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To wonder what happened in the house thread?

104 replies

VIX1980 · 04/04/2013 19:52

Its the 1st one i was reading that got deleted, i got up to page 7 and it wasnt going well then but what happened.

Sorry if this is a thread about a thread and im not meant to post it, i still dont know when im allowed to post and not??

OP posts:
CarpeVinum · 04/04/2013 23:22

Derek Acorah's finest hour

I think I've heard that name. Is he a ghost hunter on the telly ?

I live in Italy, SkyItalia is mean and doesn't buy all British programmes the gits.

I want British Sky so I don't feel left out.

Someone feeling intimidated by others' opinions?!!! Give me a break!

Reading what people actually wrote and arriving at the above conclusion is on par with seeing something perfectly explanable but insisting it's a fecking ghosts.

So at least you're consistent, I'll give you that Grin

I really don't mind you or anybody else believing in ghosts etc love, I just don't. And had it been an OP who was a bit more chill about the whole possibility with no terrified 7 yo stuck at the sharp end I wouldn't have got shitty about all theiling in with ghost stories and fanning the flames of what was being presented as an over tired, over wrought woman really starting to lose her grip on her freaked outness.

Honest I wouldn't . I swear on my 300 year old house's resident ghost.

ToysRLuv · 04/04/2013 23:25

Derek Acorah is a comedic genious. Look him up on youtube clips from Most Haunted. The resident sceptic set him up in the end and he was proved to be a fake.

DorcasDelIcatessen · 04/04/2013 23:26

Carpe, I thought you spoke a lot of sense on that thread. Just wanted to let you know. I just couldn't post on that thread to say so.

DorcasDelIcatessen · 04/04/2013 23:29

Oh and I say that as someone who has had very odd things happen that I'd rather chalk up as bizarre coincidences or such like. Not everyone is willing to believe in woo even when seemingly presented with the evidence :o

EllieArroway · 04/04/2013 23:32

I wish I had taken the bloody piss now - it was a stupid story. Spooky girls staring out of windows and an imaginary friend who starts out young but turns into an old hag. Dearie me!

But I was trying to be nice - and STILL got told off for taking the piss. Which I wasn't. (I was just thinking it).

Loved the old woman in the window picture that thegreylady (I think) posted...almost had sceptical old me spooked Wink

FarBetterNow · 05/04/2013 06:31

Solid: my friend had a ghost in her new house, which was built on the site of a grand old house.
Shoes moved around the house and no, it wasn't the baby moving them.
A pair of shoes in the hall would be changed to a shoe and a slipper.
It wasn't caused by the pipes or subsidence.
It was caused by a spirit, probably the 8 year old child who had drowned 100 years previously in the lake.

It is quite amusing how adamant the non believers are that there is nothing after death, therefore there are no ghosts. Full stop.

fluffyraggies · 05/04/2013 07:42

Arriving late to this but yes, i think the thread could have been left to run, with just a tip off from MNHQ about it being possibly a wind up.

The argument discussion, which took up 99% of the thread (as the OP only posted twice or 3 times was it?), was very interesting and perfectly within guidelines.

For what it's worth i was very on the fence about woo until a couple of years ago when something happened to me which i have found no sensible explanation for. It involved a sudden piling up of objects in an area where there was only me present .... and i didn't do it. This means either i am bonkers (obviously an option Grin) or there is such thing as woo. Neither option is a comforting thought as far as i'm concerned, but that's all i have to choose from. ''It happened to me'' is all i can say in the face of scepticism.

Ducklings45 · 05/04/2013 08:25

I think I remember you posting about that fluffy! If I am thinking of the right story, they were all perfectly balanced etc and no way they could have got there by chance. it spooked me at the time!

thegreylady · 05/04/2013 08:37

Ellie that photo is much more convincing than many 'real' ghosts isn't it? Mrs next door wanted to move house especially as they bought the bungalow following the death of the old lady who was the only person to have lived there since it was built!

Ducklings45 · 05/04/2013 08:44

I am intrigued by the photo you talk of greylady. What is it actually of if not a ghost? Is it on your profile? All your pics are showing up as a question mark in a box!

GrendelsMum · 05/04/2013 08:48

Oh good, glad it got deleted.

I'd spotted it as a troll as soon as the 'vicar' appeared - never done that before - and was feeling bad for some of the posters who spent a long time writing sensible and well considered advice.

I think this person needs to meet more vicars if they want to pursue a career in creative writing!

GrendelsMum · 05/04/2013 08:51

p.s. the doors in my 500 year old house frequently open in front of me, just as I'm about to go through them, usually carrying a heavy tray. It's extremely handy.

An old friend, who's also a vicar, did kindly offer to bless our house when we moved in, but given it's just a house it hardly seemed worth it. I didn't imagine that a blessing would consist of anything more than a prayer, though. If it had been like the failed exorcism described in the deleted thread, it would have been loads more fun. I can just see my very scholarly friend battling with unclean spirits in our bathroom.

whatsleep · 05/04/2013 09:08

I have always thought I am maybe a little gullible, but the fact that even after the OP reeled of her story of the vicar who stayed for tea, it still didn't even cross my mind that it was made up Blush. I even wrote 'I believe you op' . Oh the shame! Still a good healthy debate about all things wooooo and all things not.... Right, off to buy that leg of tuna dh has been asking for Grin

LadyHarrietdeSpook · 05/04/2013 09:27

Another one totally taken in here.

There were posters on there who should have been submitting invoices for their advice though, charging an hourly rate.

CarpeVinum · 05/04/2013 10:33

Derek Acorah is a comedic genious

I think I may have had the rotten luck to click the clip most likely to induce a sense of humour failure.

I spent years involved in MIL's care which included managing bipolar I that didn't respond to treatment all that often.

To hear this fucker witter on that mental hospitals closed because they weren't needed cos "it's documented" (by who? your mum?) that most inmates weren't ill, but were open channels to t'other side.....

I could happily batter him right now.

Verbally of course.

OK you ghost believers. I need a favour. MIL died right before New Year. Could you get in touch with her and ask if she fancies slipping into her most florid psychotic state and haunting this piece of crap as pay back for casually and nonsensically minimising the pain and exhaustion of families left to deal with very ill loved ones curtesey of the "couldn't give a fuck in the community" policy.

If she fancies going a bit poltergeist on him to boot I wouldn't be raising any objections.

SolidGoldBrass · 05/04/2013 11:04

Oh all this 'It happened to ME' guff: it's still not ghosts. If it wasn't natural phenomena (large vehicle going past causing things to move/fall down) then either you moved the stuff yourself and forgot, then a pet or more a human being was having a bit of fun with your gullibility.

James Randi's million quid is still up for grabs, you know. Funny, that...

ToysRLuv · 05/04/2013 11:21

Oh dear, Carpe. Sorry to have upset you! Derek Acorah is a stupid faker and that's how he's hilarious. He pretends to be possessed and just goes on a personal made up rampage.

I would be more surprised if he said something intelligent than something idiotic.

According to the stuff he's consistently wanted to do to women during his fake possessions, I would say that he could do with some counselling himself.

ToysRLuv · 05/04/2013 11:29

FarBetterNow: Tell your friend to put a hidden video camera in place to catch whoever's moving the shoes. It will be the biggest news item EVER, if you manage to catch a genuine ghost.

CarpeVinum · 05/04/2013 11:37

or more a human being was having a bit of fun with your gullibility.

I'm a bit Hmm about the humans that "have a bit of fun" at other people's expense.

I was convinced that unknown forces were at play when I sealed my wage packet, went to sleep, woke to a wage packet TIGHTLY SEALED that had five quid less in when I opened it. (there was only 25 quid in it so no I did not miscount).

7, yes 7, years later after all that time being littered with references to my "spooky" wage stealing encounter with the spirit world, my (now ex) husband revealed that after I wnet to sleep he went for my wage packet (cos he'd lost on the gee gees and was down to 50p with three days to go tillpay day). I hadn't sealed the packet as well as I'd thought. So he managed to release the flap, extract a fiver and then reseal it properly.

7 fucking years of me swearing black's blue that there was no plausable explanation and I was being targeted by tealeaf ghost who left me short as some kind of cosmic tax.

He was very lucky he didn't join the spirit world himself when he finally confessed, cos while I would drag out the cosmic tax story in a pretty light hearted way when ghostie encounters were shared I lugged around a real sense of disquiet all that time. It was like I couldn't fully trust my surroundings.

7 fucking YEARS.

The git. all cos it was more important for me not to be angry with him about gambling again when we were so skint than it was for me not to feel I could trust the physical world around me.

I left him over twenty years ago, and that one still gets my dander up even now. Oh how he laughed AT me when he finally told me. His glee at revealling my gullability was a bit more chilling than thinking a ghost was nicking off me.

I sometimes wonder what proportion of people finding things being moved/rearraged inexplicably are undergoing some wierd control based form of gaslighting.

I think some people may be getting a kick out of being able to distort their loved one's/relative's relationship with reality at will.

CarpeVinum · 05/04/2013 11:42

According to the stuff he's consistently wanted to do to women during his fake possessions

By "spooky" coincidence, the secnd vid I've just watched has him being incredibly sexually aggressive to this blonge woman trying to talk to "the spirit in him" in the dark.

When the minders dragged him off her I was rather hoping they would give him a sneaky knee in the nuts.

I got chills, not from the posession, but from the unintended revelation about his attitude towards females. Becuase while the possession itself just reeked of synthetic, the sexual aggression towards her didn't hit my "it's being put on" nerve at all. Quite the opposite.

If he had been an all rpund good actor I could leave room for it being a production peice, but seems a bit odd that he is hammy and unbelievable when just being possessed, and then goes all Oscar Winner when he tries to sexually intimidate her and grab at her.

thegreylady · 05/04/2013 19:40

Ducklings my photos should be available-they are public-on my profile.Several people have viewed them are you on a phone perhaps? It is a picture of a ghostly woman looking through a window :)

Ducklings45 · 05/04/2013 20:29

Ita working now, thank you! Did you take the pic? Was it proved either way? ( apologies for not knowing background story Blush)


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SolidGoldBrass · 05/04/2013 23:18

Carpe: I agree with you that it's not a nice way to behave (moving stuff around to convince someone that their home is haunted). Just that a spiteful person is a more likely explanation than, well, a ghost.

CarpeVinum · 05/04/2013 23:45

Just that a spiteful person is a more likely explanation than, well, a ghost.


I think that it is just too unpalatable to consider that somebody you know/love/live with might be caperble of playing with your perception of reality. Assuming ghost is a lot easier. Ghosts are unexplainable and don't require a rhard going e-examination of emotional ties, joint finances and legal unions.

I still feel a right tit for not even having seriously considered that the living, breathing presence in the room finding his way through the glue of a sealed wage packet was ever so slightly more of a realistic explanation though.

I cringe when I think how many people humoured me during my retelling of my "well how do you explain that then?" ghost story, while thinking "it was your dickhead husband sweetie, but I'm too polite to tell you and you wouldn't listen to me even if I did, so I will smile and make "ohhh how spookie" noises in the right places".

The Hmm face wasn't at you BTW. It was at the people who pull these kinds of stunts. It may or may not have been focused on one member of the ilk in particular.

CarpeVinum · 05/04/2013 23:47


Wow, your grand daughter is stunning!

I can't see a lady in the other picture. I can see a vase on something. But in my defense it is very small and I can't remember where my glasses walked off to.

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