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To think pitta bread is just shite?

151 replies

NeoMaxiZoomDweebie · 17/06/2013 19:45

I mean...I'm always reading "Make pitta pockets!" and "Fill pitta bread with (insert gorgeous ingredients)

But when you do, it's like eating a brown envelope stuffed with ham etc. Dry, horrid. Again I have bought pittas from Sainsbos only to find they're dry and horrible! They don't even open up properly but's the same whenever I buy it the brand or are they just a shitty sandwich?

OP posts:
TattyDevine · 18/06/2013 21:04

(hey at least it wont be dry...)

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 18/06/2013 21:07

There wont be any leftovers.... Grin Get your own!

MacaYoniandCheese · 18/06/2013 21:10

There is one brand here worth buying. Everything else tastes like parchment and gets holes in it when you try to stuff it. I think the secret might be the sunflower oil contained within.

TattyDevine · 18/06/2013 21:17

fuckwittery · 18/06/2013 21:20

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Boomba · 18/06/2013 21:22

oh gosh, would you like me to repeat fuckwitterys experiment??? Anecdotes doesnt equal data, afterall!!

Boomba · 18/06/2013 21:24

tatty would that be a bit like slovaki then? (is that right?...the greek bread wrap thingy)

RabbitsarenotHares · 18/06/2013 21:25

Am I the only person who likes them raw? I know you can warm them but I usually don't bother and they're fine.

OneStepCloser · 18/06/2013 21:34

Ooo I am going to try making them I think, is it really that easy? I make my own bread so will give it a go, and pitta crisps, love the sound of that. OP on the back of your hating pitta thread I have been inspired, so thanks for starting this thread Grin

ihatethecold · 18/06/2013 21:41

Omg. I just said to DH.
"Did you know you are supposed to heat up pitta bread?"

What a revelation mumsnet is!

MirandaGoshawk · 18/06/2013 21:44

You have to toast pitta bread? Well, whaddyaknow! I love MN!

OneStepCloser · 18/06/2013 21:58

For the people who have it but not heated it up, how have you managed to get the filling in, cos it doesn't split until its warm through does it?

NeoMaxiZoomDweebie · 18/06/2013 22:03

I did know that you were meant to heat them up but it was somewhere in the back of my mind with all the things I can't be arsed to notice.

They're annoyingly thin. I will stick to bread!

OP posts:
fuckwittery · 18/06/2013 22:51

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NeoMaxiZoomDweebie · 18/06/2013 23:08

No no no I DID heat the feckers! Last night and today! They were still crap.

OP posts:
IamnotaStepfordHousewife · 18/06/2013 23:09

You learn something new everyday, I didn't know they needed to be warmed! That's were I have been going wrong, might get some tomorrow.

AmberLeaf · 18/06/2013 23:13

Have none of you ever bought a kebab and watched the man heat the pitta bread on the grill thingy?

NeoMaxiZoomDweebie · 18/06/2013 23:14

No! I don't eat those awful kebab things!

OP posts:
SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 18/06/2013 23:15

Do any of who didn't know that Pittas need toasting ever RTFM?

trixymalixy · 18/06/2013 23:17

Mm , just had toasted pitta dipped into taramasalata. Love pitta bread!

rockybalboa · 18/06/2013 23:22

I didn't think anyone ate untoasted pitta??!? No wonder its crumbly and tough. Warm through in toaster, split and stuff or cut into strips and dip. Yum.

thornrose · 18/06/2013 23:22

Toast them, then split them lengthways and toast them again. Cut into crispy, toasty strips and dip in stuff Grin


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Kungfutea · 19/06/2013 02:05

With all due respect to this thing about toasting pitta bread, I've lived in the middle east where pitta is more or less the staple - and I've never heard of 'toasting' it although you might microwave it in a pinch.

You get it from the bakery, all lovely and warm and fluffy. Or you stop by a roadside and get freshly made (on a kind of charcoal domed oven) rolled up with labane, olive oil and za'atar. It's absolutely divine. If you've tasted that, then you'll never be able to buy a supermarket pitta again, they're foul tasteless cupboard, toasted or not.

YANBU OP if you're talking about supermarket pitta.

However, find a middle eastern or greek bakery and get the real deal. You won't regret it!

Lazyjaney · 19/06/2013 07:35

"You get it from the bakery, all lovely and warm and fluffy. Or you stop by a roadside and get freshly made (on a kind of charcoal domed oven)"

Sadly in the UK it comes in plastic packets so you have to warm it to try to get back to that warm freshness.

Maybe it's time for Artisinal Pitta :)

ScarletLady02 · 19/06/2013 07:44

I love pitta...I had one for dinner last night. Veggie burger and fuckton of salad....YUUUUUUM

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