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to have expected comic relief to be watchable for my 5 year old before 8pm

216 replies

PrincessScrumpy · 15/03/2013 20:39

I know comic relief gets a bit rude as the night goes on but I made the mistake of thinking that as dd has been raising money at school it would be good to let her stay up and watch until 7.45pm.

Yes I knew there would be jokes she wouldn't get but I didn't expect her to be taught the word shagging.

I remember watching it with my parents and wanted to do the same.

So, am I being a fuddy duddy?

OP posts:
PeachesMcLean · 16/03/2013 00:10

Do you need a frank talk about homosexuality? Is it something odd you need to explain in careful terms?

ChaosTrulyReigns · 16/03/2013 00:25

Am I missing something here?

I thought I knew what a vajazzle was.


But it's being called "totally disgusting".


Can someone enlighten me?

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 16/03/2013 00:27

Chaos, dont. Just dont!

ChaosTrulyReigns · 16/03/2013 00:28


LadyBeagleEyes · 16/03/2013 00:29

It was 57 million pounds at the last count.
I hope my tiny donation will help another mum see her child grow up.
Because that's what it's about in the end isn't it?

YouTheCat · 16/03/2013 00:31

Yes, LadyB.

That's how I see it too.

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 16/03/2013 00:33

Sorry! Comic Relief had the words vajazzle and shagging before the watershed. Large numbers of children are apparently traumatised for life and several posters have clutched their pearls so tight they choked to death.
Meanwhile, in Africa.....

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 16/03/2013 00:34

That was to Chaos.

ChaosTrulyReigns · 16/03/2013 00:37

Why are the chidlren traumatised for life?

It's not like they said ButtPlug is it?

Even then "yes darling it's something that mommies use to wipe the sufaces down in the kitchen pumpkinpie oh look at that sillyman with that red nose one would you like some haribo?"

Focus, folks.

ChaosTrulyReigns · 16/03/2013 00:38

It's just a bit of incredibly tacky body glitter, non?

YouTheCat · 16/03/2013 00:43

Grin @ Chaos

LadyBeagleEyes · 16/03/2013 00:51

Bless you Chaos, on what has become an increasingly depressing thread Grin
I love you, I do.

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 16/03/2013 00:53

Not as much as I do! Grin

IntheFrame · 16/03/2013 01:01

So how do you explain a glittery fanny? Girls are a bit minging what with periods an' hair an' it all being a bit underneath an' all so bit of sparkle a makes it presentable?

FFS a fanny used to be the holy grail...

Still18atheart · 16/03/2013 01:02

Jeez i think even Mary Whitehouse would have turned a blind the vajazzle and shagging remarks and realized that the main point of Comic Relief was to help those who were less fortunate.

SaggyOldClothCatpuss · 16/03/2013 01:05

A vajazzle is a bit like a sticker with glitter that grown ups put on their tummy...would have probably worked when mine were small.

imacowbaggetmeoutofhere · 16/03/2013 01:20

Some people on this post are bloody darn right ignorant, stupid, and incredibly precious.

THANK GOD for the likes of Chaos and catpuss.

The voices of sanity on a thread that makes me very Angry

expatinscotland · 16/03/2013 01:28

I let my kids watch some of it before bed. I can't shield them, their sister died last July.

I wish the worst they'd had in their lives was the word shagging.

Instead, their mother and sister disappeared instantly after their sister was diagnosed with the cancer that killed her.

When they came to our friend weegiemum's house, we had to tell them their sister was dead.

The people on this show, which I couldn't bear to watch, face the same thing, every day.

There's no shield. There is instead empathy, and the drive and desire to help, as people who've suffered loss.


expatinscotland · 16/03/2013 01:28

You have the choice to turn it off. Millions more do not. This is their lives.

sillyoldfool · 16/03/2013 01:45

Vajazzle=a grown up glitter tattoo
Shagging=grown up kissing and cuddling.
WTAF is your problem?

TheUnsinkableTitanic · 16/03/2013 02:00

i might need to start an AIBU - AIBU that i didn't think it was inappropriate from my 4yo and 6yo Blush

we chatted more about the africa bits tbh

they were just excited to see mr bean - don't even think they got/heard anything else

LadyBeagleEyes · 16/03/2013 02:00

Do you know what one of the saddest things is?
That the media will catch on to this, and instead of seeing MN as a positive thing, they'll be looking at the ridiculous views of the sad minority that worry about the mention of the (whispers) sexual stuff rather than looking at it as an amazing charity fundraiser.
And it's posters like these that make MN a laughing stock, check us out on The Wright Stuff on Monday morning.


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notnagging · 16/03/2013 04:37

Agree. I sent mine to bed. At least Davina gave a warning. I have found less interest this year anyway & cringed when they said 'Africans' like the while continent needed sorting out.

dummad · 16/03/2013 07:15

I don't think it's the words per se that are the issue for me. It's just the fact it ain't funny. Why do we need a load of toilet humour to draw our attention to the plight of the third world? Why does 'humour' always need to be about tasteless sexual references? And I sooooo agree about the fact the kids are the ones who have been fund-raising so why not include them and have some family comedy that they can appreciate?

I just find it ironic that so many of you are OFFENDED at someone being OFFENDED. Funnier than comic relief anyhoo!

OrangeFireandGoldashes · 16/03/2013 07:50

I'm feeling a bit out-of-kilter here. I must have missed the memo that said wanting-a-bit-of-clean-humour-that-doesn't-inevitably-have-references-to-sex-and-genitals automatically = not-caring-about-deprivation-or-dying-children. Confused

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