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to stop outdoor shagging because of this?

77 replies

adifferentcountry · 09/07/2012 09:05

Another thread got me thinking about something that happened a while ago.

Way back when, DH and I were into al fresco sex/drunken exhibitionism. Thought we were frightfully edgy and cool at the time doubtless.

Once these two dutch guys came over and asked if I was okay.

DH thinks they were trying to get a look and being voyeuristic.

I think they were doing a good thing, making sure that what was happening was consensual.

As a result, I no longer have much interest in shagging where other people are iyswim. Because I don't want to make people worry, or otherwise disturb them. DH thinks I am old and boring. AIBU?

OP posts:
squeakytoy · 09/07/2012 10:29

In my world (over 40!! Hmm ) people have plenty of sex still, so dont worry about that, but the sensible ones prefer to do it in the comfort of their own homes! Grin

WorraLiberty · 09/07/2012 10:31

Lol @ the over 40's not having sex!

I suppose you young whipper snappers invented it? Grin

lastnerve · 09/07/2012 10:39

I'll be okay when I'm 40 but not for a while hands over ears , eyes shut

Morloth · 09/07/2012 10:43

I don't even like strange beds for shagging now. I like my bed, in my house.

I am not 40 yet though so it is OK that I like a good shag?

LentillyFart · 09/07/2012 10:47

Someone's going to have to explain to me the attraction of rutting in the great outdoors. What's the deal? Do you get some kind of frisson from it? The very idea of twigs up the arse, insects in your hair and God alone knows what else doesn't really appeal to me. And like squeaky, if I came across a pair of saggy-assed Saga customers pushing their bits into one another in the park I'd feel obliged to chuck a bucket of icy water over them!

WorraLiberty · 09/07/2012 10:49

hands over ears , eyes shut

Why have you handed over your ears?

What are we supposed to do with them?

LentillyFart · 09/07/2012 10:51


Anyway - would love to stay and chat but I've decided to trot over to the park and hunt down fornicating fuckers! I have my elephant gun to hand.......
Spuddybean · 09/07/2012 10:55

I think there are 2 different reasons for public shagging.

  1. the thrill of being caught
  2. the feeling of being naked on the grass/in the open air etc

    For me, i love the idea of being in a field on a sunny day, naked and rolling around in the grass. But the thought of someone seeing or catching us puts me off as i would be mortified.

    For friends who choose it for the 1st reason. They do it in loos, cinemas etc because they want those around them to know they are shagging. I find this attention seeking and pathetic, as why do they think sex is risque? or that anyone is going to be anything other than pissed off they can't get to loo? Sex is not edgy, it is just normal. It isn't fair on others to incorporate them unwillingly into your sexual fantasies.
Morloth · 09/07/2012 10:59

Being naked outside feels so good.

Like skinny dipping, feels so much better.

MittzbethSalanderLovesBouncing · 09/07/2012 11:09

Yes, it's the outdoorsy bit that floated my metaphorical boat. Not the thought of being watched. Picking places that are highly unlikely to be interrupted' or offer some discretion make for a better 'private' experience.

However, slightly seriously, if it no longer appeals to you, then whatever your DH thinks, it isn't going to work for you.
It doesn't make you boring or old.

strawberrybubblegum · 09/07/2012 11:09

I love outdoor sex, and it's all about the sensations of being outside: absolutely nothing to do with other people, or any kind of risk-taking thrill. (we go to suitable lengths to avoid any risk of being seen).

It's a bit like having a picnic. Picnic food is lovely - and if you eat french bread, cheese, pate, quiche, baby tomatoes, strawberries, and fizzy pop at your kitchen table, then that'll be very nice. But take the same picnic outside, and sit around on blankets munching away, feeling the sun and the wind and looking out over the sea, and you've got something really special.

Same with sex Grin.

MittzbethSalanderLovesBouncing · 09/07/2012 11:10

And yes to skinny dipping, it is fabulous Smile

Spuddybean · 09/07/2012 11:23

oh strawberry I am :( now. I don't know anyone who likes picnics or picnic food.

That menu sounds like my idea of heaven tho. I wish i could find a nice private field on a sunny day and eat that exact picnic with DP and then make love in the grass and go skinny dipping.

Unfortunately he wouldn't eat any of it, hates the sun, is allergic to grass and can't swim. what am i doing with him!

strawberrybubblegum · 09/07/2012 11:57

spuddy, I can't imagine anyone not liking picnic food! Shock Sad

I think that next time you're somewhere suitable, you should ask your DP if he fancies it - he might surprise you Grin

Spuddybean · 09/07/2012 11:59


My DP (and exH for that matter) just thinks cold food like that is 'slimy'. He hates cold cheese, meats, pate, quiche, salad :( i may cry.

PuppyMonkey · 09/07/2012 12:01

I'd be too worried about nasty grass stains.

Spuddybean · 09/07/2012 12:03

posted too soon. Yes strawb that was the plan this summer but with the rain and me being 33 wks pg it has gone out the window. :(

Ormiriathomimus · 09/07/2012 12:04

Never been caught. But that might because I am so paranoid I always forced DH to walk miles to find somewhere remote and deserted enough. My main worry was cow/sheep shit tbh.

doggiemumma · 09/07/2012 12:42

Ah, that explains ALOT last nerve! Oh and believe me, it gets better as you get older!

doggiemumma · 09/07/2012 12:43

ANTS - now theres a reason for not having sex outside

SoleSource · 09/07/2012 13:17

My ex and I were on the top deck of a bus, some years ago. There was a drunken couple sitting on the back seat. They started to have sex. I felt uncomfortable but my ex was really angry. It wasn't pretty. I think if I wa walking past with my children and you were doing that I would report you to the police.

SoleSource · 09/07/2012 13:26

I have had sex outside lots but after midnight usually and with my ex.


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Spuddybean · 09/07/2012 13:30

umm SoleSource do you mean you still have sex after midnight with your ex? or that you did it with your ex when you were with your ex?

ErikNorseman · 09/07/2012 13:37

I heard a nice story at the weekend. A friend of a friend was queuing for the loo in a club. A couple started shagging in the queue. She said to him 'don't come in my cunt' and he said 'shut it you oily rag'
Isn't that nice? How edgy!

Public shagging is immature and anti social. It's also crap. If you are really exhibitionists or voyeurs then go dogging or swinging where the people you inflict your coitus on are up for it.

AvonCallingBarksdale · 09/07/2012 13:47

Erik!!!! I have inhaled my oatcake after reading that!

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