... this is where the fun starts...

First she said: 'Is that your little girl?' ... to which I replied 'No its my boy' smiling... her reply back 'I can only see blue and cream which can be either' and sat back down.. When i worked in retail when I was just out of school I would always say (if I wanted chit chat about babies) I always said something along the lines of 'Your baby's gorgeous' or 'How old's your baby?' so I didn't get the gender wrong. He's 4 months old too btw, its not as though he's newborn.

She then want on to say 'your first?', my reply 'no he's my second, my eldest will be 3 in October'... her reply 'you don't look old enough to have two kids'... I was livid! I just smiled and said 'Well i'm 24 this Saturday' which she repeated.. 'Yeh, you don't look old enough to have two children'. She didn't say it in a 'oh you look young for your age' kind of way, she said it in a 'you shouldn't have two kids at your age, you probably don't know who their fathers are' kind of way. And the way she looked at me... like I was dirt. She went on to tell me that she has ONE son who is 7 years old, he's current at his grandmothers because his dad is a teacher and has had to go into school during the holidays... again said in a snotty way. What I should've said was 'oh well my CHILDREN..yes both of my children have the same father... is an IT consultant for a global company'.

By all means, I think myself I do look younger than 24 but I do not expect professional staff to make such comments, especially when they're said in such a snobbish, rude manner.

OP posts:
LadyBeagleEyes · 22/08/2013 17:53

Daftest AIBU I've ever read.

Smoorikins · 22/08/2013 17:55

I'm with you on this, op.

I have lost count of the number of times people express surprise that my children are the age they are

Its an absolute curse to look younger than you are. Can you imagine getting to 70 and having to prove that you are old enough for a bus pass? Its unthinkable!

JamieandtheMagicTorch · 22/08/2013 18:01


I know you were there and we weren't, and tone and expression has a big part to play, so I wouldn't want to dismiss what you say out of hand, but I am confused as to the "point" you think she was making here:

"She went on to tell me that she has ONE son who is 7 years old, he's current at his grandmothers because his dad is a teacher and has had to go into school during the holidays... again said in a snotty way"

It's possible that she was judging your age, but really, IF she was she's an arse and not worth your consideration.

And it's possible, from what you say, that she wasn't

strokey · 22/08/2013 18:07

She mustve confused you with someone whose husband DOESNT work for a global IT company.
Which could be an easy mistake to make considering how young you look. Lets face it, most people who aren't old enough to have 2 children couldn't possibly bag a man who works for a global IT company.

That's the only possible explanation for her behaviour.

I would've quietly told her "actually my husband works for a global IT company" Im sure she would've been really embarrassed and apologised.

Xmasbaby11 · 22/08/2013 18:12

I don't understand the big deal. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder about being a young mum.

StElmo · 22/08/2013 19:11

She may well have had a snooty manner but maybe that's just her way, her comments don't seem rude to me at all. I'm 24 and often get told I look to young to have two children, I just say 'I am!' And put my 'exasperated mummy' face on. Giggling generally ensues. Try not to take everything so seriously.

StElmo · 22/08/2013 19:13

Too* stupid phone

Capitola · 22/08/2013 19:49

She was just making conversation ffs.

You sound chippy, OP.

BellEndTent · 22/08/2013 19:55

Do you think you might be a bit sensitive because you know / have been told before that you look young for your age?

I was late twenties and still being described as "the young girl" at work and had one downright vicious comment from a grumpy man at the local community centre about the size of my family (two toddlers - I think he assumed I was the DM young--mum-on-benefits Grin) and it quite annoyed me at the time. Like you, I was married, a professional and probably a lot older than they thought but I shrugged it off. That kind of attitude reflects far worse on them than it does on you. Smile and back away.

kali110 · 22/08/2013 20:05

Is this a reverse aibu?Im 27 and forever being told i don't look my age. Pubs don't even think I'm over 18.
I think your overreacting. I wouldn't make a complaint, they wont take it seriously. These places do have to make chit chat! She didn't know the sex of your child? How dare she!
If things like this ate getting to you id talk to someone as being this paranoid cant be good for you.

kali110 · 22/08/2013 20:05

Bellend i wish i was still being called the young one :-(

Somethingtothinkabout · 22/08/2013 20:17

Your young years show with your inability to stealthily boast.

Have a Biscuit and some ketchup truffle oil? (I'm wracking my brain to think what the wives of global IT consultants have as a condiment with their pomme frites).

Just chill, she was just making inane chit chat.

BellEndTent · 22/08/2013 20:19

I'm [gasp] 31 now and am increasingly grateful when it happens these days. I feel several years of no sleep are starting to take their toll on my babyface. Grin

ILetHimKeep20Quid · 22/08/2013 20:21

I think the op has the message now. And a character assassination to boot.

usualsuspect · 22/08/2013 20:30

Funny how she never came back...

mynameisnotmichaelcaine · 22/08/2013 20:31

sigh. I had DD at 24, and used to get riled about things like this. The chance would be a fine thing these days. NO-ONE tells me I look too young for anything any more!

MidniteScribbler · 23/08/2013 09:28

Just because you're old enough to have children, doesn't necessarily mean that you are mature enough.

SarahBumBarer · 23/08/2013 12:51

Some people just don't seem come across as friendly.

Y'know the way some posters just don't seem to come across as rational?

JamieandtheMagicTorch · 23/08/2013 12:54



Let's hope all the "get a grips", "get a lifes" "you're paranoid" etc etc haven't distressed someone who is genuinely struggling a bit.

TheCraicDealer · 23/08/2013 13:05

Am I the only one who saw, "I can only see blue and cream which can be either" and thought Barclays lady is clearly an mn'er?

Anyway, OP I would suspect that you have had negative comments made about your choices previously and now pick up on remarks that are supposed to be completely innocuous.

If you're happy with your life (which you probably are with two beautiful children and a successful DH, all of which you're clearly proud of) then let it go. Life's too short to worry about what the lady at the bank might think of you. Which, incidentally, was just that you look young to have two children.

Crowler · 23/08/2013 13:11

She mustve confused you with someone whose husband DOESNT work for a global IT company.
Which could be an easy mistake to make considering how young you look. Lets face it, most people who aren't old enough to have 2 children couldn't possibly bag a man who works for a global IT company.

That's the only possible explanation for her behaviour.

I would've quietly told her "actually my husband works for a global IT company" Im sure she would've been really embarrassed and apologised.

I just burst out laughing at this one.

magimedi · 23/08/2013 13:11

I told a very nice woman in a shop that she didn't look old enough to have a 5 & 7 year old & she said that I'd made her day!


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trixymalixy · 23/08/2013 13:13

She was trying to give you a compliment! It is your insecurity that has made you read something into it that's not there.

I'd love to look younger than my age.

themaltesefalcon · 23/08/2013 13:17

My husband's just a gobshite.

Is that why I love it so much on the rare occasion that people tell me I'm too young to be a mother? :)

pinkyredrose · 23/08/2013 13:29

IT consultant for global company = 1st port telephone helpline for Virgin Media!

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