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Where to live on 3m

427 replies

ItsPissingDownAgain · 03/03/2021 14:56

First world question: where would you live in london on a 3m budget. Low income otherwise (!), kids in state primary, we like diversity, zones 1/2, parks, ease of travel (ideally bike but if not then public transport)

OP posts:
CatAndHisKit · 12/03/2021 21:10

Labobo yes, what you describe is very close to how I feel, love all these activities. And same re not wanting to live somewhere tiny yet still expensive - hence I said I'd move back if I came into money or pull resources with a potential partner.
The person who moved to Devon for the boho vibe, which they described as 'what East London used to be' is not rural though, it's Newton Abbott, I think. SAying that there is uch less of that left in London now (Hackney gentrifying, I assume Grin). I'm not that boho-heavy but the creative tribe is/was hugely impotant to London vibe, vebn you youtrself don't live in the midst of that area.

CatAndHisKit · 12/03/2021 21:11

*even if you yourself (the ending!)

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