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In thinking Professor Brian Cox is gorgeous?

106 replies

JakeBullet · 02/02/2013 18:39

...very kissable lips Grin .

That is all...

OP posts:
EmmaBemma · 02/02/2013 19:09

loads of people fancy Prof Cox. I don't see it myself. I'm more of a Jim Al-khalili girl.

babraham · 02/02/2013 19:11

YANBU I love him! I find the combination of intelligence and enthusiasm so attractive.

EuroShagmore · 02/02/2013 19:18

I find him a bit wet and annoying tbf.

bumhead · 02/02/2013 19:20

When I was 16 I actually worked with him. He was in a heavy rock band back then and was 19. He wore skinny jeans and had long curly 'rocker' hair but still had a lovely smile. I remember everyone who I worked with winding me up saying 'You should go out with Brian' because we were not far off similar ages.
I was not a rocker though and didn't fancy guys with longer hair than mine in skinny jeans BUT I did end up having a drunken snog with him!
If he looked then like he does now, that would be a different story!

RattyRoland · 02/02/2013 19:21

Yanbu, he is lovely.

Adversecamber · 02/02/2013 19:22

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thebody · 02/02/2013 19:24

Oh dear country kitten.... Just because I actually find the subject fucking boring please don't be such a complete twat.

I have never watched Eastenders love. But I expect you do.

poachedeggs · 02/02/2013 19:26

Those lips uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrgh!

sudaname · 02/02/2013 19:42

He is just too feminine looking for me, those lips would be great if they belonged to a woman and a very smooth shiny complexion (like David Camerons - bleugh).
No l prefer men to look like men, thats why DH is a grey haired,beer bebellied,hairy arsed builder.

sudaname · 02/02/2013 19:44

'beer bebellied' Grin - l meant beer bellied..but l might adopt that phrase instead.

Bogeyface · 02/02/2013 19:47

He always strikes me as very pleased at his own intelligence. "I am considerably cleverer than yaaaooooouuuuuuu!" and isnt he so very kind for sharing his knowledge with us thickos?

I am not saying he is like that, but thats how he comes across to me, so in summary YABU!

Sugarice · 02/02/2013 19:47

I always felt he wad too limp lillied for me based on his looks.

But I listened to him on 5live and I was converted, what a voice and so enthused by what he does I'd shag him in a minute.

Move over Jake, I'm in!

MikeLitoris · 02/02/2013 19:48

Everytime I see him all I can think of is depp but not in a good way.

MikeLitoris · 02/02/2013 19:48

That should say Johnny Depp.

Fairylea · 02/02/2013 19:49


No. Sorry. I think he is incredibly odd looking. Nightmarish. Cruel I know.

LineRunner · 02/02/2013 19:55

I love him.

loofet · 02/02/2013 19:59


He has rubber lips. Are they real? They don't look it anyway, he looks fake. Just urgh.

KenLeeeeeee · 02/02/2013 20:00

YANBU. I love him and will fight you to the death for him Wink

iloveitalia · 02/02/2013 20:00

I think he' s lovely...could listen to him all day, even though i hated physics at school. Plus, he seems really kind and he's a really nice daddy.

marjproops · 02/02/2013 20:05

ermmm no. why does he remind me of a cross between James Blunt and Gok Wan??????!!!!

LOVE when horrible histories impersonate him tho...

''hello, I'm a gorgeous viking scientist...amaaazing''.

''hello, Im a hot Egyptian scientist...amaaazing.'' priceless!!!!!

BarredfromhavingStella · 02/02/2013 20:08

You've only just noticed this? Hmm

If only the bloke that taught me science at school had looked that hot...

KitCat26 · 02/02/2013 20:17

I quite like him, but not in a fancying sort of way. His hair reminds me of my mum's.


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Icapturethecastle · 02/02/2013 20:29

No I like him on telly but think he looks too much like a woman

Madeyemoodysmum · 02/02/2013 21:12

Yes, I love him........

SoftKittyWarmKitty · 02/02/2013 21:32

I love Foxy Coxy. He's so smart and interesting, has lovely hair, kissable lips and a mesmerising voice. I'd do him in a heartbeat sorry Gia.

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