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...preparing for a flaming......aibu to not understand why everyone hates The Daily Mail?

137 replies

mameulah · 06/08/2013 21:46

That's it.

I don't get what the problem is?

OP posts:
LovelyMarchHare · 06/08/2013 23:19

What I mean is that their assumption initially was that a young black man couldn't simply be a victim (which is typical of the DM mentality).

Xiaoxiong · 06/08/2013 23:26

And to the troll hunters on this thread, mameulah has been around for a while, she ain't a troll.

ouryve · 06/08/2013 23:27

If you don't know by now, you never will, OP.


BrokenSunglasses · 07/08/2013 00:03

I'm probably not far off the DMs target audience, but just about every article I have read from them has either caused me to feel irritated or has had me looking like this Hmm for its sheer ridiculousness.

It really is utter tripe. But maybe they do manage a half decent weekend supplement.

I read news on the BBC website or the sky news app.

Edendance · 07/08/2013 00:11

I really like it too...

I don't agree with a lot of things people say it promotes so maybe I'm just not that brain washable... Hmm

piprabbit · 07/08/2013 00:19

I used to read the Daily Mail, back in the days when the decent papers were broadsheet format and I wanted to be able to read on the train. It seemed to have more print content than many of the other tabloids and would actually keep me reading for several stations.

Then I thought about what I was reading and how reading the DM always made me feel bad about my life choices, because it really didn't matter what or how I chose to live my life - I would always find other women in the DM being judged and found wanting by the DM. I realised that the health and science information they print is (to be frank) piss poor and generally downright misleading. That they will kick people and organisations (the NHS, benefits claimants) because they like a lazy, stereotypical story - not because the facts support the kickings they dole out.

So I stopped reading any papers at all until the Independent came out in tabloid format. Now I mostly buy the 20p I if I want some puzzles and a bit of news.

itchyandscratchy26 · 07/08/2013 00:35

I HATE the DM with a passion so severe that I would wipe my arse with it, we're it not the fact that Andrex is softer.
This 'paper' has an editorial policy to undermine, slag off and bash doctors, especially GPs at every opportunity. The DM has started and perpetuated the myth that your average GP earns £250k for working 9-5 and gleefully prints daily tails of my cancer was missed by my shit GP, and repeat ad-nauseun. This rag is the voice piece of the current government, the press office of which steers the anti-NHS headlines to suit whatever agenda they have that week.

everlong · 07/08/2013 01:35

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justanuthermanicmumsday · 07/08/2013 01:48

I agree with poster "anniegetyourgun"its a hate-filled hypocritical rag, that and it's not journalism so why pay for it.

my 6 year old can tell me,the news headline more intelligently without that trash, she just tunes in to Bbc world service at breakfast time.

Catsize · 07/08/2013 05:28

It fuels hatred and prejudice.
And a friend who used to work there told alarming tales of the selection of stories, the bigotry and prejudice.
The only thing going for it is that it has a nice typeface.

exoticfruits · 07/08/2013 05:57

I agree that it fuels hatred and prejudice - it is deeply depressive, and if you believed half of it and you would want to emigrate. I also find it very hypocritical.
I stopped reading it years ago over the story of some poor murdered prostitute who was a young and troubled girl. They were advocating 'tough' love - basically you love your child if they do as you tell them, otherwise you withhold the love until they do do as you tell them!
Just little things irritate me, I saw it yesterday as my mother has it, I can't remember the story but one party refused to comment - but, according to the Mail,they refused to comment 'from their house worth £250,000'.

itchyandscratchy26 · 07/08/2013 06:50

Eeeewwwww that's another thing exotic, they always do that! e.g "little jimmy's grief stricken parents are believed to be staying at their £350,000 house in the Cotswolds" or insert done other comment. What point are they trying to make with these snide extra details?

ComposHat · 07/08/2013 07:11

Because they are engaged in a weird quest in order to divide all the worlds objects into things that cause cancer and things that cure cancer.

That really made me guffaw!

Guerrillacrochet · 07/08/2013 07:16

There was a great article in the New Yorker about the DM last year that is really worth a read:
Gives a great external perspective. One bit that stuck in my head about Paul Dacre is that he uses the word cunt so often in his editorial meetings they've been nicknamed 'the vagina monologues'. Says everything really.

MrsPatrickDempsey · 07/08/2013 07:35

About two weeks ago the DM reported on a medical case. I was actually present at the inquest and when I read the DM account, questioned whether I had actually been in the right case! There were some inaccuracies but it was the level of assumption and the conclusions drawn from thin air that were shocking. The thing is, some people will use this as the basis of their knowledge without questioning it.

Lazyjaney · 07/08/2013 07:49

They probably get half their online readership through Mumsnet alone

True Dat.

KingRollo · 07/08/2013 08:00

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KingRollo · 07/08/2013 08:17

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theodorakisses · 07/08/2013 08:44

I don't like it, I regularly police it and report to PCC, have had 2 upheld. That said, I have also had one Guardian and one Independent upheld as well (is upheld the right terminology? I mean they agreed with me).

I will freely admit in the spirit of honesty, I hate them, evil shitty bastards but I do read it online, along with the Guardian which is also free. I don't think it has brainwashed me, for the stuff like big brother and horoscopes it is readable. My in laws read it and do believe it, they also read the Sun and Star and believe those, that is the danger. (I think a lot of people do secretly read it like me, if nothing else, it is probably the easiest and most pleasant to use website, if the others were of the same simpleton design, they would be more successful)

theodorakisses · 07/08/2013 08:47

And I report reader comments such as this one, about a guy who proposed to his girlfriend in public and she said no:

Good. Getting married is a vile thing to do and I will never do it. I like to own my own house, thank you - and I like to be able to yell "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" at my ladies when I'm done with them.

  • Pyewacket , Hampshire, United Kingdom, 07/8/2013 02:30
Dackyduddles · 07/08/2013 08:58

You read it? You believe it? You repeat it in public?

It's hate filled mysoginistic (argh spelling?!?) bigoted right wing white superior scare mongering benefit bashing unquestioning cant think for themselves privileged tosh.

And to be truthful (and I realise potentially very hurtful) is how I expect readers of it to act/think. It ultimately makes me very sad. The sun for all its idiocy doesn't make me feel that visceral about it.

Dackyduddles · 07/08/2013 08:59

Oh gosh yes liz jones. Who can actually make me ashamed of being female as she spouts such banal vacuous tripe like its a 'female' opinion.


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theodorakisses · 07/08/2013 09:06

Yes I read it, along with most of the people on this forum. Of course I don't bloody believe it, I am not thick. I just think if you do look at it for any reason, at least bloodywell admit it. Lot's of hypocrisy on here.

TiggyD · 07/08/2013 09:06

It's by far the clearest, easiest to read and most attractive paper there is in my opinion. The problem is what it says.
"Comedian gets 40,000 complaints so must be sacked!" says the Mail.
Then a columist of theirs gets a similar amout for homophobic comments and they do nothing.
Then another one of their columists comes out with transphobic comments about a person who then kills herself causing over 250,000 complaints and they do nothing. They're going on and on about trolls at the moment. Trolls on the internet are bad, but they seem to be fine if they work for a newspaper.
They also go on and on about banning pornography while at the same time publishing picture after picture of semi-naked models and actresses.
They say "No long lens pap shots in this paper!" then do it anyway.
Sometimes they put pictures of "bikini clad beauties" in for absolutely no reason. "Claudia Bloggs has difficulty with her costume!" it cries online, followed by 5 pictures of a model adjusting her very small bikini.

TiggyD · 07/08/2013 09:07

I always assume threads like this are put up by people who work at rival papers, for a laugh.

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