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to stop outdoor shagging because of this?

77 replies

adifferentcountry · 09/07/2012 09:05

Another thread got me thinking about something that happened a while ago.

Way back when, DH and I were into al fresco sex/drunken exhibitionism. Thought we were frightfully edgy and cool at the time doubtless.

Once these two dutch guys came over and asked if I was okay.

DH thinks they were trying to get a look and being voyeuristic.

I think they were doing a good thing, making sure that what was happening was consensual.

As a result, I no longer have much interest in shagging where other people are iyswim. Because I don't want to make people worry, or otherwise disturb them. DH thinks I am old and boring. AIBU?

OP posts:
MiniMonty · 01/11/2012 02:12

Most replies to this thread just remind me that the population of the UK is not only ageing but becoming hopelessly conservative...

Have sex. Have sex in the woods. Have sex in a car, in a field, under the moonlight, under a street lamp, anywhere the mood takes you. And as for "children might see" - just remind me, how exactly do we make children ?
Oh yeah - under the moonlight in a field grinning and grunting...

Choose life. And chose it quick 'coz it runs out just when you start to understand it.

MurderOfGoths · 01/11/2012 02:15

Zombie thread is late for Hallowe'en

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