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to ask how much booze you drink? Do you drink everyday?

132 replies

countingmyblessings · 20/07/2013 18:50

Because I have been drinking Pimm's & lemonade or with OJ everyday this week & am starting to think it's habit forming.

I don't normally drink everyday. Can I blame it on the heatwave? A bottle of wine or two on a Friday night (or every 2nd Fri) is normal for me.

I don't want to turn into a 'non-functional' alcoholic like my BIL. On the otherhand my 85 year old grandmother drinks everyday & I wouldn't class her as an alcoholic and or non-functional.

What would you class as having a drink problem/ being an alcoholic?

Thoughts appreciated please.

OP posts:
Papyrus02 · 20/07/2013 20:29

I drink very occasionally. Will often go many, many months without a drink. Have had two glasses of wine in last 18 months. Probably didn't finish them either... my DH thinks that's very odd.

I drank quite a bit in my late teens and throughout twenties. Used it to get through social situations etc. Now feel much, much better for not drinking. I used to love the taste of dry white wine, now I don't. As others have said, skin is much better, I feel better.

TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 20/07/2013 20:30

if you think you're doing well or achieving something not having a drink of an evening, you've probably got a problem

I agree with this.

Taffeta · 20/07/2013 20:35

Often a week goes by and I've only had one glass of wine all week. Last week I had a few G and Ts as thirst quenchers, which is rare for me.

And yesterday I went to a wedding and got proper shitfaced had champagne, no idea how much as was topped up every 10 minutes, Pimms, white wine and gin and tonic. But thats v rare, that much, maybe once or twice a year.

QuintessentialOldDear · 20/07/2013 20:39

I usually have a bottle of wine over the weekend. (Dh does not drink)
This translates to two glasses on Friday, then two on Sunday.

I drink more if there is an evening out, or a dinner party, but not more than 3-4 glasses of an evening. Might skip my weekend bottle if I have other "events".

I actually think I drink too much!

SirChenjin · 20/07/2013 20:43

Very rarely. I had a couple of glasses of wine over 2 nights on holiday a couple of weeks ago but they knocked me out each time. The time before that was a couple of months ago when we had friends over for a meal and I had a couple of glasses of wine with our meal and before that it was New Year.

I just don't really drink, and don't get how people can drink every day. Honestly, it would just make me fall asleep or feel really crap.

thelma3333 · 20/07/2013 20:46

I used to drink a lot in my twenties. Now I have couple of units a month. I used to drink one every night for a few months but realised that I was doing it out of habit and couldn't wait to have my evening drink. So I knew I had to stop.

looseleaf · 20/07/2013 20:47

maternitart that's really useful. I think I could so easily become an alcoholic not from how much I drink at the moment but from how easily I could drink too much and all the time.
I will aim to drink less in case!

thelma3333 · 20/07/2013 20:48

Have heard that you shouldn't drink every day as body needs completely alcohol free days to recover. Hope that helps

formicadinosaur · 20/07/2013 21:07

I drink 2 nights a week and have about 100ml serving each time

whyno · 20/07/2013 21:11

I have a glass of wine most nights, almost never fancy more than a glass though. Do feel a bit naughty about it.

PGRated · 20/07/2013 21:15

I started to feel like alcohol was becoming a habit for me so I stopped drinking it all together and that was months ago.
My partner has the odd bottle while playing on the PS3 during the week.

soontobeburns · 20/07/2013 21:15

I rarely drink myself.

I dont like the taste of alcohol or feeling of being drunk. I would maybe every other week have a malibu and orange or 2 on a Saturday and my mum would open a bottle of fizzy wine with dinner on a Sunday and I wouldhave a chchampagne glass of it.

I go out approximately once every 2 months and drinks can very from a cocktail to 10 drinks.

If I had a bottle of drambuie it will be drunk in a couple days but too expensive so never do.

It sounds like more than I think I drink but im only 23 so compared to my peers its nothing and I could easily notdrink alochol at all. oh have had 2 glasses strawberry pimms in wetherspoons this week

PGRated · 20/07/2013 21:15

*bottle of beer :S

KingRollo · 20/07/2013 21:17

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Joiningthegang · 20/07/2013 21:20

You can assess your drinking here :

currentbuns · 20/07/2013 21:21

I hardly drink at all these days, but my dh probably drinks every day, and my parents have always drunk every day - wine with dinner, sometimes a G&T or similar before, sometimes a brandy after. They never get drunk and certainly don't have drinking problems. If you were to tell them they couldn't drink two nights a week, I'm sure they'd accept it with alacrity.
It isn't drinking every day that is the problem, but needing to drink every day.

Lorialet · 20/07/2013 21:25

A couple of glasses of wine every night. I do have the occasional night off, but very rarely. Don't smoke or eat crap food though. Also, I walk 2 hours a day with the dog, so think I'm allowed a treat!

TheSecondComing · 20/07/2013 21:31

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scottishmummy · 20/07/2013 21:34

I don't drink
Alcohol problem is social,financial emotional problem resulting from alcohol intake
Alcoholism is compulsion,craving,poor health,impaired judgement.inabiluty to stop drinking

peacefuleasyfeeling · 20/07/2013 21:37

None. Ever. Went off it after seriously wayward teens and never looked back. Same with recreational drugs. Love, love, love sobriety!

ExcuseTypos · 20/07/2013 21:44

My mum was an alcoholic and died when she was only 60. I do enjoy a glass of wine or a Pimms but only about once a week. I'm just very wary that if I don't want to end up like my mother.

Interestingly my DH and I were charting about this tonight. He drinks almost everyday- 2 glasses of red wine, and he's decided he doesn't want to anymore.

ExcuseTypos · 20/07/2013 21:45



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lifesgreatquestions · 20/07/2013 21:45

I mostly don't drink. Will get a bottle when I go shopping now and then but usually end up cooking it into a meal. Socially I'll have a drink or two. I used to drink more and I can say that I feel really healthy add a result of my change of habit, I'm less at the whim of wayward moods, I was able to stop smoking and I sleep much better. I think of you're asking then there's a part of you wondering if you are drinking too much.

dementedma · 20/07/2013 21:47

I drink every day. I know its too much.

itsonlysubterfuge · 20/07/2013 21:51

I'm probably not the best person ot ask this, but the most I've ever had to drink is one glass of wine. I don't drink at all. When my baby is older and I'm not breastfeeding I might have a half a glass of wine every so often, but to be honest I don't enjoy alcohol. It makes me cough, which my husband pokes fun at me for. I grew up with parents who drank a lot of beer every night. This pretty much turned me off alcohol for life.

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