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Where to live on 3m

427 replies

ItsPissingDownAgain · 03/03/2021 14:56

First world question: where would you live in london on a 3m budget. Low income otherwise (!), kids in state primary, we like diversity, zones 1/2, parks, ease of travel (ideally bike but if not then public transport)

OP posts:
GappyValley · 03/03/2021 18:14

Abbeville Village, Between the Commons, camberwell grove

kooked · 03/03/2021 18:16

Waiting for the drip feed that OPs "low income" is 150k Grin

ItsPissingDownAgain · 03/03/2021 22:19

Thanks for the ideas. We really don't want to leave London, and especially not for Surrey.

We're both key workers so probably could live anywhere in the uk, but we like it here. Combined income is around 35k. We live fairly frugally, no car, camping holidays. DH doesn't believe in private schools and neither of us like the idea of faith schools.

We could stay where we are but I have an unresolvable problem with the house. Feels weird to just move somewhere equivalent nearby and that we should at least trade up a bit? Don't think running costs would be particularly huge; were mostly talking about a terrace with a small garden.

I guess I want somewhere quite mixed so we could have a nice place but have friends from all walks? I don't want to stick out really.

OP posts:
SD1978 · 03/03/2021 22:21

Sorry- but I reckon you're daft not to increase your quality of living, and instead want to sink everything you own into a house you can't maintain. No major repairs will ever be affordable, anything goes wrong, you're juts screwed. You're not making any sense

Enidblyton1 · 03/03/2021 22:28

I agree, you’re not making any sense.

Littlefluffyclouds13 · 03/03/2021 22:29

How on earth will you afford the council tax, utility bills, insurance etc on a 3m house, on 35k a year!

OnlyFoolsnMothers · 03/03/2021 22:31

I’m so confused...a 3m house and a 35k income Hmm

MichelleScarn · 03/03/2021 22:33

35k combined, on London salary? Are you both part time?

Megan2018 · 03/03/2021 22:34

You couldn’t pay me to live in London again, there’s literally nothing nice about it. It’s fine to visit but practically anywhere in the UK is nicer, especially for children.
Spread your wings!

pjani · 03/03/2021 22:37

Stoke Newington.

CoffeeRunner · 03/03/2021 22:40

I would spend max £1.5m on the house & keep the rest to improve your quality of life.

Up here (Midlands, also very diverse in places) £1.5m would buy an awful lot. In London I guess less - but still enough.

A combined income of £35k is nothing in London. Why live on such a frugal income in an expensive house? Where’s the fun in that?

MrsBrunch · 03/03/2021 22:40

Wow that's a poor man's 3m. You get barely anything for that.

vodkaredbullgirl · 03/03/2021 22:44
LondonStone · 03/03/2021 22:46

Very strange question but if I had £3m and wanted to stay in London, 100% Islington. I used to live close to this house and Canonbury is a beautiful area and it ticks pretty much all of your boxes.

There’s also a gorgeous house for sale on Cross Street for just under £3m. I’ve been in lots of houses around this area (home visits for a local primary school) and some of the houses are absolutely magnificent.

BackforGood · 03/03/2021 22:47

Agree with everyone else.
It makes no financial sense to spend £3m on a property then live on a combined income of £35K (am also wondering how two key workers in London can have a combined income of £35K)

bonfireheart · 03/03/2021 22:48

Not in London bit gorgeous and a steal at £1m.

Where to live on 3m
bonfireheart · 03/03/2021 22:49

You think a £3m house won't have many running costs?

ReceptacleForTheRespectable · 03/03/2021 22:49

Spend £1m, invest the rest (not in property), and use the growth to boost your income and savings.

You would be mad to sink £3m into your property when you don't actually need to.

bonfireheart · 03/03/2021 22:51

@LondonStone that's a really lovely house!!

RoSEbuds6 · 03/03/2021 22:53

I’m confused 🤔

LawnFever · 03/03/2021 22:54

You can’t afford to run a £3m house on that income.

Where is the £3m budget coming from?

Spend less and have invest some so you have more money coming in, you’re making no sense

vodkaredbullgirl · 03/03/2021 22:56

Think someone maybe day dreaming.


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AnyFucker · 03/03/2021 22:57


OverweightPidgeon · 03/03/2021 23:00
lurker101 · 03/03/2021 23:02

Love that house @LondonStone especially if the dog comes with it 🐕

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