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To wash bed linen and towels once per week?

108 replies

permaquandry · 01/11/2012 13:41

Hmm wondering if I am unhygienic or about average. We all have our own towels and separate hand towels (I change these 2-3 times per week), Also, we all wear pjs in bed and I leave the covers back with windows open for at least an hour per day.

What does everybody else do?

OP posts:
GiserableMitt · 02/11/2012 08:45

Sheets and pillowcases once a week, duvet cover once a fortnight (it's not in direct contact with us and it's a pain in the arse to take off and put back on again.)

Towels about every 3-4 days. Once they lose their lovely crunchy absorbency and go all floppy then they get washed (without fabric conditioner).

PeshwariNaan · 02/11/2012 09:05

Towels - when they've been used a few times or it's especially damp in the house.

Sheets - we always have a clean set on backup and change about every 2 weeks.

PeshwariNaan · 02/11/2012 09:05

Sorry - sheets/ pillowcases 1x weekly, duvet fortnightly as it is a faff.

SullenCrescent · 02/11/2012 09:11

My bedding gets done once a week, the kids gets done every fortnight. Towels are washed probably every couple of days but that is only because I never know what is clean and what isn't as they get left around and OH gets out clean towels all the time and I never know which are the dirty one's.

mac12 · 02/11/2012 10:44

Daily washes of towels and bed linen? Seriously people, the planet weeps. (I find environmentalism is a great friend to those of us with more slatternly tendencies...)

cantspel · 02/11/2012 11:00

Bedding gets done every 2nd week. The beds are on rotation so i dont have 4 lots to do at once.
My mum is the only one who has separate towels and her hand towel is changed every second day and her bath towel weekly.
Our other towels in the upstairs bathroom are shared. With 2 hand towels and 4 bath towels on the go at any one time. Hand towels get washed weekly and bath either when i have spare room in the machine or when they get a bit whiffy. Sometimes they will last 2 weeks sometimes less.
I dont get peoples obsession with having their own individual towels or the need to wash it as soon as it has come into contact with your clean skin. Not only is it costly in the way of time and money but it is wasteful of water and bad for the environment.

VerySmallSqueak · 02/11/2012 14:02

It's really a case of using your eyes and nose,isn't it?

VerySmallSqueak · 02/11/2012 14:06

Just to pass this on,as well,I found that once I started washing my towels on 60 deg they stayed fresher longer.
I suppose it's the bacteria that causes the smell,and perhaps a 40 deg wash just wasn't sufficient to kill the bacteria.
I know it's environmentally better to wash on a lower temperature,but I reckon that way I need to wash them more,so it's swings and roundabouts.

KatyPeril · 02/11/2012 14:10

Hand towels - once or twice a week, depending on muckiness. Bath towels - after each use. Beds - once a week.

ThalianotFailure · 02/11/2012 14:11

let's hope a water shortage never really hits this country, the amount of loons on Mumsnet washing towels after one use beggars belief! Haven't these people go anything better to do???

apostropheuse · 02/11/2012 20:23

Oh I've got plenty to do, that's why I'm really glad I have machines to wash and dry the towels. It's really not difficult to press some buttons.

I refuse to use towels that have been used then dried off to be used again. They smell terribly, especially if dried on radiators.

I think that it's more or less assured that Scotland won't have too much of a drought any time soon, so I'm not overly worried on that front. Grin

prettybird · 02/11/2012 20:47

I'm stingy - I refuse to use the drier Grin. So there is no way I'm going to wash towels on more than a weekly basis - especially since I can't rely on being able to dry them outside! (although I do try to so when I can, even in winter)

giraffe213 · 02/11/2012 23:17

I think weekly is pretty good going. I aim for that, and possibly do the towels every week or so, but the bed can go for ages because there's always something else that seems higher priority!
I do find the idea of washing towels every time they're used slightly hilarious tbh.

Meglet · 02/11/2012 23:23

towels - daily.

the kids bedlinen- couple of times a month.

Mine, um.... less often. I do shower and wear clean pj's every night though. And I'm single so not much chance of it getting sweaty Hmm.

PurpleGentian · 02/11/2012 23:26

I change them once a week, unless they get excessively dirty during the week.

LibrarianByDay · 02/11/2012 23:28

Weekly sounds perfectly reasonable to me, although the kids bedding gets done more like once a fortnight. Washing stuff more often than that suggests people have too much time on their hands!!

LegArmpits · 02/11/2012 23:37

When they smell.

whiteandyelloworchid · 02/11/2012 23:38

people that only change the linen once per week, what do you do when youve had sex then, sleep in the bed again next day?
until its due a wash???!!

trio38 · 03/11/2012 00:00

white and yellow erm, yes, we just sleep on it. Why? What do you do? Change the sheets as soon as you've finished?

apostropheuse · 03/11/2012 00:03

noooooo whiteandyellow. Not at all.

I just don't do sex.

whiteandyelloworchid · 03/11/2012 00:15

No but the next day they are washed

Bogeyface · 03/11/2012 03:57

I want to know what you are doing when you have sex that makes such a mess of the sheets!

Heaven knows that I am no prude, but I have never managed to have a session that required clean sheets the next day!


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FellatioNelson · 03/11/2012 04:02

No, YANBU. Once a week for both towels and sheets is ample unless you do huge, unseemly amounts of shagging, sweating, menstruating or coal mining.

Two weeks for sheets is acceptable if you are very clean and sleep in clothes, but two weeks for towels is too long imho.

I would judge you more for changing your sheets and towels three times a week than for changing them every three weeks.

FellatioNelson · 03/11/2012 04:06

Does it really matter if there is a teaspoonful of dried semen two thirds of the way down the bed sheet? Confused

Whatever gets onto the base sheet can stay there as far as I'm concerned, so long as it doesn't smell or have lumps. And I would only change something that showed on the duvet cover if I thought someone might come into my room and see it.

TheSkiingGardener · 03/11/2012 04:37

Bedding weekly, towels monthly. We have our own towels and they dry on he radiator v quickly. They don't smell!

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