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The old days of Mumsnet when…

291 replies

Anon778833 · 21/09/2022 22:57

Back in 2003, there was a section entitled ‘introductions’ and people would post identifying photos of themselves and their dc. And a post about themselves.

How times change!

OP posts:
FlibbertyGiblets · 21/09/2022 23:03

I know, we had a profile page, we could put photos (I can still recall the photo I used, it was a toddler jumpsplash type) Looking back we were LOONS for leaking personal info. Bonkers! But that was then; the past is a different country, they do things differently there...

FlibbertyGiblets · 21/09/2022 23:05

Slubbers with her High Sift, leaning out of an upstairs window.

The VSC competition, where we took the bloody cakes up mountains and dales and to beaches to photograph them. You wouldn't believe it, nowadays.

InflagranteDelicto · 21/09/2022 23:08

Clicking a link to This

Everydaywheniwakeup · 21/09/2022 23:09

I miss Birth Announcements when people would write 2000 word essays on their birth experience, ending with their child's full name, weight, time of birth and often a photo. It was very of its time and I was a new parent and used to like that shit.

FlibbertyGiblets · 21/09/2022 23:11

Even though I knew, it was still beautiful to clicky it and pretend to be fooled Grin

FlibbertyGiblets · 21/09/2022 23:13

Everydaywheniwakeup · 21/09/2022 23:09

I miss Birth Announcements when people would write 2000 word essays on their birth experience, ending with their child's full name, weight, time of birth and often a photo. It was very of its time and I was a new parent and used to like that shit.

Ah yes, a lovely squishy new babba photo to coo over, and we would all say awwwww.

OnTheRunWithMannyMontana · 21/09/2022 23:15

I remember when people were nice. That's changed a little! Especially the last few months.

kimchifox · 21/09/2022 23:16

Omg I'd forgotten all about the profile page! What recklessness - it was like the Wild West 😂

kimchifox · 21/09/2022 23:18

Also when people could have simple three letter usernames like "Cod".

cyclamenqueen · 21/09/2022 23:20

When it was so small you could literally track every thread if you wanted to and when you recognised most of the posters . Mostly people were kind and supportive and it felt like a community rather than just a discussion forum .

UrsulaPandress · 21/09/2022 23:20

When it used to make me laugh. A lot.

Anon778833 · 21/09/2022 23:22

Everydaywheniwakeup · 21/09/2022 23:09

I miss Birth Announcements when people would write 2000 word essays on their birth experience, ending with their child's full name, weight, time of birth and often a photo. It was very of its time and I was a new parent and used to like that shit.

Oh I forgot those. I think I even did one Blush

OP posts:
VegetablesAreMyFriends · 21/09/2022 23:24

kimchifox · 21/09/2022 23:18

Also when people could have simple three letter usernames like "Cod".

I opened this thread thinking of Cod too.

I still have my birth essay stashed away somewhere. Didn't put it up but did write it.

SgurrNaCìche · 21/09/2022 23:24

I miss that bat!
I loved the days on reading 'up the way' on threads, and recognising all the names.

SgurrNaCìche · 21/09/2022 23:25

In cod we trust 😆

JaneJeffer · 21/09/2022 23:30

🥱 💤

FlibbertyGiblets · 21/09/2022 23:32

JaneJeffer · 21/09/2022 23:30

🥱 💤

Jane if you are ti-ti you can go beddy <head tilt>

DillDanding · 21/09/2022 23:34

I used to love that bat. It seems terribly parochial looking back - especially the Christmas meet-ups and the gift buying.

TheUnquestionedAnswer · 21/09/2022 23:43

When AIBU was just that and not people hopping on for traffic or making up daft reasons to be judged. When I first joined I thought that was the only section to the forum.

Manekinek0 · 21/09/2022 23:43

I used to regularly post on iVillage before I made my way over here. People would post full names along with the area they lived in!

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 21/09/2022 23:47

cyclamenqueen · 21/09/2022 23:20

When it was so small you could literally track every thread if you wanted to and when you recognised most of the posters . Mostly people were kind and supportive and it felt like a community rather than just a discussion forum .

It was much cosier, wasn't it?

Anon778833 · 21/09/2022 23:49

It definitely was cosier but it was quite a clique oriented place at times.

People were much kinder though!

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Etive · 21/09/2022 23:55

DillDanding · 21/09/2022 23:34

I used to love that bat. It seems terribly parochial looking back - especially the Christmas meet-ups and the gift buying.

I’d forgotten about he gift buying for nominated Mumsnetters. I bought a few gifts over the years. Tbh I’m glad they stopped it as so many people were jumping on the bandwagon in the end.

Fishandchipsupper · 21/09/2022 23:55

I used to really enjoy posts by Getorfmyland, she was so funny and witty, but sadly I have noticed her since I’ve been back on mumsnet. I gave up for a few years as it got quite mean a few years ago. Thank goodness I’ve rejoined because I’m now a massive fan of the feminism board.

5zeds · 21/09/2022 23:57

People were kinder and if a thread didn’t get answered you tried to say something so the OP wouldn’t feel bad. Meet ups and secret Santa and lots of very rude jokes.

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