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If you won £25k

94 replies

Maryofscots · 01/11/2020 16:47

What would you do if you won a relatively large sum of money? Not enough to stop working or pack up your life and relocate to a sunny island but still a nice sum. Say £25k.

Inspired by spending the day watching TV game shows with my Nan on a rainy Sunday. We can't go out but we can sure fantasise Grin

OP posts:
MrsAvocet · 01/11/2020 22:26

I've just spent almost exactly that on a new (to me) car, so boring as it is, I'd just put it back into the savings account to replace what I've spent.
But if I had to spend it it would probably be a new kitchen and whatever was left over would go in next year's holiday fund.

shinynewapple2020 · 01/11/2020 22:35

@AlohaMolly you've obviously thought about this in some detail , but I don't understand how you would buy a property for £10k?

(Sorry I know it's not real just given the level of detail it's as though it's something you are actually planning )

shinynewapple2020 · 01/11/2020 22:37


New bathroom, then probably bank it so with other savings and work pension, I could retire at 60.

Same here
notangelinajolie · 01/11/2020 22:42

I wouldn't spend it. I would overpay the mortgage.

TheSandman · 01/11/2020 22:46


I wouldn't spend it. I would overpay the mortgage.

That's spending it... on a mortgage.
DrMadelineMaxwell · 01/11/2020 23:00

Already saved and used the savings to put in new windows, get the house painted outside and we decorated inside this year too inc new bedroom carpet and bed etc.

So I'd get...
Nearly new car to replace my 10 year old one.
New kitchen (tiny so not extremely expensive)
New bathroom with a bath footprint shower cubicle so DH (who's an amptuee) can access it easier than climbing in and out of the bath.
A couple of holidays somewhere lovely and warm next year to make up for the ones we lost this year.
New flooring for DD2 (makeup disaster!)
£1k for each DD to learn to drive with.
Rest to top up my national savings.

TheChosenTwo · 01/11/2020 23:22

No debt other than a mortgage which we are fine paying off every month.
But a windfall would be spent with glee Smile

bellsenwhistles · 01/11/2020 23:24

Home reno continued........

ThisTownCominLikeAGhostTown · 01/11/2020 23:24

We didn't win it but we were awarded 28k (after fees) thanks to the PPI reclaim campaign. It was like a miracle as it was just after lockdown and we had no idea at that point how our business would be affected. 7k paid off our debts, 1k spent on clothes and meals out, 10k went straight into the savings account, 5k into our ISA and 5k is still in our current account. In normal times we would have blown most of it on travel as that's our passion now the DC no longer live at home, but obviously we can't travel, and also while we're doing OK business wise we're not out of the woods yet, so it's our safety net.

HotToCold · 01/11/2020 23:26

Pay off debt

Buy a camera and partner a drum kit

2pinkginsplease · 01/11/2020 23:28

If I had a £25k windfall I’d pay off my mortgage, then buy ds and dd a car as both learning to drive. That would prob leave me £1k to spend on dh and I, maybe a wee holiday x

AlohaMolly · 01/11/2020 23:48

@shinynewapple2020 £10k is a 10% deposit or even slightly more within half an hours travel for me!

DustyLoafer · 02/11/2020 00:27

New kitchen and bathroom. Hotel cost to put me and DDog up for the duration while DH stayed at home and managed the work.

Catdentist · 02/11/2020 01:31

Pay down debt maybe.

Invest it in vanguard life strategy in an isa.

Buy a few premium bonds.

Bollocks to the car and holiday i am in this for the long term

whatisgoingtohappen · 02/11/2020 06:07

Pay off my debt.

Do up our bathroom and shower room.

Get the window frames sanded and varnished on the outside.

Put aside some money for two of my dc.

Pay upfront for a course I want to do.

Get my teeth straightened.

Go on holiday.

Don’t know if the money would stretch to all of that!

whatisgoingtohappen · 02/11/2020 06:09

And re-carpet the upstairs.

Scarlettpixie · 02/11/2020 06:46

New bathroom
New car
Anything left in the holiday pot for when the madness is over

Dinosauraddict · 02/11/2020 12:28

Put it aside for future school fees probably!

TurquoiseDragon · 02/11/2020 12:31

I'd pay a small CC debt >£1000, then the remaining would go into my saving for a house deposit fund.

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