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to have expected comic relief to be watchable for my 5 year old before 8pm

216 replies

PrincessScrumpy · 15/03/2013 20:39

I know comic relief gets a bit rude as the night goes on but I made the mistake of thinking that as dd has been raising money at school it would be good to let her stay up and watch until 7.45pm.

Yes I knew there would be jokes she wouldn't get but I didn't expect her to be taught the word shagging.

I remember watching it with my parents and wanted to do the same.

So, am I being a fuddy duddy?

OP posts:
SconeInSixtySeconds · 16/03/2013 10:55

It was not my intention Rose to imply that people who were complaining must not have donated or supported. I apologise if you felt that.

I was trying to point out (badly obv) that for many children the scene in EE is representative of their lives. We have all heard about children who have killed themselves over cyber bullying, of children whose lives are put under hideous pressure to join gangs.

As a parent, I am glad those items were on last night, the dc (9 and 7) were interested and we talked about it.

But cbeebies and cbbc shut down at 7pm for a reason. My dc normally go up to bed at 7pm and read because tv isn't suitable after that time.

This is the first year my dc have been allowed to stay up and watch Comic Relief, I took the view previously that they were too young. I was 13 when the first Comic Relief was broadcast, I have grown up with it and the format hasn't changed - slighlty risque material sandwiched with appeals. in previous years when I said the dc were too small I found sketches online, and the songs and appeals and pre-watched to ensure I thought they were suitable.

I can't understand watching with a 5yr old and expecting it to be all completely fine. I don't get that mindset at all.
Pagwatch · 16/03/2013 11:17

Yes. I agree with that Roses.
Fortunately I have not suggested that.

Ilovexmastime · 16/03/2013 17:19

I don't think anyone has suggested that Roses.

cleofatra · 16/03/2013 17:29

I must admit, I too was a bit put off by the language in the early time slot.

cleofatra · 16/03/2013 17:32

Honey40 Sat 16-Mar-13 08:19:25

Totally agree with this post.

kim147 · 17/03/2013 16:00

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ComposHat · 17/03/2013 18:17

RoseanVioletCreams Good grief - please don't tell me that you are so outraged about something you didn't even see and have only heard about on a web forum that you are prepared to submit a complaint?

Get a grip!

princesstilla · 18/03/2013 21:00

I rang the BBC straight away whilst watching it and complained. My son is too young to know about this word and I found it upsetting that it was shown at 7.45pm. It really upset me.

Coconutty · 18/03/2013 21:10

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imacowbaggetmeoutofhere · 19/03/2013 11:12

The world has gone barmy coconutty!!

CockyPants · 19/03/2013 14:58

Well I was so desperate to be professionally offended that I telephoned bbc to complain before they had even started the programme.

ComposHat · 19/03/2013 16:02

I am going to complain there was no muff. or cock after the watershed. it comes to something when Friday. tv doesn't contain one gratuitous genetalia shot.

aldiwhore · 19/03/2013 16:12

I thought it was excellent and the earlier stuff was far funnier than the later stuff, when they were 'allowed to be rude' it just wasn't as funny.

I have a 9yr old and a 5yr old. There were moments when I had to, as parent, say "okay, laugh, it was rude but repeat and there will be trouble!" but nothing that I thought was so far over the line that I'd complain.

The 'stories' were distressing, especially to my 9 yr old, but again, as parent, I warned him he might find them upsetting, that if he was to watch comic relief he had to watch ALL of it, not just the funny bits in the hope he wouldn't want to watch it and I could watch something else (I also raised £150 from a few easy fundraising stints I did - I just don't like watching it, not the harrowing stuff, the so-called funnies - I do not apologise for that at all) but at very least my 'watch it all or not at all rule' would drive home WHY he'd been to school in his PJ's and paid £1.

The cyber bullying story in particular struck a chord with my eldest as he's experienced bullying. Yes he sobbed his heart out, yes it was very distressing, but it instigated a long conversation between us about how he must always talk these things through with someone, never suffer alone, and that it we can deal with it. So actually, even that was great on a personal level. As parent, I comforted my child. (My youngest wasn't in the least bit interested with any of it and was sat playing lego... )

I didn't like someone of the words used pre-watershed, but they certainly weren't so rude that it would have upset me.

YouTheCat · 19/03/2013 16:14

Yes, Compos. I was at least expecting Billy Connolly's arse to put in an appearance at some point.

Dear BBC,

I am most perturbed and disgruntled at the lack of full frontal nudity in this year's Comic Relief. My family and I were all settled down for an evening of debauchery and filth but were left having to snigger at 'shagging' and 'vajazzle' instead.

Yours most disappointedly,

Mrs YouTheCat Grin

ComposHat · 19/03/2013 18:37

Hahaha cat consider that seconded!

StuntGirl · 19/03/2013 20:09

I didn't watch it, but have actually thinking about it yes, you are unreasonable to think it should be suitable for a 5 year old.

I would say almost all television on at that time of night would be unsuitable for a 5 year old. The programme was aimed at adults, not pre-schoolers.


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