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In thinking Professor Brian Cox is gorgeous?

106 replies

JakeBullet · 02/02/2013 18:39

...very kissable lips Grin .

That is all...

OP posts:
JakeBullet · 02/02/2013 21:37

"Foxy Coxy " Grin Grin

OP posts:
HortensiaPollard · 02/02/2013 21:42

My 78 year old mum is OBSESSED with him.


Feargalthecat · 02/02/2013 21:42

Yes yes to MikeLitoris I always get the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka image when I see him. My sister luffs him she has a tshirt with his face on and I Love Cox written underneath Grin

MixedClassBaby · 02/02/2013 22:23

I'd give him one.

OscarPistoriusBitontheside · 02/02/2013 22:31

I fully intend to kidnap him if I ever trip over him on campus.

Loshad · 02/02/2013 22:32

no, he is an arrogant smug twat. And has taught me nothing about physics Sad

kennyp · 02/02/2013 22:35

I think he is absolutely revolting, but love alex hill ... Who does that programme and cox was on it last night.

OTTMummA · 02/02/2013 22:52

YABU, but only because he scarily resembles my least favourite aunt ( she is somewhere between Dr Cox and Cliff Richard )

I am sure he is lovely, but i just can't get past that tbh.

Bunbaker · 02/02/2013 23:11

No way is he attractive. His inane grin, floppy hair and girlish lips just give me the creeps. And his voice is an even bigger turn off.

ChablisLover · 02/02/2013 23:13

I would have said yes Yabu but recently from watching stargazing there is definitely something about him so no yanbu - he is quite attractive (and I would say "adventurous" in bed!)

elah11 · 02/02/2013 23:15

Mmmm I LOVE him, definitely wouldn't throw him out of bed for eating crisps lol

Bunbaker · 02/02/2013 23:31

I would rather kick him out and just eat the crisps myself Grin

ripsishere · 02/02/2013 23:49

Me too Bunbaker. His flabby shiny lips put me off.
My not so secret fantasy is not everyone elses cup of tea. Allow me to introduce Adrian Chiles.

Bunbaker · 03/02/2013 08:27

I'll close the door on my way out.

BookWormery · 03/02/2013 09:29

YABU. He is the worst of mum totty. A bit feminine, a bit fake, crap popstar hair. The kind of look a 12-year-old would 'fancy'.

sudaname · 03/02/2013 09:40

Yes but hasnt Adrian Chiles got big flabby shiny lips aswell ripi ?

Make your mind up woman - you either like sloppy gobs or you dont Confused


OnwardBound · 03/02/2013 09:54

Euurgh, no!

I saw him on I think Graham Norton the other day and was thinking how unattractive he is.

He looks like a plastic person, a cyborg. Or Physicist/Popstar Ken doll [you know, like the Barbie who can rearrange her everyday clothes and she turns into a popstar].

He also is dull and smug looking.

And I bet he's had a bit of botox with his shiny tight face. Oh and some lip plumpers as well. And probably spends an eternity in front of the mirror blowdrying his 'casual look' style and polishing his teeth.

BupcakesAndCunting · 03/02/2013 10:16

I know he looks like he is constructed entirely from shiney plastic but he is clever/funny (when he does Shaun Keaveny on 6Music he is funny)/enthusiastic about his subject which combine to make him very sexeh.

But then I have always been attracted to personality over looks. I have found myself attracted to Omid Djalili after he made me LOL through the borefest that was Splash! Give me Omid over Tom Daly any day. I bet Tom will be gutted to read this. Wink

Hulababy · 03/02/2013 10:35

Not sure about the rest tbh but I do find him incredibly interesting and I love intelligence in a man. I find his voice very soothing and as a result have learnt lots by watching his programmes. He seems very knowledgeable about a lot if stuff so amazed anyone could find him boring!

FrameyMcFrame · 03/02/2013 22:32

He's yukky, almost womanly....

wiltingfast · 03/02/2013 22:44

He would never make it anywhere near my crisps never mind my bed!

Just repulsive.

Can we stop talking about it now ;)

marjproops · 18/02/2013 18:50


So I watched Wonders of life last night and i must say I've done a bit of a turnaround!!!!

He's definitely growing on me. that permanent pasted on smile is annoying but he's quite engaging and I'm seeing a bit of cuteness there.

nice figure.....aaaarrrggghhhh! you've converted me, OP Wink


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SoleSource · 18/02/2013 19:42

Yabu get off me man!

QueenOfCats · 18/02/2013 19:54

Oh no no no - he's awful! Not my cup of tea at all - far to feminine - those lips and teeth are repulsive! Can even listen to his voice or watch him on the telly - have to switch over!

I like a manly man Grin

Having said that, I'm sure he's lovely!

MaggieMaggieMaggieMcGill · 18/02/2013 19:56

I like feminine men (and manly men, I'm not fussy really). Professor Cox ( or Mr.Gia, as he should be referred to on here) came to my attention just before Christmas when I accompanied someone to a live recording of 'the infinite monkey cage. He is clever, attractive and and funny!
What's not to like? though the fact he used to be in D-Ream has put me off slightly

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