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If you won £25k

94 replies

Maryofscots · 01/11/2020 16:47

What would you do if you won a relatively large sum of money? Not enough to stop working or pack up your life and relocate to a sunny island but still a nice sum. Say £25k.

Inspired by spending the day watching TV game shows with my Nan on a rainy Sunday. We can't go out but we can sure fantasise Grin

OP posts:
catlovingdoctor · 01/11/2020 17:24

Rent a nice flat by myself for the next couple of years!

Gncq · 01/11/2020 17:25

Ooh nice idea for a post.

I'd spend 5K on home improvements, mostly in the garden, eg shed, a patio, various other transformations, it's all very "wild" in our garden. I'd splurge another 5K on nice things for myself and DP.

Then I'd be boring and sensible and put 15K away for the children to benefit when they're older.

OublietteBravo · 01/11/2020 17:25

£10k into my pension
£10k into my ISA
£5k on bits to improve my home (perhaps new curtains/carpets in some of the rooms and/or a new bed)

Lemonylemony · 01/11/2020 17:32

We just bought a do-er upper. We could bring forward the new kitchen/opening up the extension a few years, and plan a proper lux holiday for whenever we’re allowed to go anywhere again! And maybe pay someone to do a lot of the garden quicker than I’ll be able to it by myself.

SlopesOff · 01/11/2020 17:33

I would use it to survive the virus, pay the bills, buy food.

lolacola77 · 01/11/2020 17:34

It would be really life changing for me. I'd be very happy!

TheSandman · 01/11/2020 17:36

I would enjoy , for as long as it lasts, the sudden sexual charisma that having lots of spare cash seems to engender.

gingercat02 · 01/11/2020 17:40

Gorgeous lux holiday and then extend the house

midsomermurderess · 01/11/2020 17:41

New bathroom, then probably bank it so with other savings and work pension, I could retire at 60.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 01/11/2020 17:42

New kitchen, a holiday and then the rest in savings in the hope that I could retire a bit earlier.

SecretNutellaFix · 01/11/2020 17:43

Clear all our debt, driving lessons and car for me, get the house re-rendered and internally it needs re-skimming after damp treatment so it would then need decorating afterwards too and replace all the windows and doors with new double/ triple glazing- they needed replacing years ago.
Anything left would be put in to savings.

wowfudge · 01/11/2020 17:49

New bathroom, secondary glazing and a holiday.

lazylinguist · 01/11/2020 17:52

Holiday (once we're able to actually go on one!), new bathroom (the last thing that we still need to do to the house).

StCharlotte · 01/11/2020 17:53

Replace all the flooring downstairs and carpets upstairs. Do something with the front concrete slab garden: railings and some plants to give it some kerb appeal. Fortunately we've had all the "big" stuff done already.

BackforGood · 01/11/2020 17:58

When I was young, i'd have done the sensible thing and pay down the mortgage.
Now I'd put it in Premium Bonds until such a time as it is safe, and easy, and I will be comfortable to travel again, then I would start holidaying - New Zealand, Iceland, a safari somewhere, Canada for starters Smile

VanGoghsDog · 01/11/2020 18:12


Pay into my state pension so I can have the option to retire at 64 without reductions.


State pension can't be drawn at 64?
Inchargeofcupsandice · 01/11/2020 18:13

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

LizB62A · 01/11/2020 18:21


My sister has one - cutest car ever !

Toilenstripes · 01/11/2020 18:22

I’d get the garden done professionally.

LizB62A · 01/11/2020 18:23

I'd pay off a chunk of my mortgage so that I can afford to retire a couple of years earlier than currently planned (i.e. retire at 65 instead of 67)

AuntieMarys · 01/11/2020 18:25

Not tell anyone!

BarryTheKestrel · 01/11/2020 18:27

Be debt free, have a holiday with the small amount left over.


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FoxtrotOscarPoppet · 01/11/2020 18:29

Pay off debt.
Get the hall, stairs and landing decorated / new carpets.
Pop the rest in a rainy day fund.

ihatesandpits · 01/11/2020 18:30

Give out to homeless shelters and buy clothes for the homeless and those in need. Donate to food banks etc.

Fridgeandkitchen · 01/11/2020 18:31

Two new to us cars but not brand new. Balance in bank, just in case we lose jobs over Covid. If not, a bloody good holiday when this is all over.

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