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Just clocked PIL thermostat reading

124 replies

Pascha · 28/11/2021 16:06

25° 🥵. I'm slowly dying of heat exhaustion.

Just clocked PIL thermostat reading
Just clocked PIL thermostat reading
OP posts:
IHateCoronavirus · 28/11/2021 16:58

Since the price hike ours is set at 17.5 Sad saying that we are all wearing many layers.

pointythings · 28/11/2021 16:59

I run mine at 19 (I'm 53). The other day it went a bit mad because the batteries were dying and so it wasn't communicating properly, and it kicked things up to 24.5. I didn't know what to do with myself!

As a woman of a certain age I'd rather have it cold and supplement with blankets and cats as my inner thermostat demands.

Silversun83 · 28/11/2021 17:01

Having just done some quick research Google search apparently the ideal room temperature varies by room. For living rooms and offices, it's 20-22 degrees.. Bathrooms should be warmer and bedrooms cooler!

My ideal is 23.. 25 would be a tad high, but I'd prefer that to shivering at 20...

Saying that though, I think I have difficulty regulating temperature as I also hate the heat in the summer!

LoveComesQuickly · 28/11/2021 17:01

My mum is 79 and she's the opposite - keeps th house absolutely freezing!

m030978 · 28/11/2021 17:01

My parents (and DH but thats another story) are the opposite, I check theirs and its 16deg.
Last winter they called me over for help cos mum has chilblains, and they both got reynauds quite badly.
'What do we dooo?'
'Erm, turn the heating up?'
nope can't do that, they just put a wooly hat on and wore gloves and carried on Sad

BeyondOurReef · 28/11/2021 17:03

My mum has her house like a bloody sauna.

earsup · 28/11/2021 17:05

I saw a friend on friday....after 10 mins felt was horrendous....had to go into garden for fresh air and had to leave after 45 mins...heat was suffocating....and no open windows....horrific...

Jumbojem · 28/11/2021 17:07

My in laws had their boiler replaced last year, and a new digital thermostat installed (not a Nest type on though). The gas engineer clocked their age and set it at 25. He told them that would be about right for them sat at home not moving much. But they previously had a Victorian house with single glazed sash windows so we're actually pretty used to cold. Plus their new house also has huge south facing windows so it gets hot in the lounge.
They are roasting most of the time but can't work out how to adjust the thermostat. We are 2 hours drive away and googling the make has been no use in us helping them work it out!

NovemberNovemberDarkNights · 28/11/2021 17:07

My elderly aunt has hers set to 'inferno' too, when I stay I wear skimpy Lycra shirts & a thin t shirt. And frequently go to the shed, car, compost etc. It's baking!

The temperature the thermostat is at is only relevant to where the thermostat is snd where any radiators are etc. 18 in one house isn't the same as 18 in another house.

FWIW mine is set at 21 in the lounge at the moment, if I move the thermostat to the hallway & leave it on 21, it would be massively too hot in here.

Olliesocks · 28/11/2021 17:07


My in-laws have their house cold 🥶 When I go over, I say ooh, it's a bit chilly and they turn it up for me. I couldn't sit there boiling or freezing and not speak up-there is usually a compromise.

My ILs dont have central heating in their ‘oop north’ house. Just a gas fire in the living room.
SpookyScarySkeletons · 28/11/2021 17:08

Mine are the opposite. FIL is so tight that he only allows one very small electric heater on in a very large living room. In winter MIL will be sat with a hat and gloves, a big fleece on and a blanket over her.

I could understand it if they were skint but we just found out he has just over a million in his bank account. Probably saved it from not paying for any gas usage...

toomuchlaundry · 28/11/2021 17:09

Our house is probably slightly lower than that but still in the 20s. I am in my 50s and I can still be cold with jumper and blanket. I feel the cold. I dread to think how I will be in 70/80s. DH and I will have sit in separate parts of the house otherwise he will expire from the heat!

TSSDNCOP · 28/11/2021 17:12

DM bless her has her house this warm. She's 85 and if that's what she wants to spend her pension on good luck to her. I flake out walking through the door. At 53 I am my own source of central heating Grin

Benjispruce5 · 28/11/2021 17:14

Wish my MIL would. It’s like Ice Station Zebra round at hers That’s a phrase I learnt from my DDad.

godmum56 · 28/11/2021 17:17

if its a single thermometer then it may not be relevant to the rest of the house. Last winter I had to set the therrmostat at 22/23 to keep the house warm. Had a new boiler put in and a system flush and now its cosy at 19/20

MargaretThursday · 28/11/2021 17:18

My parents have theirs on 13 degrees. Brr!

TheJakeWay · 28/11/2021 17:19

Do they serve drinks in coconut shells for the full tropical experience? 😆

ThisIsStartingToBoreMe · 28/11/2021 17:19

The elderly can't regulate their body temperature as efficiently as younger people which is why they get a winter fuel payment every year.

WellTidy · 28/11/2021 17:19

I feel the cold and DH doesn’t. We settle at 21 degrees. He is going away next weekend and I will have it at 23 all weekend. I can’t wait Smile

ufucoffee · 28/11/2021 17:22

I have elderly relatives visiting soon and while I love to see them I know they'll complain about the cold and I'll have to turn heating up. I plan on on wearing shorts and a vest too whilst they are here

ufucoffee · 28/11/2021 17:24


Grin. I'm 62, husband 63, and our heating is permanently on 20-22 at the moment. Just been to our son's house (37) and it was bloody freezing cold there

I'm a couple of years younger than you and I can't stand it over 18
RattiesAndPiggies · 28/11/2021 17:27

I visited my partner’s grandmother for the first time a few weeks ago… she keeps her house at 28 degrees. I honestly thought I was going to pass out.
I’m northern, never had central heating growing up (still a student so I’m back home semi-often and didn’t leave that long ago) and keep my house at 12!!


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OnwardsAndSideways1 · 28/11/2021 17:31

I have mine on 22-23 degrees, love it, colder upstairs in the bedrooms, snuggly downstairs. Was cold my entire childhood, now I don't need to be and it's lovely.

saraclara · 28/11/2021 17:31

Thermostats aren't all set accurately. My old one was set at 20 and I was comfortably warm. My new one has to be at a minimum of 22 for me to feel comfortable.

PussyCatEatingPigsInBlankets · 28/11/2021 17:31

Hope you packed your bikini...

My parents had theirs at 22 AND had either a gas fire or back-up electric oil filled radiator on as well.

Ours is 20 as DH has some health probs. I rarely get to wear a much more than a tshirt and leggings.

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