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To feel scared being pregnant aged 36

96 replies

youcangetpregnantstandingup · 25/03/2011 23:14

....Just found out to my surprise but joy that we are expecting baby no.4. However I am 36 and having spent the evening googling stuff about pregnancy over 35, I know, it was a mistake, I wanted reassurance more than anything, I feel scared, tearful and convinced that something is going to wrong. Please tell me some pregnancy age 35 plus success stories because I've gone from excited to feeling sick and panicked.

OP posts:
freshgreens · 16/05/2015 15:32

I had my DDs at 20 and 22 and one of them is severely disabled. I have lots of friends who have children with varying disabilities (I get to know them through a local disability group) and more than half of them were over 35, but lots of them were younger too. At the end of the day there is always going to be a risk of abnormalities or problems whatever age you are, but you learn to accept it because it's still going to be your child whatever issues it has, and it's your responsibility as a parent to manage it.

Thetreeonthemountaintop · 16/05/2015 15:36

Bloody hell, only 36. You are practically still a baby yourself! Enjoy your pregnancy!

tilliebob · 16/05/2015 15:52

Had my youngest dc at 38. Easiest pregnancy of the lot, easiest birth too and biggest baby. Step away from Google and trust your own instincts as an experienced mum and take the medics advice if you need it.

Jackieharris · 16/05/2015 15:56

Zombie thread!!!

bonbonbonbon · 16/05/2015 17:55

I'm 35 and I just gave birth to twin boys. It was hard towards the end, carrying two big babies, but the outcomes were all positive.

Jelliebabe2 · 16/05/2015 20:05

Blinkin eck! Wish I was 36 on my fourth! Instead I'm 40 on my first (and second!). Lol

ItsADinosaur · 16/05/2015 20:08

Zombie thread! It's 4 years old!

Pepsiaddict · 16/05/2015 20:10

I had two beautiful daughters aged 35 and 37. Fairly straightforward pregnancies (usual niggles like morning sickness) and births. I'm healthy, slim, non-smoker and pretty much a non-drinker so in pretty good shape. Good luck.

zoemaguire · 16/05/2015 20:14

My first two pregnancies aged 31 and 33 were nightmares from start to finish. Actually first three if you count the ectopic first. Last pregnancy aged 37 was plain sailing all the way. The statistics tell you very little about individual cases.

FirstWeTakeManhattan · 16/05/2015 20:20

I had my first (of three) at 37! I barely know anyone who had babies before 35. Nearly all my friends had crossed the mid-30's line when they started having babies. Pretty normal these days!

hels71 · 16/05/2015 20:23

I had my only child at 36....(ivf)..

devon004 · 16/05/2015 20:27

Had 1st at 34, second 36 3rd third early 40s. All pregnancies fine. Congratulations.

GymBum · 16/05/2015 20:58

Hi Op, I am 39 and DD is 16 months. We started ttc DC2 this month. 36 is young. Congratulations Flowers

DilysMoon · 16/05/2015 21:20

Had dc3 at 38 after a 6 year gap. No problems at all (well gestational diabetes for me but baby wasn't affected). Perfect dd arrived 6 months ago.

I refused the blood tests that predict downs risk etc but then I refused them with my other 2 in my early 30's as well.

Incidentally my 3 miscarriages happened in my late 20's.

Seriously if I was 46 I might have some worries but at 36 not at all, congratulations Thanks Smile

steppemum · 16/05/2015 21:24

I had mine at 35, 37 and 40.

All was fine

Christelle2207 · 17/05/2015 18:19

I had my first at 35 and am expecting my second at 37. I've had trouble free Pregnancies, first delivery was complicated but nothing to do with my age. Both times had a very low risk of down's syndrome- 1 in several thousand.

Paddingtonsmarmaladesandwiches · 17/05/2015 18:32

I had my only baby at 39. Healthy beautiful baby and a healthy easy pregnancy. Congratulations. I was aware of the slightly increased risks and took every test offered. I also had extra scans for my own peace of mind.

hoochymama1 · 17/05/2015 18:37

Hi, congratulations Thanks Thanks
I had my ds, last of 4, aged 36. It was fine, he is lovely. Dont let your fear spoil this lovely time for you, all will be wellWink

3mum · 17/05/2015 19:49

I had my first of 3 at 37. I had my third at 43. You are a spring chicken!

306235388 · 17/05/2015 19:55

My granny had my mum (last of 6) at 43 in the 1940s! My mum had me aged 41 in the 1980s.

The risk is there but it isn't massive and it isn't guaranteed.

ironfist36 · 22/06/2015 18:23

hi im a 36 year old mum of 4 boys. i just found out im pregnant and im really scared. the last time i had a baby was 11 years husband was over the moon about the news, but hey! he,s not pushing it out. but when i read up on things thats when the real worry set in cant think straight i dont no if im doing the right thing ive tryed to relax when the kids go to bed but my mind wonders to same thing.i dont no what im doing im scared for my boys

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