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...preparing for a flaming......aibu to not understand why everyone hates The Daily Mail?

137 replies

mameulah · 06/08/2013 21:46

That's it.

I don't get what the problem is?

OP posts:
Patchouli · 06/08/2013 22:12

The scaremongering bugs me.
My MIL reads it. She's always going on about how scarey GM food is etc

OutragedFromLeeds · 06/08/2013 22:14

Bogeyface · 06/08/2013 22:14

artijoke that is a fascinating article that proves everything I have ever suspected about DM.

OutragedFromLeeds · 06/08/2013 22:14

x-post Annie Grin

WafflyVersatile · 06/08/2013 22:14

They are trolls, effectively. Half their advertising revenue must come from people clicking on links in order to be disgusted at them. The ones that aren't disgusted presumably agree with them which isn't really what you want in a society that isn't filled with hatred for your fellow human.

gordyslovesheep · 06/08/2013 22:15
but worth watching

(right thread this time)
Punkatheart · 06/08/2013 22:15

I have met and talked to many many Daily Mail journos. I would never read it. I know their ethos from the inside. I am a liberal, beardy, kind nature-loving gal - with a bit of fury still inside me from my earlier anarchist days.

Well maybe not the beard - which would upset The Mail - as I am a single mum who does not work (except a bit of decent journalism) and has had a child out of wedlock. The fact that I have cancer and my very successful partner left me would be ignored, if I was a statistic for them...

softlysoftly · 06/08/2013 22:16

I don't like the DM though I'll admit to checking it online and finding it a bit readable like chat

BUT I hate the vitriol thrown at readers, the gross generalisations that they are all prejudiced and evil. Why are generalisations Ok here and not anywhere else? Is that not just as bad?

My DM reads the DM she very much loves her mixed race GDCs Thankyou very much, and her family who grew up sharing a tiny terraced house between 10 of them and my DGD who after being a miner wasn't a great provider.

She doesn't fit your damn generalisations but you would categorise and vilify her in the street due to her chosen reading material.

Can't believe people can't see the irony in that.

Anniegetyourgun · 06/08/2013 22:17


ProphetOfDoom · 06/08/2013 22:18

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OutragedFromLeeds · 06/08/2013 22:19

'vilify her in the street'

Has that ever, ever, ever happened? Vilified in the street? Really? I think cats bum mouth is more mumsnet style tbh.

bearleftmonkeyright · 06/08/2013 22:20

The reporting of the Philpott case. I did complain to the pcc about that. Op yabu, you know damn well why people find the daily mail a grubby shitty excuse for a paper.

Artijoke · 06/08/2013 22:20

Softly, who on earth 'vilifies DM readers in the street'? People vilify the paper, nobody here had vilified the readers.

Chubbymomie2012 · 06/08/2013 22:20

OK. so I do read it, not everyday but somedays. its easy to read but recently i have seriously questioned its stance on certain things.


what other papers do u read instead????

helenafalco · 06/08/2013 22:21

Used to read it in my younger days umtil I realised it was talking about me not to me. Now I do judge when I see anyone engrossed in the filth

helenafalco · 06/08/2013 22:21


bearleftmonkeyright · 06/08/2013 22:22

Also the suicide recently of a teacher due to their "news" reporting.

gordyslovesheep · 06/08/2013 22:22


capitola · 06/08/2013 22:23

It's misogynistic, but even worse imo, it seems to employ people with a poor grasp of literacy to write its on-line version, or has not a single proof reader.

SleepyCatOnTheMat · 06/08/2013 22:23

The Daily Mail supported supported Fascism in the 1930s. Some would argue it's not changed much since.

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 06/08/2013 22:23

Lol at 'vilified in the street'

I might vilify the people who make a living selling such shite but just mainly feel sorry for the sheeple who lap up the bile or dont see how harmful it is (my mum reads it, I hardly vilify her)

Alisvolatpropiis · 06/08/2013 22:25

Might be something to do with the ignorant, hateful and frequently racist headlines and journalists they employ.


Yabu if you can't see that.


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GinOnTwoWheels · 06/08/2013 22:26

Yes Matilda, a large proportion of their stories are criticising women in a way that men would never be criticised. Everything from weight, looks, work or not, shopping habits etc etc etc.

They write complete bullshit about immigrants, public sector workers, cyclist and probably loads of other groups.

What I find particularly baffling is why it is so popular amongst older women like my mother.

IDontBowlOnShabbos · 06/08/2013 22:27

I used to read it online sometimes but I found it really depressing and contradictory.
Just one example, a piece about anorexia. It was quite well written, went into how the young child felt pressured to look a certain way by society, so far so normal. But if you looked to the right on the 'side bar of shame' it was basically all pictures of young women in the public eye and the 'stories' were basically picking them apart for how they looked!

I don't judge people who read it though, just chose to ignore it myself.

CharlieAlphaKiloEcho · 06/08/2013 22:32

I have first hand experience about how the DM will twist a story to suit their hate campaigns.

My DD was involved in an incident that they jumped on and twisted adding in racially linked words to sir it up. They made barely any mention of the victims involved as it didn't serve to enrage people enough clearly. Instead the entire 'story' was about the perpetrator and his supposed race that they were implying.

I will never ever read or click any of the utter crap they write.

I'm not sure that other papers are all the perfect but the Fail seems to care so little about using innocent minors in an attempt to spread hate.

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