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To put together a post apocalyptic survival bag...

91 replies

redwallday · 12/01/2013 22:33

...and keep it under my bed? I'm thinking tinned rations, water, high calorie treats, basic drugs (ie aspirin, antibiotics), some sort of pocket knife, warm clothes, a towel, a torch, some sort of basic gps maybe...hmm what else?

Basically so I could grab the kids, grab the bag and run for our lives to the nearest forest at a split seconds notice.

OP posts:
deleted203 · 12/01/2013 22:45

Are we still living in 1982? I would have definitely said, 'Yes' in my teens to a suggestion like this, because we were, of course, going to die/survive in a nuclear war. I think you're pretty safe nowadays though.

Fakebook · 12/01/2013 22:46

Why would you run to the nearest forest? Confused. The trees would be burning so it wouldn't be safe. Best place to run to would be a shop obviously. Preferably a superstore that sells groceries, clothing and household goods.

ClassFree · 12/01/2013 22:46

Maybe start with a nice, rational, well thought out 72 hours kit like this? Grin

maddening · 12/01/2013 22:47

an axe, hammer, nails, passports, tent, wind up torch, wind up radio, those one charge mobile chargers, couple of pans, map, binoculars

redwallday · 12/01/2013 22:47

But if I think 'bigger' will it all fit under my bed?

I was kind of thinking we'd take the basics and then over time having run for our lives and learnt how to fight we would suddenly be become a force to be reckoned with who throw knives!!

Actually thinking about it, I might need my sling for my 18month old. Wouldn't fancy pushing a buggy when the zombies attack!

OP posts:
CaptainVonTrapp · 12/01/2013 22:47

Kendal mint cake. Or maybe toblerone would be better.

I have a 'day after tomorrow' cupboard in the garage for my stuff.

Going to look out for a wind up radio in the Pound shop. Can't believe I've not thought of that.

ATruthUniversallyAcknowledged · 12/01/2013 22:48

Okay, serious question, do mumsnetters really have OFRSs for zombie/apocalyptic reasons? I get the house fire example (I keep meaning to do it myself) but the world changing examples? Really?

I can't work out if I'm being naive to believe you or stupid not to have one!

redwallday · 12/01/2013 22:49

See now I was thinking the forest because everyone knows the bad guys swarm around towns and that nature holds the key to our survival! Is that not right? Shock

OP posts:
JammySplodger · 12/01/2013 22:49

Thank you nevermindthecrocodiles. I'm planning on hijacking a Walkers crisps lorry and possibly also a ferry at the first sign of trouble and heading to Lundy Island. Relatively defendable bit of rock, high enough to last at least initial sea level rises following any icecap melts, and roast puffin for tea.

ahmnoclassyladybut · 12/01/2013 22:49

what about the zombies though sworn out? The vanguard are already in heat magazine. Or Cern? They are 30 (gulp) years closer to meddling with powers we can't possibly comprehend.

Anyone can survive a nuclear explosion but what do we do when they invent a black hole in switzerland and all the wine gets sucked into a parrallel dimension?

Binkyridesagain · 12/01/2013 22:51

Just asked DH what we need upto now we have

At least 2 bottles of single malt
Couple of glasses
Maybe a Swiss Army knife, we can spend our time trying to work out what all the tools are for.

ahmnoclassyladybut · 12/01/2013 22:51

there are too many people thinking of heading to the shops for my liking. Its OK so long as we're on mumsnet but for everyone else we'll have to try to convince them that the forests are the best place.

CaptainVonTrapp · 12/01/2013 22:52

sowornout I've got in mind something more like a meteorite strike. Sudden ice age. Not a nuclear weapon.

JammySplodger · 12/01/2013 22:54

Nail gun's a good idea whattodo, could be quite practical though I'd accompany it with a claw hammer in case you run out of ammo - you could then just nick nails out of other stuff, straighten them a bit and reload.

maddening · 12/01/2013 22:55

I know of a cave in the hills that I would go for although not sure if flowing water nearby.

Virgil · 12/01/2013 22:56

Got one - well, four, one for each of us. Plus about four months of food etc.

I watch way too many zombie movies!!

JammySplodger · 12/01/2013 22:56

ahmnoclassyladybut, if all the wine starts getting sucked down a black hole, presumably we just jump in after it?

nevermindthecrocodiles · 12/01/2013 22:58

Definitely jump after the wine! Ooooh, thermal undies need to go on the list. The apocalypse might be chilly!

maddening · 12/01/2013 22:59

have one under the bed and the big one in the garage.

I don't have a ofrs but do keep meaning to to the fire thing, got it all in one place but not organised.

if I had more room eg q garage I might consider it

nevermindthecrocodiles · 12/01/2013 23:00

And a wetsuit. In case of flooding. And of course a wearily plodding donkey to carry the inevitably enormous ofrs!

InLoveWithDavidTennant · 12/01/2013 23:04

i have a zombie invasion plan. need to stock up on supplies at some point but im all set Grin

whattodoo · 12/01/2013 23:05



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StuntGirl · 12/01/2013 23:06

We have the beginnings of one in case of fire or flood. We've started stockpiling tinned goods and bottled water in case we end up stranded because of bad weather or something. Chances are we'll never need them (I hope) but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Fakebook · 12/01/2013 23:06

I couldn't forget wax strips and tweezers and thread. post apocalyptic gals still need to remove facial and body hair.

maddening · 12/01/2013 23:07

ooo if I got that survival kit with the solar/wind up usb charger then a tablet with loads of films, games, cartoons on - if you do survive the first wave and have to hunker down then life with the children would be much better :)

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