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In thinking Professor Brian Cox is gorgeous?

106 replies

JakeBullet · 02/02/2013 18:39

...very kissable lips Grin .

That is all...

OP posts:
babiesinslingsgetcoveredinfood · 18/02/2013 19:59

I wouldn't say absolutely gorgeous, but I do fancy him.

Intelligence is sexy and I do like a bit of physics.

So, yanbu

SamuelWestsMistress · 18/02/2013 20:08

I'd have a go on him.

BoreOfWhabylon · 18/02/2013 20:10

The was another BC thread recently. His wife came on it and posted this

ComposHat · 19/02/2013 01:34

As a heterosexual male I have no views to offer on the fanciability of the good Professor.

With his prominent teeth and hushed delivery I am beginning to think he is the love child of whispering Bob Harris.

squoosh · 19/02/2013 02:11

Definitely not!

His waxen skin, his creepy perma smile, his lego hair, his serial killer whisperiness.

Also, I love how he's put forward as the spokesmodel for Intelligent Men, as if it's just a tiny club comprising of him Stephen Hawking and Noam Chomsky.

Emilythornesbff · 19/02/2013 08:15

YANBU. He is yummy.

badtemperedaldbitch · 19/02/2013 08:17

i think hes great, but when he is speaking... he takes huge leaps from one concept and throws in another... and i wanna say... 'hang on/what was that?' [head exploding icon]

badtemperedaldbitch · 19/02/2013 08:18

ps i saw a photo of him with long hair, when he supported EUROPE on tour!

Laugh... even tena lady couldnt cope!

badtemperedaldbitch · 19/02/2013 08:20

<a class="break-all" href="" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">,r:1,s:0,i:85&iact=rc&dur=57&sig=115879058057331023877&page=1&tbnh=206&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=13&tx=130&ty=118

badtemperedaldbitch · 19/02/2013 08:21

i think at the time... i had a hairdo somewhat similar!

TrinityRhino · 19/02/2013 08:21

I would

MrsHelsBels74 · 19/02/2013 09:07

Badtempered, is that Brian Cox or Jennifer Rush?

Pictures aside, I so would Wink (if I weren't happily married)

Lovelygoldboots · 19/02/2013 09:16

Badtempered, that's fab! He looks so pretty. I really try hard to follow his program but fall asleep without fail every Sunday. He could read me a bedtime story.

Manchesterhistorygirl · 21/02/2013 22:30

I am a prat. So there I am in Manchester today, on the university campus and I think gosh this bloke next to me looks just like prof. Cox, but it can't possibly be him.

Then I get home and check my twitter feed, and he's tweeting about being back I'm manchester and it being bloody cold.

puffthe · 21/04/2013 00:08

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puffthe · 21/04/2013 00:08

Sorry, I mean who would bonk HIM not her.....

puffthe · 21/04/2013 00:09

You have myb deepest sympathies.

puffthe · 21/04/2013 00:13

What annoys me is the whole CERN thing revolving around him when he was only part of the team. Peter Higgs theory led to the whole thing.....anyone got the wonders of the universe? Listen to him talking about the summer and winter solstices. Was I so tired I misheard, but, in my world, the summer solstice is June 21st and is the LONGEST day, not the shortest, and the winter solstice is the shortest day in December and not the longest.

Stupid mistakes and someone at the bbc should really have picked it up but clearly he doesnt know the difference himself.....

Wonder how many millions he has now!!

VenusRising · 21/04/2013 00:23

Dude looks like a laaady

dawntigga · 21/04/2013 09:26

Just a point you may want to consider, his wife is absolutely wonderful. She's a member. She reads here. They are real people with feelings. I wonder how many of you would like to read this kind of thing about either yourself or your spouse?

Please don't give that tired old bollocks of 'they are in the public eye' because, quite frankly it's dull and does not answer the argument and some of you have been quite awful.

Also, days do not really change the length of time they have, the amount of daylight changes. So it isn't the longest day, it's the longest daylight hours. If you're going to be a pendant do it properly. A day is a fixed unit of time defined by human beings.


Sparklingbrook · 21/04/2013 09:36

Yes, it was great when his wife came onto a thread a while ago.

I love him but I had a dream where I was hanging curtains with him, and now every time I see him it reminds me. Grin

Freddiemisagreatshag · 21/04/2013 09:37


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Freddiemisagreatshag · 21/04/2013 09:39

Oh. And what Tigga said. Really folks, his wife is a MNetter. She has to see and read this kind of crap every day.

I know I was a prat on my other thread, but I was just a prat and I wasn't being rude or nasty about MrGia personally.

dawntigga · 21/04/2013 09:41

Hey Freddie, how's it going.


Freddiemisagreatshag · 21/04/2013 09:42

Grin Good thanks Tigga I just don't understand Twitter Grin

How's you?

I still think he should be called MrGia not Professor Brian Cox Grin

That thread is going to follow me around for ever and ever


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