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Just clocked PIL thermostat reading

124 replies

Pascha · 28/11/2021 16:06

25° 🥵. I'm slowly dying of heat exhaustion.

Just clocked PIL thermostat reading
Just clocked PIL thermostat reading
OP posts:
immersivereader · 28/11/2021 17:54

Found her thermostat, she'd got it set to 30!


Sorry, but that just got takes the cake

userxx · 28/11/2021 17:56


I set mine to 30 😬

Nooooo! I've just shouted at the boyfriend for turning it up to 21, It's far too hot. I've turned the temperature down on the radiators and stood out in the snow to cool down. Hate being hot.
SwedishEdith · 28/11/2021 17:59

We have missing radiators in two rooms of our house (boring story) so I don't think it could ever get above 21 in the house. Below that is not comfortable if sitting working/doing nothing for me.

CPL593H · 28/11/2021 18:00

I feel your (hot) pain. My husband has heart failure and while he's always liked it much warmer than me, I've just seen the thermo had been snuck up to 25 too. Can't moan as he is quite unwell and genuinely feels cold, however many layers he wears. May have to stand outside to reset!

DidgeDoolittle · 28/11/2021 18:04

I was a hospital social worker, working with adults, for many years.
In the winter we would be in and out of boiling hospitals and in and out of people's homes
The houses would invariably be boiling hot with the gas fire set to roast. We would stand and steam for half an hour, then go back outside into the cold and rain. This would be repeated all day. It was hideous.

PerfectlyUnsuitable · 28/11/2021 18:07

@DidgeDoolittle your issue though was the change fro: being hot to cold to hot again.

Just as it is a pain to go from outside to an air condition place and then out again in a warm country. I somehow doubt you would say that people shouldn’t have some air con in Spain for example…

LookItsMeAgain · 28/11/2021 18:11

That'll just about be the perfect temperature for bacteria to grow and spread in. 25*

Can you open a window or two to freshen up the air?

soundsystem · 28/11/2021 18:13

Same as my inlaws! Not sure what they have it at when we're not visiting but when we're there the kids are in their pants and PIL are in thick jumpers and scarves!

Hadalifeonce · 28/11/2021 18:14

My pil have their's set a 24, all day and all night, we discovered fil has his bedroom window open as he doesn't like his bedroom too hot! We have managed to persuade him to use the timer facility.

HollyHocks13 · 28/11/2021 18:16

My in laws are the opposite, it's freezing in their house. Even the kids notice it and wear extra warm clothes when we go to their house! I like to be warm, ours is set to 21 (but DH is constantly turning it down 😫)

Laiste · 28/11/2021 18:16

We've got an old style twisty wheel room thermo and i've superglued it stuck on 21.

DM who lives with us (and has her own living room with 2 radiators and a gas fire) kept turning it down to 17 every time she walked past the bloody thing. She then shuts herself in her living room with it's separate heater on and bugger the rest of the house! Hmm

She can't now !!!!

Whole other thread ...

WiddlinDiddlin · 28/11/2021 18:17

Wait til you can't regulate your own body temp or warm up easily after getting cold... it isn't all that amusing.

I've had it up to 24 in here and whilst I can feel that the room IS warm, I am still shivering and goosebumps.

We also only have two rads in here and one in the hall, none upstairs at all, so whilst in here might be 24, out there is bloody arctic and each time I have to leave the livingroom/office, I curse the twat who only put in half a heating system.

It's also no good layering up, if I've got cold, adding more layers just insulates me further, im not generating my own heat well at all some days.

ALongHardWinter · 28/11/2021 18:19

My late DM always used to have the heating on a minimum of 25 degrees. I was constantly boiling when I stayed there. This was about 10 - 12 years ago. Around that time,I never had my own heating higher than 20 degrees. However,over the last 3 years,I have lost a substantial amount of weight,and what with being a good few years older,I fear I'm going down the same 'overheated house' route. I find that lately,I'm knocking the thermostat up to around 23/24 degrees on a regular basis. Blush

godmum56 · 28/11/2021 18:25


Visited MIL last week, was absolutely baking in her house. Found her thermostat, she'd got it set to 30!! I turned it down to 18, figured she could turn it up again after we left.

I am glad you aren't my touch my thermostat, you die.
Driposaurus · 28/11/2021 18:30

My inlaws are like this.

They’re also very proud of their draft-free insulated lounge/dining room (3/4 of the downstairs of their house), where there are no windows that open to the outside (although there is a patio door that opens into a conservatory). In the summer the sun is either at one end or the other and it is impossible to get a breath of fresh air.

SpamIAm · 28/11/2021 18:30

My in laws go for 32 plus the fire on 👍 I turn it down every time I walk past but they always notice. Siiiigh.

SilverBelle · 28/11/2021 18:34

You need a fireplace for the oldies to warm themselves by, and set the thermostat low to keep the inside air temperature comforable.

ancientgran · 28/11/2021 18:34

I'm nearly 70 and I'd find 18 too cold and 25 too hot. I think I might be a bit Goldilocks and 20 is just right. DH likes 22 so we settle on 21.

sarahandduck12 · 28/11/2021 18:34

Are you my sister in law?!

lockdownalli · 28/11/2021 18:40

I have definitely felt the cold more as I have got older.

WeeTattieBogle · 28/11/2021 18:41


No heating at night and window open. Grin

Yes. I’ve done this recently when in the Uk.
shiningstar2 · 28/11/2021 18:42

25 degrees suits me perfectly. Don't think my circulation is that good. Unfortunately dh's circulation seems to be perfect and ideally he would like the heating at about 17 degrees. Consequently there is a royal battle every winter, with him sneaking the heating down all the time and me sneaking it back up again. As I speak, he is sitting with his shorts on with his shirt open, I am in jeans, heavy jumper and socks.


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Capferret · 28/11/2021 18:43

I don’t have central heating so the log burners get lit at 9am and I load them up until bedtime. Our living areas are toasty, bedroom cool and kitchen freezing.
I’d love a thermostatically controlled home.

setera · 28/11/2021 18:44

Omg this is the exact reason I won't stay at my in-laws. Any of them. I stayed at my sister in laws last week, it was 29 degrees.

Honestly it's not because it's my in-laws but I genuinely felt like I was in a nightmare Blush

TheCanyon · 28/11/2021 18:48

We're just home from the town Christmas market, it's fecking freezing so my thermostat is currently at 30.5°. I might warm up before bedtime Grin

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