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Just clocked PIL thermostat reading

124 replies

Pascha · 28/11/2021 16:06

25° 🥵. I'm slowly dying of heat exhaustion.

Just clocked PIL thermostat reading
Just clocked PIL thermostat reading
OP posts:
IntemperateSpirits · 28/11/2021 18:49

My dad has spent years making sure the thermostat doesn't go over 20, and pointing people who are cold to the stool in front of the warmest radiator and offering them his spare fleece. I'll know something is up when that changes.

Sunshinealligator · 28/11/2021 18:57

Sounds like my idea of heaven!!
My house is heated to 23! My husband and daughter wont allow me to put it up, I drive my car at 25, heaters on full then almost freeze to death when i get out..... but after losing about 10 stone, I am always freezing!

ChocolatePotCafe · 28/11/2021 18:58

My ILs are the same. We sleep with the radiator off in our room and the window open when we stay the night.

user1471478181 · 28/11/2021 19:00


One Christmas at my grandma’s I was really hot so took off my jumper, she saw me wearing a T-shirt and thought I must be cold so put the heating on even higher. I was absolutely dehydrated by the end I swear

My grandma always asking me if I was cold , even if we was in an heatwave 😂. She even brought me a snood at Christmas once.
Natsku · 28/11/2021 19:00

Just checked what the room thermometer says, its 22.5C in my house right now and I am feeling chilly, just turned the radiator next to me up a bit. I don't understand how anyone can bear to have their house at 18 or so degrees, it feels freezing to me! Whenever I visit the UK in the winter I'm shivering inside houses (and begging my mum to turn her thermostat up - so I guess she hasn't reached that age yet when she feels the cold more)

MythicalBiologicalFennel · 28/11/2021 19:02

For contrast, my PIL take pride in cheapness and make a point of not turning the heating on. When we visit sometimes the bedrooms are at 15°C. Many friends and family refuse to visit because of the cold in winter. They are very well-off so it's not for financial reasons.

Just10moreminutesplease · 28/11/2021 19:03

My in-laws are only in their early 50s and are exactly the same! Except FIL sometimes gets too warm so turns the fan on as well Shock.

They were very Hmm when we suggested they turn the heating down instead.

CovidCorvid · 28/11/2021 19:06

Ours is 20 which is too hot for me but any colder and the walls go mouldy. 🤷‍♀️ Even with a dehumidifier running 24/7.

CheeseMmmm · 29/11/2021 00:44

I cannot get to grips with getting pissed off about anyone let alone anyone elderly having it the temp that they like in their own home!


The fact that elderly people are particularly at risk when it's cold and they can't afford to heat properly surely gives a clue. That due to escalation and maybe other things. Elderly people do feel colder. I thought that was common knowledge!

CheeseMmmm · 29/11/2021 00:48

I have a friend who keeps her house tropical and one who barely puts the heating on.

Do I say anything? Of course not! It's their house.

When going to visit I dress accordingly. More layers for cold. I hate having layers as v sweaty person esp when young. But you know. Obvious thing to do.

The hot House I make sure I have things under that I can strip off to. Vest top, skirt with socks and boots to keep warm if cold outside. Strip to skirt vest and skirt. Does the trick.

The person who turned the heating down what a twattish thing to do.

longwayoff · 29/11/2021 07:04

My dear friend of more years than I care to count, when she visits her 86 year old mother, changes the radio station from R5 to R4 and turns the thermostat down to 20. Unasked and unwanted.'It's better for her'. As soon as a carer turns up when daughter has gone, back to R5 and 25 degrees. Apparently, mum is the unreasonable oneSmile.

middleager · 29/11/2021 07:13

My ILs are the same. They live in a bungalow, have the heating on 24/7 but still keep all the inside doors open.

When we stayed there and the heating was set to 25 all night I woke up so desperate for water.

Yet they moan about high bills!

In contrast, I set the thermostat to 19/20 and DH sneaks it to 17.
My own father only put the heating on from Nov to Feb as kids and made sure every door, curtain and gap was sealed.

middleager · 29/11/2021 07:23

To those of you who keep heating on overnight, aren't your bills astronomical?

ThePoisonousMushroom · 29/11/2021 07:27


To those of you who keep heating on overnight, aren't your bills astronomical?

I put mine on 16 overnight so it only comes on if it drops below that. As the house is kept warm during the day and is well insulated, it only comes on on really cold nights.
I am not particularly frivolous generally and save money elsewhere, but I won’t scrimp in being warm. Our bills are around £200pcm for gas and electricity (family of 5).
middleager · 29/11/2021 07:53

Thanks Poisonous. Heating was set for 6.30am today, but it was still only 13 degrees by 7.30!

Freshprincess · 29/11/2021 10:48

I’m of the put another jumper on school, so don’t have it on all day unless the outside temperature is sub 4/5 degrees. My DCs are always complaining, whilst wearing shorts in November.
We didn’t have central heating till I was in my teens so I grew up layering up, loads of blankets, hot water bottles. My dad wouldn’t have put the fire on during the day no matter what the temperature. Course now they are in their 70s they keep the house like the Sahara.
I can’t believe posters going round to someone’s else’s house and turning their heating down. I’m

Treaclepiepastry · 29/11/2021 10:51

Obviously turning other people’s thermostat down is a bit off, but she turned it down from 30?!

goose1964 · 29/11/2021 10:54

I'm sure it's an age thing. Both my in-laws and my dad keep their houses seriously hot. I usually take summer clothes when I stay at Dad 's .

MedusasBadHairDay · 29/11/2021 11:07

At my old house the heating would only come on if the thermostat was turned to 25, we had multiple engineers come out and look at it but could never fix it. So our options were roasting or freezing.

coogee · 29/11/2021 11:11

It must be cold as I’ve just checked ours on my phone and my husband has set it to 16. He normally doesn’t have it on at all during the day.

longwayoff · 29/11/2021 11:47

It is an age thing. We move less and move more slowly and therefore feel colder than when younger. Look at all those girls nights out in Newcastle, for instance, a place not noted for its temperate climate, yet nobody wearing so much as a cardi to keep the weather off. Bet nobody's under 40.

longwayoff · 29/11/2021 11:49

Er. . . Over 40.


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waystar · 29/11/2021 11:49

I have the same problem. Going on 7 years now.

They have four boilers in their house. Four.

Natsku · 29/11/2021 13:15


To those of you who keep heating on overnight, aren't your bills astronomical?

I'm not sure what my bills are now as OH pays them and I don't look, but can't switch the heat off at night anyway (risk of pipes freezing, plus it would get far too cold overnight without heat where I live) so just have to put up with it, the cost of living.

In my previous house it wasn't even possible to switch the heating off, at all. We had district heating (hot water piped in to the radiators from a central source) that came on in the autumn and went off again in the spring. Was dead cheap though.
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