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to think those hair donut things make people look as if...

50 replies

BumBiscuits · 27/02/2013 10:48

...they have a baboons arse stuck to their head?

Loads of people wear them and they look grim IMO. I've had to use a small one for DD for dancing shows in the past but they have a net over so the "hole" is disguised.

There are lots of people wearing their hair like this at the moment. A normal bun, messed up would be much more attractive.

The bigger the "donut" the worse it looks.

OP posts:
BumBiscuits · 28/02/2013 21:13

The girl is lovely, but the truth is she just "recreated" a baboon's arse at the back of her head Grin

That hairdo would be stunning if it were a non-donut bun.

OP posts:
WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 28/02/2013 21:13

I can't do it at all, no matter how many pins I use bits fall out all over the place. It isn't a good messy either, it's a "forgot to take it out before going to bed last night" messy.

ThatVikRinA22 · 28/02/2013 21:09

but i didnt bother with faffing about with pins.....i used a band and then muzzed it up a bit by squidging....then tucked the ends under and used 2 pins....

ThatVikRinA22 · 28/02/2013 21:05
ThatVikRinA22 · 28/02/2013 21:00

for low messy bun i still used the donut - but after i put the band over the donut (is anyone with me?? so far it sounds like a complex medical procedure!!) anyway - after securing the donut with a band i just sort of "squidged" at the donut until my hair was a bit muzzed up, then i secured the rest with hair pins, stuck a scrunchie over the donut to hide the elastic band thing, i used a comb to make sure it was sleek on top etc and then sprayed with hair spray - voila! took all of 2 mins! i suppose you could use a tail comb to pull it about a bit....

dame - off work at min. might work with a hat if bun low enough but would need to try hat on to see....

i think i prefer low bun to high bun....i never did wear one right on top of my head as i always thought id look like auntie flo off Bod....(shows age!) but i did used to wear it higher up than todays effort....really liking low bunnage.....donuts a go go for me!

QueenBee245 · 28/02/2013 20:19

I hate the big one people wear on the tops of their head but I do wear a middle sized one at the back of my head,
My hair is very fine and only shoulder length so the donut actually makes it look like I have a 'full' bun iyswim

Chandon · 28/02/2013 19:34

Curry eater, that is TRUE

Mine is hard to get right.

Too high and I look a bit manic and try hard and fake, too low and I am a dowdy librarian, at the right point: wow!

laptopdancer · 28/02/2013 19:32

Just looks like a massive poo on your head to me

VenusRising · 28/02/2013 19:23

Har har sparkling, how hilarious is thine post.

VenusRising · 28/02/2013 19:21

Aren't baboons' bums blue though? Or is it red?

What I love is the powdered matte look with the talc spray shampoo, all over the bun, and the caterpillar brows, stencilled on.

Now, how do you roll it up again?

Bartlebee · 28/02/2013 19:12

I think the jumbo bun on top of the head looks utterly ridiculous.

I saw a young woman working in tesco with the whole 'uniform' of larger-than-head bun, panstick foundation, hd brows and tarantula eyelashes.

It was verging on the grotesque.

DameFanny · 28/02/2013 19:06

Ok. 2 questions.

Vicar - aren't you in uniform then? Can't see it working with a hat.

Greg - how do you tone your hair? Special exercises?

ScarlettInSpace · 28/02/2013 19:05

I like it.

I got ID'd for wine a couple of weeks when I had my hair like that and I'm double many years over 18. So I think YABU Grin

FreyaSnow · 28/02/2013 19:05

Ill with laughter at that last one.

Sparklingbrook · 28/02/2013 19:04

I am, going to try and recreate it tomorrow Bum then go out and wow everyone in Morrisons.

GregBishopsBottomBitch · 28/02/2013 19:03


BumBiscuits · 28/02/2013 19:02

sparkling that effort looks like a giant unrolled condom!

OP posts:
herladyship · 28/02/2013 19:01

sod the bun, WTF is going on with that blog??!

GregBishopsBottomBitch · 28/02/2013 18:57

My friend had that done when she came to my sisters wedding, she looked beautiful, she has really nice toned blonde hair (jealous).

Sparklingbrook · 28/02/2013 18:55

This is the one to beat I think.

talkingnonsense · 28/02/2013 18:54

How do you make it messy? Do you still need a ring?

ThatVikRinA22 · 28/02/2013 18:47

well - just for a change i did mine in a very low bun today and it looks so classy! DH says i no longer look like a teacher either.....think low and messy may be the way to go for me.....ive only just got it long enough to wear low down.

fringe is long now and sweeps to side, with low bun and red lippy, fake diamond ear rings i looked quite elegant! shock!!


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TattyDevine · 28/02/2013 14:33

Have you noticed how all women with long hair who work for Virgin Atlantic wear one? i think it might be standard issue!

BumBiscuits · 28/02/2013 14:25

genious idea curryeater

OP posts:
curryeater · 28/02/2013 14:24

Every woman has a precise and personal point on their head at which a bun will increase their beauty by about 45%. Her off Borgen knows exactly where hers is.
I think I might set up a consultancy a la Colour Me Beautiful to pin-point clients Bun Zones, for an eye-watering fee, but darling, it's worth every penny. During the consultation I will move a knitted bun (a bit like a knitted boob) around over the woman's head, while she sits in front of a mirror, and occasionally gasp things like "Oh no - no, that just drains you".

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