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To put together a post apocalyptic survival bag...

91 replies

redwallday · 12/01/2013 22:33

...and keep it under my bed? I'm thinking tinned rations, water, high calorie treats, basic drugs (ie aspirin, antibiotics), some sort of pocket knife, warm clothes, a towel, a torch, some sort of basic gps maybe...hmm what else?

Basically so I could grab the kids, grab the bag and run for our lives to the nearest forest at a split seconds notice.

OP posts:
RedToothbrush · 13/01/2013 10:18

Local OS Map so you can find clean water (GPS will fail).
An axe.
A locking knife (rather than pocket knife).
Wind up torch or light (so you don't need batteries).
An always light flint to light a fire.
A lightweight tarp for shelter.

JammySplodger · 13/01/2013 16:15

I'd like to think that Mumsnetters are overall far more prepared for this sort of thing that politicians, even with their nuclear bunkers and COBRA, and that the brave new world that emerges will be much nicer for it.

VestaCurry · 13/01/2013 19:23

Love this thread

RedToothbrush · 13/01/2013 19:41

I'd also recommend you or your kids joining an outdoors type group that teaches skill that might be helpful to you if you are that worried. Eg Scouting or Army Cadets.

McNewPants2013 · 13/01/2013 19:49

Taking notes.

But I do have a hospital bag packed so if things do get bad before I can stock up I will grab that and head for the hills taking ds nurf gun.

RedToothbrush · 13/01/2013 19:56

Think about things you can trade with other survivors...

... condoms might be in high demand.

magimedi88 · 13/01/2013 20:00


"Are we still living in 1982? I would have definitely said, 'Yes' in my teens to a suggestion like this, because we were, of course, going to die/survive in a nuclear war. I think you're pretty safe nowadays though. "

I had my PFB then & was very scared indeed.

JammySplodger · 13/01/2013 20:28

RedToothbrush, I've long been pushing a Survive The Apocolypse badge for our very inventive and enthusiastic Beaver Scouts, I feel a letter writing campaign to Mr Bear Grylls about the subject coming on. They're all up for tanks and everything, I say when the time comes, put the 6-8 year olds in charge of the MoD and we'll all be fine.

PomBearWithAnOFRS · 13/01/2013 20:46

He eats weeds Maggie dandelions and nettles and things, so we should always be able to find something for him to nibble, and they don't have to hibernate, they overwinter awake when they're small. As long a she was tucked warm he'd be fine. They don't eat much in winter.
Mine would include coffee because I hate it and would trade it for other things Grin
And Condys Crystals (potassium permanganate) in a tupperware. They can be used for snow marking and water purification and as a cleaning agent for wounds and things. Lovely stuff.
And a plastic rain hood like Grandma wears, very useful as a water carrier.

RedToothbrush · 13/01/2013 20:50

Haha, that sounds like a brilliant idea. I suspect that loads of 6-8 year old beavers will be more clued up than a lot of adults about how to survive.

I mean how would a politician survive if they didn't get to the bunker in time. They'd be amongst the first lot to go.

timidviper · 13/01/2013 21:03

I wouldn't worry about having a document bag in case of fire, you can get a fireproof safe put in for not very much which will protect anything vital.

I have a small box of useful stuff just in case but am sure it would be totally inadequate in the event of any crisis. We would be stuffed anyway as we live on the coast, no natural resources, downstream of every pissing idiot, etc

RedToothbrush · 13/01/2013 21:20

I think living on the coast or very close to sea level is very risky for Apocalyptic Scenarios, so I think theres a fair chance you'd be stuffed timidviper.

I think documents wouldn't be much use anyway. Survival of the fittest dictates that you'd be able to go and fight for your property porn and claim it as your own. However I do think this also makes you a bit of a target. Far better to hide and avoid confrontation.

I think you need a dog. Cos in all post Apocalyptic movies, dogs go mad without their owners and try and eat people. So you need another dog to defend you against other dogs.

I'm also thinking that guinea pig farming might be the way forward in terms of meat. They are very easy to breed and to keep. And you should be able to find a few in back gardens if you get to them quick after The Event.

Cats are fucking useless. Don't get one if you are worried about How To Survive. They are just competition for rats, which of course will be the new delicacy and which you'll need to feed your dog, so it doesn't turn on you (apart from if you are smart and have your guinea pig farm up and running).

PessaryPam · 13/01/2013 21:28

I think the best thing to do is to ensure you have a way of heating your home if the power goes out. A multi-fuel stove and a supply of coal and a forest next door would be a good idea. Secondly you need a strong community locally and you need to know enough people in it. Living in cities is a big no-no, they would become hell very quickly in a post apocalyptic situation. Tins of high protein food like corned beef would be a fine idea, and a spring in the garden for drinking and cooking.

Basically most of us would be fucked, so failing all that a large supply of spirits and fags so you could smoke and drink yourself to death as quickly as possible.

RedToothbrush · 13/01/2013 21:31

If you live in the country, make sure you know where local caves or sheltered areas might be located.

Learn about war tactics and how to defend an area. This is especially important in case of zombie attacks or plagues.

PessaryPam · 13/01/2013 21:34

Our local pub is full of zombies on a Friday night, it's frightening.

maddening · 13/01/2013 22:47

Surely a seaside location is good in a zombie apocalypse as you can get to a boat and only come to shore in daylight make sure you check the cabin before you sail in case of zombie stowaways.

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