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To actually prefer my own company and to prefer being a bit of a loner?

93 replies

Haloqueen · 18/08/2013 23:57

Have I become seriously weird or what? I used to be fairly outgoing and very sociable in my youth etc but I am increasingly finding that people in general ,including my extended family,friends etc just get on my bloody nerves most of the time.I am now 48 and married with 2 teens and far prefer just pottering at home doing things like baking/sewing/mumsnetting/bit of tv than going anywhere sociallyShock. Myself and dh often stay up till the early hours watching a movie,drinking wine etc at weekends and the only thing I enjoy doing outside of the house is walking the dog. Obviously I have to do a bit of necessary shopping, school run etc as we are rather rural.Everyone just annoys me most of the time outside of my own little family well they annoy me too but thats different.
AIBU to carry on like this or will I become a complete eccentric,antisocial loonHmm?

OP posts:
Beastofburden · 19/08/2013 21:12

I am definitely an introvert and I love my time alone. I don't get nearly enough of it.

Crumbledwalnuts · 19/08/2013 21:14

Know what you mean. I hate going out until I get there.

ouryve · 19/08/2013 21:24

Loner married to a loner. It's so peaceful.

Fairylea · 19/08/2013 21:29


I'm 32 and I spent ten years between 18-28 being a total wildchild.. drinking, unsuitable people, unsuitable sex blah blah. Had enough company to last a lifetime and have slowly come to realise most people annoy the tits off me.

I do enjoy mumsnet, but partly because there is no responsibility to nurture any friendships. I can banter and then turn it off whenever I like.

I find that now I crave time alone and peace and quiet doing whatever I like to do without having to talk to anyone or explain myself.

littlewhitebag · 19/08/2013 21:32

I am not an introvert but i love being at home pottering, walking the dog and hanging out with my DH and DD's who are 15 and 20. I work part time and get enough stimulation from that. The rest of the time i am happy with my own company. I hate having tradesmen in and although i have people to visit from time to time i don't overly encourage it.

MacaYoniandCheese · 19/08/2013 21:42

YADNBU. I!m anintrovert and love being by myself. Not at all the same as being anti-social though; you just have to make sure you get plenty of alone-time in order to balance it out. And social time needs to be quality vs. quantity.

supermariossister · 19/08/2013 21:46

I agree with you, i dont think its an age thing though. im early 20s and i prefer my own company or walks to social situations. i think its who we are not what we are that determines the kind of things we enjoy. i get called boring on a weekly basis :)

orangeandemons · 19/08/2013 21:50

I am concerned that as I get older, I get more and more irritated by people, especially crowds. I am really unbearable in a crowded tourist place.

Dh and ds have threatened to buy me a t shirt with ' I hate People ' on the front Hmm

KatieScarlett2833 · 19/08/2013 21:54

Happiness is peace, a naice candle, a good book and chocolate. DH reading alongside me and the teenagers about their business, happy and healthy.
The rest is just stuff I do until I can get back to the happy place Smile

forehead · 19/08/2013 22:01

I am an introvert and proud.
If i could work from home , i would .
It is definitely great to meet kindred spirits. In fact mumsnet has made me more introvert, as i don't even have to leave the house to have a chat.

daisychain01 · 19/08/2013 22:07

Group Hug all you loners out there, can I join the party? YADDDNBU, I love the thought of sitting down, feet up, cappuccino in hand, newspaper, bit of crafting, yeah!!! No competition! Cant stand socialising urghhhh cant be arsed.

Hey can we start a loners group? Oh bum, that totally defeats the object Grin. Just awesome I don't feel a weirdo any more!! Thank you.

TheWickedBitchOfTheBest · 19/08/2013 22:08

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

NorksAreMessy · 19/08/2013 22:21

Come and join us

The idea of a separate-but-alone non-collective is rather lovely. We all respect each others' space and need for thinking time, but wave affectionately across the ether.

Haloqueen · 19/08/2013 22:31

norks namecheck noted.Grin.
That is a fab little thread you introverted lot have going on over thereShock.Might have to start lurking there soon..couldnt possibly join in you understand...too much like socialising Wink.
I am astounded at so many like-minded souls.It has made my day and might even get out the Wine to celebrate and raise a glass to fellow loners.Smile.
Heres to continuing down that lovely,quiet road.Smile.

OP posts:
Haloqueen · 19/08/2013 22:34

Mmm,I like that expression.. separate-but-alone non-collective !

OP posts:
RubySparks · 19/08/2013 22:37

Can I join the club? Think we may be separated at birth... 48, married, two teenagers, dog, rural, don't even need to do school run though, kids get picked up! I do go out to work but hoping to reduce that and maybe do volunteer work. Which sounds a bit sociable but hoping to work with plants and/or animals.

I have become worse since kids started working on their own friendships so no need to socialise with school mums any more. I do like to see some old friends occasionally but mostly happy in my home bubble.

Xmasbaby11 · 19/08/2013 22:40

It sounds weird to me - a bit sad you don't have many people in your life you don't actually like enough to want to spend time with.

Monty27 · 19/08/2013 22:50

Halo I'm used to being on my own (two young adult dc's).

I did spend time with a girlfriend yesterday and other people were texting and phoning me all day and I was 'wtf?'. And the landline was even ringing (almost unheard of in here apart from family).

One was an old friend I haven't seen for 10 years. I thought about it today and the conclusion I drew was that I don't have any space for any more people Shock

I'm usually alone and have got used to it. If I want company there's a pub down the road and I can go there. Does that make sense?

Monty27 · 19/08/2013 22:51

I do work full time, so need head space :(

Fakebook · 19/08/2013 22:55

I like being alone too. But I have two very active children and one very sociable little girl which means I'm having to leave my comfort zone more and more because of her. In the past I've been known not to answer the home phone for days at a time to avoid talking to people including family. I got told off for that so now have caller ID.

Before meeting DH and having dd, I used to dream about buying a wooden hut in the middle of the woods and living there alone forever.

ConfusedPixie · 19/08/2013 22:55

YANBU, I'm exactly the same. Me and DP and a film or something and I'm in my happy spot! Or just me and whatever I want to do!

farrowandbawl · 19/08/2013 23:00

I dream of earning and saving enough to buy a big field in the middle of nowhere with lots of trees and build myself a house - my dream house. With no neighbours, no people, long tall grasses, trees, evergreens, snow, a stream and one of the rooms will be a massive library, full of books and one big, overstuffed chair, by the window with a side table that has a large lamp on, and a basket of warm wool blankets on the other side of the chair. And a dog. A big lazy furry lump of a hound.

I may even have a large shed for pottering about with my hobby in.


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daisychain01 · 19/08/2013 23:04

I love the home bubble idea. I enjoy pottering around.. With my pots, actually Smile on the patio and making the house look nice with a few bits of cross stitch. That probably sounds antiquated, with all the cut and thrust of modern living, but that's me.

We don't own a TV so I think that must make me a luddite! I prefer one to one relationships, cant abide those hectic parties, with crowds of people, where you realise you havent really said anything meaningful to anyone the whole evening. Much prefer to 'put the world to rights' with one special person, or two at most.

Quality, not quantity!

TobyLerone · 19/08/2013 23:09

Xmasbaby, I think you'll find that none of us introverts are 'sad' about being introverts, nor do we need you to be sad on our behalf. But thanks.

Monty27 · 19/08/2013 23:12

Xmas it's not sad, its choice.

I like spending time with people. When I want to.


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