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To wash bed linen and towels once per week?

108 replies

permaquandry · 01/11/2012 13:41

Hmm wondering if I am unhygienic or about average. We all have our own towels and separate hand towels (I change these 2-3 times per week), Also, we all wear pjs in bed and I leave the covers back with windows open for at least an hour per day.

What does everybody else do?

OP posts:
Astelia · 01/11/2012 15:30

I think a look at a towel under a microscope would reveal an awful lot of dead skin particles, bits of soap, handcream, hairs and the odd bug. I wouldn't want that hanging around for a week- especially as we live on the equator. Bugs multiply here very quickly.

LRDtheFeministDragon · 01/11/2012 15:34

I think it depends a lot on how well aired your house and your bedroom are. Our bathroom is a horrible little pit of doom that gets condensation as soon as you look at it, and has nowhere to hang towels flat. So they get washed after ever use or every other use. If you have a nice airy room or a hot rail to put a wet towel on, you'll get away with fewer uses.

I try for bedding once a week but I'm lazy, and DH is happy with once a fortnight with bedding.

travailtotravel · 01/11/2012 15:37

Towels once a week
Bedding once a fortnight, or less if I am being really slatternly or DH and i are both away a lot for work or at weekends.

aquavit · 01/11/2012 15:49

but LRD, doesn't drying washed towels take up more space/time than drying towels used to dry yourself, and make more condensation? (appreciate you are probably not drying them in your pit bathroom...)

though I am vair impressed by the dedication shown on this thread to clean towellage

Mono1 · 01/11/2012 15:57

I must be a right midden but bath towels get washed weekly in my house but never more than that. They are only ever used to dry CLEAN bodies after the bath/shower. If the concern is that they harbour dead skin cells etc do you also have plastic sheets on your sofas? Washing towels daily seems like a totally pointless and expensive exercise. I have better things to do with my time.

LRDtheFeministDragon · 01/11/2012 15:57

They dry outside. I can of course put them outside while just damp, but somehow my fantastic organisational skills don't quite rise to that. Blush

elinorbellowed · 01/11/2012 15:58

In my ideal world I would do them once a week and iron them (I love ironed sheets). In real life they are done every fortnight and never ironed. It's not time so much as drying them. I don't have a tumble dryer.
Towels after 3 or 4 uses. Cannot imagine doing them after EVERY skin contact. That seems insane to me, and I think I'm pretty clean.

oohlaalaa · 01/11/2012 16:00

I wash bed covers and towels about once a month.

aquavit · 01/11/2012 16:00

heh, fair dos, if I tried that I would forget to bring them in before showering and have to streak to the garden to retrieve towel

AitchDee · 01/11/2012 16:01

Mine are all tumble dried. None of my laundry reaches a washing line, or sees the great outdoors whilst it is still damp. They go from floor, to washing machine, to tumble drier within hours.

oohlaalaa · 01/11/2012 16:01

Never ironed sheets or towels in my life.

KellyElly · 01/11/2012 16:01

Why would anyone do it more than that?? People's bills must be sky high!

LRDtheFeministDragon · 01/11/2012 16:02

Blush aqua, I think you must know me.

That's exactly what I do.

apostropheuse · 01/11/2012 16:07

Towels after every use
Bedding weekly

Doesn't take much effort - the machines do it for me.

Amyo83 · 01/11/2012 16:08

Towels (each use our own) and tea towels are done once a week and bedding every other week. It still feels like I've got a permanent clothes horse feature in my living room drying everything.

I don't have an iron much to the horror of a friend the other day who cheekily asked us to iron his shirt - serves him right!

Used to live in a building where there were washing and drying facilities in the basement rather than each flat having a washing machine - I miss those tumble-dryer-soft-fluffy-towel days.

FelixDaSouza · 01/11/2012 16:10

Once a week for bed linen, every few days for towels but possibly a week at the most if they have been dried in between.

I can't imagine leaving my bedding for more than a week as DH slobbers when he's asleep Hmm and that leaves marks on the pillow cases. plus the bed would be a bit jizzy if it was left longer

Absy · 01/11/2012 16:45

Bedding largely weekly (depending on busy-ness/general slatternliness), hand towels weekly, and then we use bathrobes which are washed, erm, less frequently.

DH thinks I wash too much Hmm if he had it his way, he'd do laundry once a fortnight and change bed linen once a month, max. Thank goodness we're not doing it his way

StuntGirl · 01/11/2012 17:36

Weekly for everything. I do change tea towels every few days but they all just get chucked in a pile to be washed together once a week.

Flojo1979 · 01/11/2012 17:42

Bedding about once a month, though can I quickly I'm single, no stinky men in my bed! and no strange stains, sorry!

FelixDaSouza · 01/11/2012 17:45

flojo Lucky you! Grin

echt · 01/11/2012 19:26

Bedding once a fortnight. Towels get changed about every 4 days. Clean bedding for guests. Tea towel, kitchen top cloth and green scrubby thing, clean every day.

runzombierun · 01/11/2012 19:39

Bedding once a week, twice a week in the summer (we all sleep neked)
towels twice a week
Mattress covers/mattress toppers/pillows once a month
Duvets dry cleaned prob twice a year


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greenbananas · 01/11/2012 19:54

I'd like to do the bedding once a week, but it is actually once a fortnight (or maybe even every three weeks if I am very busy, lazy or disorganised).

Towels get washed about three times a week - we all use the same one due to lack of space, and it does get horribly damp and smelly. The mats in the bathroom get washed about once a week.

Tea towels get washed a lot. Every time I put a load of washing in, I add all the tea towels.

My washing machine is on every single day, sometimes twice a day, but that's because we don't have many clothes and have to keep washing the same ones over and over again.

Reky · 01/11/2012 20:32

Our bedding gets done every 2-3 months. Towels every 6-8 weeks.

FelixDaSouza · 01/11/2012 20:40

Reky Tell me you're kidding? Shock

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