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to feel vaguely annoyed about the teacher's present collection?

177 replies

prettybutclumpy · 24/06/2013 16:33

I have been collecting donations for my DC's teacher at school with another really lovely mum. She suggested that all the children should sign the card rather than just the kids whose parents had donated to the present. I think about half the class parents have donated, the others may be doing their own thing or not think teacher's presents are necessary. I don't have any issues with either of these positions. However....AIBU to be vaguely annoyed that the teacher, if she does her sums, might think the average donation wasn't much when most donating parents have given a fiver, and some even a tenner?

OP posts:
ArthurSixpence · 24/06/2013 17:51

Do people really not eat homemade stuff?

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 17:51

If people decline to join in the collection then I have no idea whether it's through choice/financial constraints etc but that shouldn't stop me and other parents from donating and signing a card. No-one is made to feel bad about not donating. And yes, my dd often does make something for her teacher herself.

ApocalypseThen · 24/06/2013 17:53

I'm totally behind you here, Queen Cadbury. Let the losers who can't afford anything go to hell. Certainly their children's blushes shouldn't be spared in any way. They should get used to being excluded for financial reasons. How will they learn otherwise?

phantomnamechanger · 24/06/2013 17:53

Wow QC, so some parents might want to do their own thing, maybe even buy swanky posh showy gift for their Dc to present to the teacher, thats fine. But what about the child whose family is having to choose between spending that £5 on fruit and veg, or donating to the teacher, just so their kid is not left out. The teacher will be more aware than perhaps you are of who is in this position and yes, it IS penalising the children and making them a possible target for ridicule or being ostracised. How can you not see that? However, I also agree that if that child makes a home made card and writes a little message, along with a thank you from the parent, that will mean heaps more than any amount of vouchers, bouquets and wine. Really it will.

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 17:54

I'm sure teachers do cherish homemade gifts just as I would if I were a teacher but I hope that they also appreciate the gift that is essentially from the parents.

phantomnamechanger · 24/06/2013 17:56

AT please tell me thats a joke!

ApocalypseThen · 24/06/2013 17:56

Yes, they probably like the idea of the landfill fodder but secretly really like the really good stuff from the parents.

FacebookAnonymous · 24/06/2013 17:56

To be honest I'm a bit funny about homemade stuff when we get pressies at work. I know 'my' kitchen is reasonably hygenic but the people eating my shortbread might not Wink

I don't think it's a stretch to assume that the only people who believe that being subtley pressurised into donating money are the people who organise the collections, and the terminally ineffiecient who can't be organised/arsed to sort a present. The majority of other people just feel slightly pissed off that uber mums with their email lists set themselves up as present monitors.

pigletmania · 24/06/2013 17:56

The teacher will not care one jot. As others have said she will love the card more tan te present

ApocalypseThen · 24/06/2013 17:57

Course it is, Phantom. The whole idea of distributing stickers so that the proper credit for presents can be micromanaged is ghastly.

GiveMumABreak · 24/06/2013 17:59

Not everybody likes to be asked to make a contribution - there are some very negative threads on here about it!

I know it can be really hard work for those mums who offer to do collections and buy the gifts, and I'm sure the teacher will be delighted with gift and really touched by the thoughtfulness and hard work put in!

I wouldn't give it a second thought, let all the kids sign the card, the teacher definitely won't be making sums. She will know not everybody will have contributed, of course (shell treasure a card with the whole classes names on! she will also approve of the fact that kids weren't excluded from signing card IYSWIM)

I personally don't go in for contributions but like to do my own thing (something my DD helps choose or craft)

ArthurSixpence · 24/06/2013 18:00

Do you know what, QueenCadbury, I was a teacher, and I got some right old toot. I remember the tie I got from one girl in my form who I'd had quite a lot of run-ins with. That meant a lot to me. She must be in her mid-twenties now. Thanks for the blue tie, Natalie.

But the rest of it is just 'meh' - it's clearly from the parents, and it's just stuff, you know? Stuff I had to cart to my car and find a space for at home. I liked the cards, but if there were names missing, and I knew it was because of some system like you have, I'd be mortified.

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 18:01

And why should I be penalised by having money to not donate to get a present for the teacher?

ArthurSixpence · 24/06/2013 18:02

Not sure I can make sense of your last post, QC.

If you value the teacher's input at more than £5, why don't you give more than £5?

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 18:05

After 3 years, I'm sure all of the parents in our class are able to say no if they don't wish to contribute.

Grin at myself being present monitor this year. It beats hassling parents to help with the summer fair!

ApocalypseThen · 24/06/2013 18:07

I think she wonders why she should be penalized for having loadsamoney to contribute by having to share the credit with, well, you know...

FacebookAnonymous · 24/06/2013 18:08

'And why should I be penalised by having money to not donate to get a present for the teacher?'

I don't understand ? In what way are you penalised? Is it because if you don't get to present the big present you don't get the glory ? Hmm

xTillyx · 24/06/2013 18:08

The more I read, the more I think if you're doing a collection then maybe just give them the gift and say it's from some of the parents as they appreciate her hard work. Let the kids make/buy their own cards or get one as planned and just let all of them sign. Teacher will probably get lots of cards that have been scribbled on the back of work sheets/colouring pages/scrap paper throughout the day if they are young

FacebookAnonymous · 24/06/2013 18:10

Ahhh - the poor people?

OwlinaTree · 24/06/2013 18:11

Lolling so much at ArthurSixpence's colour pen system to inform the parents of donations!!!

I hate the idea of parents feeling they have to buy the teacher a present. It should be optional if people want to, but all the cards etc in the shops make it look like you have to, like teachers expect it!

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 18:13

It's £5 because that what we all agreed on 3 years ago and everyone that contributes is happy. There's no guns held to our heads making us donate. We are adults and can say no. There's no bitchiness or sneering if people say no. Most are actually appreciative that someone in the class can be arsed to do it. And no, it's not just the same person. Whoever wants to can organise it. It may be different in other classes but these are the parents i've been with for 3 years and it works for us.

For goodness sake, we just want to get the teacher a sodding present. The majority of us can't be arsed to think about what to buy, we want to give a voucher for her to treat herself to something nice as well as all the homemade stuff that our dc may or may not give too. Is that so bad?

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 18:16

It's nothing to do with glory. Someone asked me why the people that can't afford it should be penalised. I just mean that I can afford it and I want to donate so I shouldn't feel penalised for doing so.


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intheshed · 24/06/2013 18:18

QC, I think it's the stickers people are mainly objecting to. The thought of them being doled out at the school gate to the chosen few. I have to say, a card full of stickers each with a name hastily scribbled on wouldn't mean that much to me.

It's a can of worms and I am glad the parents at DD's school can't be arsed haven't started something like this!

FacebookAnonymous · 24/06/2013 18:22

If you want to 'donate' then buy your own present and stop asking other people for money. Because no matter how much you convince yourself otherwise, there are many, many presents, including those who CAN afford it, who resent being asked to contribute but who feel pressurised to do it.

QueenCadbury · 24/06/2013 18:23

The stickers are big enough for the child to write a message as well as just sign their name. Stickers or card, whatever. The stickers are just easier than trying to get all the kids to sign one card.

As I said it works for us, it won't work for everyone and maybe next year once dd is in a different class it'll be different.

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