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to ask how much booze you drink? Do you drink everyday?

132 replies

countingmyblessings · 20/07/2013 18:50

Because I have been drinking Pimm's & lemonade or with OJ everyday this week & am starting to think it's habit forming.

I don't normally drink everyday. Can I blame it on the heatwave? A bottle of wine or two on a Friday night (or every 2nd Fri) is normal for me.

I don't want to turn into a 'non-functional' alcoholic like my BIL. On the otherhand my 85 year old grandmother drinks everyday & I wouldn't class her as an alcoholic and or non-functional.

What would you class as having a drink problem/ being an alcoholic?

Thoughts appreciated please.

OP posts:
SplitHeadGirl · 20/07/2013 22:12

Haha had the best time reading people's fibs!!! OP....If you believe all this, you will believe anything!!

SirChenjin · 20/07/2013 22:14

No fibs here Split. Why do you think people are lying?

flowery · 20/07/2013 22:15

I'm assuming you know some people on this thread personally SplitHeadGirl, if you know they are lying?

squoosh · 20/07/2013 22:16

People lie to their GP about their alcohol consumption, not to strangers on an internet forum.

flowery · 20/07/2013 22:21

And surely if someone doesn't want other people to know how much they drink, the easiest thing to do would be not post on the thread at all. Why would people bother to lie?!

gordyslovesheep · 20/07/2013 22:21

too much - not blind drunk every night too much but 2 glasses a night with only 1 break a week

so as of Monday I am dry except for Friday/Sat when I shall have a bottle of red

so right now I am drinking cava to get rid of the last bits in the house ! Wink

aanon · 20/07/2013 22:23

If you suspect you drink too much, please stop while you are able. My DH has 2 alcoholic parents (one recovered, one not so much) it ruined his childhood and we are still dealing with their crap at 40 yrs old. It's shit.

ImagineJL · 20/07/2013 22:23

About 10 units a year, over about 4 nights

Alisvolatpropiis · 20/07/2013 22:24

Once or twice a week. 3 or 4 glasses each time generally speaking.

gordyslovesheep · 20/07/2013 22:27

I drink more than 14 units - I would not class myself as alcoholic aanon my kids never see me drunk - or hungover and I function happily in work and leisure - I drink a glass or 2 of wine when they are asleep - often, like tonight, when they aren't here

TheSecondComing · 20/07/2013 22:30

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BonaDea · 20/07/2013 22:32

I'm probably about to get flamed but I'm breastfeeding DS and have 2 glasses of wine (half a bottle max) most evenings, with two nights off a week. I didn't drink at all for the first 20 weeks of pregnancy then had one glass a week thereafter.

I love wine, we spend a lot of money on our choices and I really savour it.

tiredmummy33 · 20/07/2013 22:37

Very rarely. I just dont enjoy alcohol at home so only drink if im out. I would guess that means i drink once a month?

KittensoftPuppydog · 20/07/2013 22:38

I don't know if people are lying, but I do think that some people (like me) wont respond to this thread at all and you are likely to get a skewed sample.
Of course I only ever have a small sherry at Christmas.

aanon · 20/07/2013 22:39

I wasn't suggesting anyone here is an alcoholic, sorry if that was the impression. I don't use the word lightly.
DH had to cope with a functioning alcoholic mother (calling ambulances, clearing up vomit etc etc) from the age of about 12 and now many many years later is dealing with a father who has fallen very dramatically off the wagon.
But they didn't become this bad overnight. It's a gradual process.

SirChenjin · 20/07/2013 22:39

Do you think people who drink too much won't post on this thread Kitten?

Whatnameforme · 20/07/2013 22:50

I am currently drinking a bottle of cava to myself. Don't drink everyday, but am keen to start!!

TheSecondComing · 20/07/2013 22:50

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KittensoftPuppydog · 20/07/2013 23:13

Sir Chen, I couldn't possibly comment...

DragonMamma · 20/07/2013 23:15

I always exceed my units for the week. I generally have a drink 2-3 nights a week, which is a bottle of wine or a shedload of G&T's.

In our family the question was always 'Red or white?' When somebody came over not 'tea or coffee?' We are a social family and we were brought up with alcohol around us, to not drink would be strange for us.

SplitHeadGirl · 20/07/2013 23:26

I think it is in peoples' natures to NOT tell the truth re alcohol, that's all!!!!

But reading this thread, maybe I am wrong, so I apologise!!! xx

scottishmummy · 20/07/2013 23:29

It's Internet of course folk lie
Trust nae fucker


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QuintessentialOldDear · 21/07/2013 00:10

joiningthegang, thanks for the link. I am reassured I am ok. Smile

Beaverfeaver · 21/07/2013 00:22

I don't binge, but top up daily

TrucksAndDinosaurs · 21/07/2013 01:22

I used to drink a bottle or two of beer every night, plus a glass or two of wine after with meal Friday, Saturday and Sunday, plus an afternoon glass of wine on Fridays at a play date. It made me puffy with a fat tummy, so I switched to no booze Monday - Thursday, G&slimlineT on Friday, Saturday plus about a bottle of wine spread over weekend.

Look and feel heaps better for it.

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