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AIBU thinking about complaining about a Barclays staff members comments?

134 replies

manfalou · 22/08/2013 14:26

Im usually really pleased with the service I get from Barclays and my children have always been welcomed there but today I found myself wanting the punch the woman on the other side of the counter.

I only went in to deposit a cheque and withdraw cash and don't usually do chit chat but she stood up to look at my baby over the counter... this is where the fun starts...

First she said: 'Is that your little girl?' ... to which I replied 'No its my boy' smiling... her reply back 'I can only see blue and cream which can be either' and sat back down.. When i worked in retail when I was just out of school I would always say (if I wanted chit chat about babies) I always said something along the lines of 'Your baby's gorgeous' or 'How old's your baby?' so I didn't get the gender wrong. He's 4 months old too btw, its not as though he's newborn.

She then want on to say 'your first?', my reply 'no he's my second, my eldest will be 3 in October'... her reply 'you don't look old enough to have two kids'... I was livid! I just smiled and said 'Well i'm 24 this Saturday' which she repeated.. 'Yeh, you don't look old enough to have two children'. She didn't say it in a 'oh you look young for your age' kind of way, she said it in a 'you shouldn't have two kids at your age, you probably don't know who their fathers are' kind of way. And the way she looked at me... like I was dirt. She went on to tell me that she has ONE son who is 7 years old, he's current at his grandmothers because his dad is a teacher and has had to go into school during the holidays... again said in a snotty way. What I should've said was 'oh well my CHILDREN..yes both of my children have the same father... is an IT consultant for a global company'.

By all means, I think myself I do look younger than 24 but I do not expect professional staff to make such comments, especially when they're said in such a snobbish, rude manner.

OP posts:
sooperdooper · 22/08/2013 16:48

Wow, get a grip, would you rather she said you looked old and haggared?

Who cares if she thought your baby was a girl not a boy, it's hardly a crime, it was nice of her to try and talk to you at all, I'm sure she'd wish she never bothered if she had any idea of your reaction - what it has to do with your children being welcomed there is beyond me

It was nothing, chill out & move on :)

Azultrailer · 22/08/2013 16:53

Fancy being spoken to like that when you're 23 and a half!Grin

Cravey · 22/08/2013 16:59

I think op that you may need to get a life.

Onesleeptillwembley · 22/08/2013 17:08

The OPs insecurities remind me if someone (now much older than 23 1/2) who grew up with nothing. Got a normal respectable life and from then on was convinced she was better than everyone else. Expected deference at every turn and vjucked s complete hissy fit when it (obviously) wasn't forthcoming.
Checkout operators? Far beneath her. Unmarried mothers? Drain on society. That sort of attitude.
Basically was fur coat and no knickers. Nobody in the lovely friendly street spoke to her if they could help it. And she's getting older and more bitter by the day.

x2boys · 22/08/2013 17:13

I would be thrilled to be told I didn't look old enough to have two children I am 40 however in two months so look pleanty old enough I could even be a grandma! sob

Caff2 · 22/08/2013 17:13

I always get "Is he your first?" when out alone with ds2, aged one, and when I reply that my oldest is 13 sometimes get, "You look too young" (compliment) or "Do they have the same father?" (Reasonable assumption due to age gap, and even if they didn't, not an insult in my view).


Caff2 · 22/08/2013 17:14

Although the second is a lot a bit nosy ;)

BuskersCat · 22/08/2013 17:17

Someone told me I didn't look old enough to have a 3yo. Cue me beaming at them THANK YOU! I feel bloody haggered! Grin

AmazingBouncingFerret · 22/08/2013 17:21

Grin If I had a pound for everytime someone said I don't look old enough to have children I'd be rich. Rich beyond my wildest dreams!

stealth boast


LRDPomogiMnyeSRabotoi · 22/08/2013 17:23

You look well ancient, ABF. Raddled, even.

LRDPomogiMnyeSRabotoi · 22/08/2013 17:24

(Actually, you look exactly like your DD, I meant to comment on that the other day.)

Charlottehere · 22/08/2013 17:25

She was making conversation. Confused

MrsDeVere · 22/08/2013 17:25

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

AmazingBouncingFerret · 22/08/2013 17:26
Rilson · 22/08/2013 17:28

Jaysus. Poor woman was only making conversation.

You have some major paranoia going on Confused

DrDance · 22/08/2013 17:29

how old is your first OP?

Asking as the only reason I can think of for you to react as you have is that maybe you had your first quite young (by society's standards) and you've felt you've been stigmitised in the past of being a 'young/teenage' mum?

From what you have said it really doesn't ound anything to be upset about though Confused

LRDPomogiMnyeSRabotoi · 22/08/2013 17:31


Yeah, I can imagine.

mycatlikestwiglets · 22/08/2013 17:33

Trust me OP, in a few years you'll be desperate for people to say you look too young to have 2 children Grin. It's a compliment - if she'd said you are too young to have 2 children it would be meant as an insult.

currentbuns · 22/08/2013 17:38

I'm just amused by the supposed cachet of a husband working for a Global company.... McDonald's perchance?

Onesleeptillwembley · 22/08/2013 17:39

Fries with that?Grin Grin Grin

MrsBungle · 22/08/2013 17:41

Op, you really sound like you have a massive chip on your shoulder. Sounds like small talk to me, not at all rude.

AmazingBouncingFerret · 22/08/2013 17:42

My husband works for a global company. Is it special??


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TheOneAndOnlyFell · 22/08/2013 17:46

You sound a bit paranoid and as though you have a massive chip on your shoulder about having had your children quite young, although you are hardly teenager so I don't really understand it.

Most of what the woman apperently felt about you didn't even come out of her mouth - it was all in your head.

gininteacupsandleavesonthelawn · 22/08/2013 17:47

Wondering if I should point out that the woman you spoke to also works for 'a global company' what with Barclays being erm... Global. No?? You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder.

TheOneAndOnlyFell · 22/08/2013 17:49

current that reminded me of an eighteen year old on Netmums once, saying that she and her BF really wanted to try for a baby and even though she was very young they were very well sorted, and could afford it because her BF who was 20 had 'a good job in Logistics for an International company.'

I thought hmm..logistics? He loads and unloads trucks then? At 20 that's going to pay shedloads obviously. Grin

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