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I wonder if Colombo was ever offered promotion?

81 replies

Fiftyandmore · 15/11/2020 14:12

I'm bored! I love Colombo and if I was Chief of Police I would have offered him promotion to at least Captain many times.

Of course, this would no doubt take Colombo out of the field where he is unsurpassable, and require him to do paperwork which I imagine isn't his forte. But his murder clearance rate must surely be the highest in the department so I hope there was some recognition of his achievements!

Any thoughts? Like I said, I'm bored!

OP posts:
Fiftyandmore · 10/01/2021 20:40

I missed this message somehow. I didn't know Jack Cassidy was David Cassidy's Dad 😯. And I didn't know he'd died in a fire either. How sad and horrible for his family.

OP posts:
CatsMother66 · 10/01/2021 22:15

I love Columbo and I like to delve into each episode’s cast and facts and trivia as I watch them.
Jack Cassidy died just a matter of months after The Great Santini episode. I read Shirley Jones’s autobiography (his second wife and David Cassidy’s mother in the Partridge family) and it was warts and all. He was a complex character, alcoholic, sex addict, narcissistic.
A few characters came to unfortunate ends. Barbara Colby who played Lily La Sanka in Murder by the book, Cassidy’s first Columbo appearance, was shot dead as she left her acting class late one night.

Fiftyandmore · 11/01/2021 01:40

Oh poor Barbara - murdered in Colombo and murdered in real life :(.

OP posts:
Somebodyotherthanme · 13/01/2021 17:53


Not Columbo, but I always wondered if Petrocelli ever got his house finished!

The late great Sir Terry Wogan often made references to Petrocelli's house, as it often changed height because it was shown out of sequence.
Love Columbo, love the Jack Cassidy and Ruth Gordon episodes.
HerBigChance · 13/01/2021 17:58


Oh poor Barbara - murdered in Colombo and murdered in real life :(.

I did know that, quite randomly. She plays an excellent role in Murder by the Book, low-level sinister when she lays out the blackmail plan.

Ruth Gordon's episode - Try and Catch Me - was on last Sunday. She is excellent in that; very cold-hearted and matter-of-fact.
HaveANiceFuckingDay · 13/01/2021 18:08

Nick nak paddy whack give the dog a bone
I love Columbo Sunday

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